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Post by mutava baštarda 3/2/2022, 11:18

Sidin u kafiću di 3 cikepiša pričaju, jedan dobio trombozu nakon pelca i zaključuju kako su tromboze danas normalne.

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by n_razbojnik 3/2/2022, 17:22


Iznenada mjesec dana nakon boosterisanja...zdrav i aktivan čovjek, trener atletike...

Danas Matko sutra svatko

Posts : 11438

Lokacija: : ObiLand

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by Noor 3/2/2022, 17:33

n_razbojnik wrote:https://www.novilist.hr/rijeka-regija/iznenada-preminuo-valerij-juresic/

Iznenada mjesec dana nakon boosterisanja...zdrav i aktivan čovjek, trener atletike...
to se ne piše, to znate vi lokalni ili uži krug poznatih...ne daj Bože svekolika javnost

It's So Good To Be Bad

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Post by AssadNaPodmornici 3/2/2022, 17:40

mutava baštarda wrote:Sidin u kafiću di 3 cikepiša pričaju, jedan dobio trombozu nakon pelca i zaključuju kako su tromboze danas normalne.

May Allah destroy Australia

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by newuser 3/2/2022, 17:48

Noor wrote:
n_razbojnik wrote:https://www.novilist.hr/rijeka-regija/iznenada-preminuo-valerij-juresic/

Iznenada mjesec dana nakon boosterisanja...zdrav i aktivan čovjek, trener atletike...
to se ne piše, to znate vi lokalni ili uži krug poznatih...ne daj Bože svekolika javnost
Ne mogu vise skriti, svako malo netko izdahne od pomoci koju su dobili da se zastite od opake bolesti.

Posts : 1995

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by n_razbojnik 3/2/2022, 18:24

Noor wrote:
n_razbojnik wrote:https://www.novilist.hr/rijeka-regija/iznenada-preminuo-valerij-juresic/

Iznenada mjesec dana nakon boosterisanja...zdrav i aktivan čovjek, trener atletike...
to se ne piše, to znate vi lokalni ili uži krug poznatih...ne daj Bože svekolika javnost
Evo mu na fejs profilu, pohvalio se i pozvao sve ostale da ne čekaju

Danas Matko sutra svatko

Posts : 11438

Lokacija: : ObiLand

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by dijagram 3/2/2022, 18:59

mutava baštarda wrote:Sidin u kafiću di 3 cikepiša pričaju, jedan dobio trombozu nakon pelca i zaključuju kako su tromboze danas normalne.
Sto ne ode lijecniku.

Danas imamo dobrih lijekva za razrjedjivanje krvi.

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by dijagram 3/2/2022, 19:04

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by Guest 4/2/2022, 02:03

Navy Pilot Crashes Plane, Ejects, After Vax Reaction

The most recent vaccine mishap involved the pilot of an F-35C, a 5th generation multi-role aircraft, aboard the USS Vinson, an American aircraft carrier patrolling the South China sea. The pilot was returning to the carrier when the unthinkable happened:

His glide path was too steep, and his plane struck the deck without catching any of the three wires that are present to quickly arrest forward momentum and bring the airframe to a sudden, screeching halt. The pilot ejected a split second before the F-35C bounced off the flight deck and tumbled into the choppy waters. It was a human mistake claims the high command in a low voice. That much has been reported publicly.

Departments of Defence simply do not trust the complexities of carrier landings on human judgement. The DoD, under the direction of Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin, has omitted a crucial fact. Aviators approaching within a mile of their carrier ‘call the ball.’ This is a radio transmission indicating they have spotted the visual reference used by pilots to keep the proper glide slope during the approach to an aircraft carrier.

As the F-35C pilot neared the USS Vinson, he ‘called the ball,’ but also said he was experiencing sudden and intense chest pain, as if ‘someone hit me with a baseball bat.’

The Landing Signal Operator aboard the USS Vinson noticed at once that the F-35 was above glide slope and would miss the wires. He ordered the pilot to wave off just as the pilot’s crackled voice said on the radio, ‘Fucking vaccine.’ The pilot had barely enough strength to eject safely, though several boatswain’s mates on the flight deck were injured when the plane struck the deck.

The pilot was recovered and taken to medical, where a physician determined he had suffered an acute case of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, a common and potentially deadly side effect of Covid-19 vaccinations. The USS Carl Vinson, a Nimitz-Class carrier, has a fully functional medical ward on its 2nd deck, complete with diagnostic equipment, including CRT and MRI scanners, found in contemporary hospitals.


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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by mutava baštarda 13/2/2022, 12:24

Covid Injection Secret Ingredients | UK Scientists confirm Graphene and New Zealand Scientists confirm Nanotechnology; What’s The Aim?

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by mutava baštarda 13/2/2022, 12:48

Cjepiva protiv Covid-19 uzrokuju AIDS; evo svih dokaza

Malo izvučenih slija...

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Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by Noor 13/2/2022, 13:20


It's So Good To Be Bad

Posts : 25907

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by Eroo 13/2/2022, 13:32

mutava baštarda wrote:Cjepiva protiv Covid-19 uzrokuju AIDS; evo svih dokaza

Malo izvučenih slija...

Teorije urote Image-14

To su podatki i ne slije, mutavi!
Sad još pronađi i slije o cijepljenom statusu istih starosnih skupina u  populaciji.
Bez toga  kao pljeskaš s jednom rukom.
Jebale te slije... :D

PS: ostale "slije" su ti golo sranje od podataka.

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by mutava baštarda 13/2/2022, 13:40

Čak 45% hospitaliziranih i 53% umrlih od covida u Britaniji cijepljeno je sa trećom dozom

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by Guest 13/2/2022, 18:27

Fears as Norwegian Olympic athlete collapses at finish line
Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold was in medal contention in Sunday’s women’s biathlon pursuit before fading badly

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There were serious concerns for Norwegian athlete Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold after she collapsed at the finish line of Sunday’s biathlon 10km pursuit at the Winter Olympics.

The 25-year-old had seemed well-placed for a medal but struggled badly on the final lap, being seen doubling over on her skis heading towards the finish.

A host of rivals gained ground on her as the exhausted Tandrevold eventually crossed the line in 14th place before collapsing in a heap.

The Norwegian appeared to be motionless as she was attended to by concerned officials and fellow athletes, eventually being helped to her feet and away from the track.


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Post by T. 17/2/2022, 19:25

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by mutava baštarda 17/2/2022, 21:54

Teorije urote Img_2736

Now let’s look at the whole chart, including boosters - no misinformation here!


13 out of the 104 people who died of Covid in Scotland in the week ending Feb. 4 were unvaccinated. In the 4 weeks ending Feb. 4, 61 of the 478 people were unvaccinated. (That’s equivalent to about 30,000 deaths in the United States.)

In other words, almost 9 out of 10 of the people who die in Scotland are vaccinated, and the vast majority of those are boosted. And deaths remain stubbornly high, even though Omicron is far milder.

Scotland was among a handful of countries to publish data at this level of detail. I suspect the others will follow its lead.

The novel Covid vaccine experiment is over. It’s ending. It’s failed.

The authorities know the truth as well as anyone else.

They are taking their only possible course of action: end the mandates, hide the raw numbers, and hope there are no long-term problems and everyone forgets.

Teorije urote Img_2737

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by mutava baštarda 17/2/2022, 22:46

T. wrote:Teorije urote Screen34


Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by Guest 18/2/2022, 00:02

Deaktivirani: od jučer 4 milijuna novih Covid ilegalaca u Francuskoj

Od jučer, 15. veljače, u Francuskoj će biti deaktivirane Covid potvrde onim osobama koje nisu primile treću dozu pripravka protiv bolesti Covid-19, i to ukoliko su drugu dozu primile prije 15. listopada 2021. Inače, francuska Vlada skratila je rok za primanje booster doze sa sedam na četiri mjeseca.


hahah...I told you so.

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Teorije urote Empty Re: Teorije urote

Post by michaellcmacha 18/2/2022, 05:08

mutava baštarda wrote:Čak 45% hospitaliziranih i 53% umrlih od covida u Britaniji cijepljeno je sa trećom dozom
jel to po Simpsonu...

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Post by Sponsored content

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