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Veliki Brat

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Veliki Brat - Page 5 Empty Re: Veliki Brat

Post by Guest 28/3/2018, 02:38

RayMabus wrote:Riječ je o ćeliji koja se bavi greys otmičarima tj surađuje sa njima

Jedan od razloga zašto tajna vlada želi kontrolirati populaciju planete leži u tome da greys otmičarima treba ljudska genetika za križanje 

No ne odgovara im sva nego jedna krvna grupa plus još neki faktori znači od tisuću ljudi jedna osoba to zadovoljava 

Pa im treba šta veća kontrola šta veće populacije pa ti ubace agent u bolnice po svijetu pa ako greys šta tu otmu ovi odma znaju pa idu i oni po zamorca

Onda greysi moraju surađivati pa skupa otimaju tako da ta osoba vodila i ljude 

E tu je problem jer sam ja čitač arhivar a to znači da bi izvukao i broj tablice sa auta ako je to osoba vodila tokom otmice

Problem je jer bi otkrio cijelu njihovu mrežu po bolnicama u eks Jugi

ma gle, greysi, lizards, kako go ih zovu prelijepo sve se svodi na jedno: psihopate. psihopate vladaju. zato je sve ovako sjebano kako je sjebano. psihopate nisu samo oni koji su serijski ubojice takvih je malo najviše ih ima u centrima moći na položajima gdje imaju moć. od jebene lječničke ambulante, škole, policije, vojske, politike i svugdje gdje imaju moć. tih psihopata imaš svaki jebeni dan oko sebe s njima komuniciraš, družiš se s njima, piješ piće s njima, mogu ti biti prijatelji itd. itd. ali svakako si najebao jer će ti oni pretvoriti život u pakao.

dakle moje razmišljanje i djelovanje ti je ovako da citiram jednog lika sa neta:

I'll be completely honest here, that's not really something to be actively worrying about. You would have to do so much major shit to make me come after you that I would literally be the least of your problems. To make me come after you, you would need to kill my family, destroy all my friendships and relationships, get me fired from work, burn down my house, and steal all my money. At that point you'll have fucked my life up enough for me to want to dedicate a serious amount of time to actually trying to get revenge. But, as I hope is obvious, 90% of what I just listed is illegal and will land you in prison.

So, to summarise: destroy my life and I'll feel obligated to return the favour; piss me off and nothing particularly significant will happen.


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Veliki Brat - Page 5 Empty Re: Veliki Brat

Post by Guest 28/3/2018, 02:42

Gnječ wrote:
ma ti imaš bujnu i bizarnu maštu čovječe. šta znaš uopće osnove elektronike? pitam samo. jesi li ikad projektirao i sam napravio neki elementarni elektronski hardware?  napisao nekih par linija softwarea? išta? ništa? čitaš google i misliš da znaš? isto mogu ja reć da gledam slike traktora na internetu i odmah sam poljoprivrednik...ili gledam formulu1 i odmah znam sve svaku chicanes??? get a life!

Google AI creates its own 'child' AI that's more advanced than systems built by humans

Google has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system that has created its own “child”.

What’s more, the original AI has trained its creation to such a high level that it outperforms every other human-built AI system like it.


imaš malen i slab ego, zato se moraš dokazivati, meni, koji ni nemam identitet

ja živim s roditeljima, mama mi kuha i pere, ne treba mi tvoje uvažavanje, imam dovoljno ljubavi u životu

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Veliki Brat - Page 5 Empty Re: Veliki Brat

Post by RayMabus 28/3/2018, 02:56

Ma ok Gnječ slažem se, negativni vanzemaljci su tek jedna kriminala skupina ovdje, ljudi tj jedan dio ljudi je puno veća 
Uglavnom ja sam ti imao sukob s njima a kako se radi o tome da me je trebalo otjerati onda napad tim elektrovalovima ,shvatio odmah šta je

Kako god osoba ti je oteta, ima ćip za praćenje, prate nju u biti te one s kojima je u kontaktu 

Onda sam ja otvoreno napisao da ću tim greysima slomit kičmu i iskopat sve o toj otmici 

Onda su oni mene provjerili i jbga imaju šta i vidite, auditor 

Panika, ovi će to stvarno izvest, vidi li mi biografiju 

I napali me

Posts : 175461

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Veliki Brat - Page 5 Empty Re: Veliki Brat

Post by Guest 28/3/2018, 02:57

I have every publicly available Reddit comment for research. ~ 1.7 billion comments @ 250 GB compressed. Any interest in this?


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Veliki Brat - Page 5 Empty Re: Veliki Brat

Post by RayMabus 28/3/2018, 03:02

Nije problem šta se netko približio njihovom zamorcu nego tko 

Namjerno sam baš toj osobi rekao da ću greysima polomiti kičmu i saznati sve o toj otmici 

Onda ovi provjerili tko je taj pa imali šta i vidit



Ovi se nešali

Posts : 175461

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Veliki Brat - Page 5 Empty Re: Veliki Brat

Post by Guest 28/3/2018, 03:06

cijeli reddit od 2005, do danas


moglo bi se slično napraviti i na ovom forumu

a kako forumaši ne bi uvijek pričali o istim stvarima, o ustašama i partizanima, ubaciš tu i tamo neku novu temu, neke nove ideje i motive pa vidiš kako će se razviti diskusija, forma, format, širina...

onda sirovim podacima hraniš algoritme za učenje... + analiza linkova, slika...


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Veliki Brat - Page 5 Empty Re: Veliki Brat

Post by RayMabus 28/3/2018, 03:09

Provjeravao sam jel još pod kontrolom nakon toliko godina 

Zato sam to i napisao njoj jer ako nije neće biti napada 

Kontroliraju ih ,ne non stop ali očito prate šta se dešava oko te osobe

Auditor je za njih opasan 

Neprijateljski agent 

Galaktika federacija 

Odijel špijunaža i kontrašpijunaža

Posts : 175461

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Veliki Brat - Page 5 Empty Re: Veliki Brat

Post by Guest 28/3/2018, 03:11

HDZ u srcu wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
ma ti imaš bujnu i bizarnu maštu čovječe. šta znaš uopće osnove elektronike? pitam samo. jesi li ikad projektirao i sam napravio neki elementarni elektronski hardware?  napisao nekih par linija softwarea? išta? ništa? čitaš google i misliš da znaš? isto mogu ja reć da gledam slike traktora na internetu i odmah sam poljoprivrednik...ili gledam formulu1 i odmah znam sve svaku chicanes??? get a life!

Google AI creates its own 'child' AI that's more advanced than systems built by humans

Google has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system that has created its own “child”.

What’s more, the original AI has trained its creation to such a high level that it outperforms every other human-built AI system like it.


imaš malen i slab ego, zato se moraš dokazivati, meni, koji ni nemam identitet

ja živim s roditeljima, mama mi kuha i pere, ne treba mi tvoje uvažavanje, imam dovoljno ljubavi u životu

kužim da si psihopata ali jebote nemoj biti naporan kao jedan tvoj kolega psihopata večeras u bircu zamalo sam ga zaklao pivskom bocom. da nije ekipa skočila između sad bi ja bio u pržunu a psihopatski kurvin sin na patologiji u frižideru. ako ne odustane vrijeđat ima 99.99999% šanse da se to desi. dakle, ti tu siluješ sa nekom AI koja ne postoji, to ne razmišlja to su algoritmi nikakva jebena AI.
drugo, pitao sam te a nisi odgovorio što ti znaš o elektronici? znaš li išta? any luck? I see no luck, nemaš čiste veze nemaš pojma ni kako jebeni tranzistor funkcionira ni kako napraviti da funkcionira a da ne pričamo o temeljnoj fizici gdje moraš znati kako se tranzistor uopće konstruira do atoma pa na dalje.da ne pričam o drugim aktivnim i pasivnim komponentama. dakle šta znaš? odgovori.

za tu AI ja jednostavno ugasim PC i nema je više. nema je.

šta je tebi AI?

Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving".
The scope of AI is disputed: as machines become increasingly capable, tasks considered as requiring "intelligence" are often removed from the definition, a phenomenon known as the AI effect, leading to the quip "AI is whatever hasn't been done yet."[3] For instance, optical character recognition is frequently excluded from "artificial intelligence", having become a routine technology.

The AI effect occurs when onlookers discount the behavior of an artificial intelligence program by arguing that it is not real intelligence.
"It's part of the history of the field of artificial intelligence that every time somebody figured out how to make a computer do something—play good checkers, solve simple but relatively informal problems—there was chorus of critics to say, 'that's not thinking'."[1] AIS researcher Rodney Brooks complains "Every time we figure out a piece of it, it stops being magical; we say, 'Oh, that's just a computation.'"

When problems have not yet been formalised, they can still be characterised by a model of computation that includes human computation. The computational burden of a problem is split between a computer and a human: one part is solved by computer and the other part solved by human. This formalisation is referred to as human-assisted Turing machine.

ELIZA effect

The ELIZA effect, in computer science, is the tendency to unconsciously assume computer behaviors are analogous to human behaviors, that is anthropomorphisation.

In its specific form, the ELIZA effect refers only to "the susceptibility of people to read far more understanding than is warranted into strings of symbols — especially words — strung together by computers".[1] A trivial example of the specific form of the Eliza effect, given by Douglas Hofstadter, involves an automated teller machine which displays the words "THANK YOU" at the end of a transaction. A (very) casual observer might think that the machine is actually expressing gratitude; however, the machine is only printing a preprogrammed string of symbols.[1]

More generally, the ELIZA effect describes any situation[2][3] where, based solely on a system's output, users perceive computer systems as having "intrinsic qualities and abilities which the software controlling the (output) cannot possibly achieve"[4] or "assume that [outputs] reflect a greater causality than they actually do."[5] In both its specific and general forms, the ELIZA effect is notable for occurring even when users of the system are aware of the determinate nature of output produced by the system. From a psychological standpoint, the ELIZA effect is the result of a subtle cognitive dissonance between the user's awareness of programming limitations and their behavior towards the output of the program.[6] The discovery of the ELIZA effect was an important development in artificial intelligence, demonstrating the principle of using social engineering rather than explicit programming to pass a Turing test.[7]

The effect is named for the 1966 chatterbot ELIZA, developed by MIT computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum. When executing Weizenbaum's DOCTOR script, ELIZA parodied a Rogerian psychotherapist, largely by rephrasing the "patient"'s replies as questions:

Human: Well, my boyfriend made me come here.
ELIZA: Your boyfriend made you come here?
Human: He says I'm depressed much of the time.
ELIZA: I am sorry to hear you are depressed.
Human: It's true. I'm unhappy.
ELIZA: Do you think coming here will help you not to be unhappy?[8]
Though designed strictly as a mechanism to support "natural language conversation" with a computer,[9] ELIZA's DOCTOR script was found to be surprisingly successful in eliciting emotional responses from users who, in the course of interacting with the program, began to ascribe understanding and motivation to the program's output.[10] As Weizenbaum later wrote, "I had not realized ... that extremely short exposures to a relatively simple computer program could induce powerful delusional thinking in quite normal people."[11] Indeed, ELIZA's code had not been designed to evoke this reaction in the first place. Upon observation, researchers discovered users unconsciously assuming ELIZA's questions implied interest and emotional involvement in the topics discussed, even when they consciously knew that ELIZA did not simulate emotion.[12]

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