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Post by Guest 2/5/2019, 19:30

According to military archives of the German secret services, at life Hitler attempted about 20 times. According to the writer Berthold Villa, who worked during the Nuremberg trials as a reporter, such attempts were more than 40. However, according to new figures, the Fuhrer tried to take the life of at least 50 times.

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During the life on life "the great German leader" tried to kill a large number of times. After his death, the number of participants in the attacks increased so much that the researchers didn't know who to trust. 
Yes, it is, in General, is understandable. Modern Germany strongly rejects the fact that the population of the country strongly supported the Fuhrer. In proof of his words, it is necessary to provide the anti-Hitler heroes. Especially because they were many.
Itself the story of the arrival of Adolf Hitler to power contains many moments when it can be eliminated without any problems. However, to do this it must be no later than the summer of 1934. 
This is the time period when the Fuhrer removed his main rivals – Ernst röhm and Gregor Strasser. The third competitor, Otto Strasser managed to escape outside the state. 
We can assume that if Hitler was killed then, and came to power any of the trio, the situation would have been quite different. In the case that the reins of government got brothers Strassera, it is possible that no war would not exist, and REM and did would become a docile pawn of the USSR, since it had plenty of compromising. 
However Hitler was still alive, even though chances to destroy it was very high. First, he could have been killed by police who repeatedly broke up rallies of the national socialists, using firearms weapons. And, as everyone knows, Hitler was constantly in the forefront. He obviously was not a coward. Evidence of this is the large number of awards received in the years of the First world war, and the stories of his colleagues. They say that after the first attempt, Hitler was in great emotional shock and even told the officers that at any moment can be killed by some idiot. But later he let it slip that he will never die from someone else's hands, and will live as long as did not fulfill his historic mission.
Secondly, a very good moment for murder was lost in the fall of 1938, when the Swiss Maurice Bavo wanted to shoot Hitler from a pistol during the beer hall putsch. He knew that the führer is always among the first. The Swiss not only took out a gun, but trained in shooting, and then on the appointed day, he took his place among the spectators. But when the column approached the place where the terrorist, the audience raised their hands in greeting, fully closing, thus the review. The assassination attempt failed. Soon the man was arrested and sentenced to death.
Another episode with the assassination attempt took place in November 1939, when the Munich carpenter, Elser Johann Georg decided to plant a bomb to kill Hitler during one of his long speeches. But here, snapped. The Fuhrer changed his habit to speak for three hours, and was done within an hour after leaving the podium 10 minutes before the explosion. 
Oddly enough, the assassination drew the attention and protection of Stalin. They were able to see how easy it is to assassinate the leader. As a result, began carefully to check everyone who came to the reception to the "father of Nations", conducting searches, even briefcases and bags. 
А вот что касается охраны немецкого лидера, то она по какой-то причине никаких выводов не сделала, поэтому покушения на жизнь вождя продолжались с не меньшей интенсивностью. 
Возникает закономерный вопрос: каким же образом ему удалось остаться в живых? Ведь существует большое количество верных способов – например, подмешать ему яд медленного действия, о свойствах которых известно с позапрошлого века, более того, если учитывать, что личный кондитер фюрера содержался британскими спецслужбами…
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This number of failed attempts is unwittingly suggests that Hitler really protected by a higher power. Other explanation, just no. A striking example – in 1944, when foreign intelligence agencies have teamed up in a joint hunt for the life of Hitler. However, this had no result. The most famous episode is an attempt to kill the Nazi leader during his flight from Prussia to Berlin. One of the officers who accompanied the leader, presented under the guise of brandy two bottles of explosives. The explosion was to take place 20 minutes after takeoff. But at the crucial moment of this compound somehow failed and the plane landed safely in Berlin. 
There were cases when there were volunteers ready with their lives to destroy Hitler. A remarkable case of attempted murder during a visit to Hitler's exhibition of captured Soviet weapons. Guide leader was Baron von Gersdorf in the pocket of which was a bomb. It was planned that it should work in 10 minutes. But Hitler had not been there three minutes, and immediately went to the site, where the tanks...
В очередной раз убить Гитлера попытался начальник штаба резерва Клаус фон Штауфферберг, который хотел совершить покушение прямо во время совещания. В конце июля 1944 года он пришел на совещание с портфелем, в котором находилась бомба. Полковник оставил его недалеко от Гитлера, а сам покинул здание. После взрыва он сразу же улетел в Берлин, чтобы сообщить своим сообщникам о смерти фюрера. Однако он ошибся. Во время совещания, портфель, который всем мешал, кто-то задвинул под стол, таким образом, крышка стола фактически спасла ему жизнь. Во время взрыва Гитлер отделался сотрясением мозга и небольшими ранениями. И это в то время, как были убиты 4 присутствовавших на совещании офицера, а еще 18 получили серьезные ранения. 
The conspiracy was suppressed, the guilty are punished...
Further communications, or frustrated, or postponed for certain reasons. So, for example, happened with the attempts by Soviet intelligence to kill Hitler, using a close friend of the Fuhrer Olga Chekhov. She together with his good friend Prince Radziwill was to provide access to the killers to the German leader. Theoretically, an operation can be undertaken, but Stalin personally issued a ban on its implementation. 
Historians can not clearly answer the question, what after all is the reason such a ban. However, most of them tend to assume that in 1941-1943 Chekhov was not so close with Hitler to ensure the success of the operation, and later the need to eliminate it just disappeared. 
It should be noted also that all who tried to assassinate the Nazi leader, sometimes behave strangely. So, for example, in November 1937, the Fuehrer wanted to kill Joseph Thomas, who specially came to Berlin. As it turned out, he was dismissed from the Luftwaffe for belonging to sexual minorities, and, accordingly, was outraged authority. When he was arrested, but just identified a home for the mentally ill. 
Another interesting case of attempted murder falls on March 1944, when captain von Breitenbach, intending to kill the Fuhrer during a meeting, found nothing better than to hide the gun in the pocket of the pants, while knowing that security is stopping everyone at the entrance to the hall. In the end, he was so nervous that when trying to pull out a weapon from his pocket, shot himself in pants. 
Among the attempts was a lot ridiculous. For example, the American special services were going to destroy the Nazi leader with a bomb with pornographic magazines! Obviously, the emphasis was on the fact that Hitler was known as a Puritan, and such an abundance of "obscene" images could lead to heart attack...
Thus, despite the huge number of people willing to get rid of Hitler, no one was quite prepared to successfully implement your plan. So, one of the closest friends of Hitler, architect albert Speer, was also an attempt on the life of a friend, with the help of poison gas. When he told this to the leader, he almost did not react, just ordered to build a protective casing around the vent pipe, and the architect to send to hell. 
But should we believe such confessions and reactions of Hitler on them? Perhaps the truth in them still is, if to take into account the fact that the Fuhrer himself, in the same way as its liquidators at that time was suffering from a mental disorder. Another way to explain it is simply impossible.

Author: Valery Bowel

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Post by Guest 2/5/2019, 19:30


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