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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Kermit 22/5/2016, 04:36


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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Kermit 22/5/2016, 04:37

Russia is preparing for war against the West.
Putin is being urged to do so because the U.S. and NATO have been preparing for war themselves.
Syria and Ukraine have just been warm ups. The real thing could be around the corner, and other proxy flashpoints are ready to line up.
The rising tensions for military conflict are sharply complicated by the stealthier financial war that is nonetheless taking a serious toll across the globe, in particular as collapsing oil prices put incredible pressure on those regimes who have cast a big social benefits net financed primarily by $100/barrel oil.

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Kermit 22/5/2016, 04:37

As SHTF previously reported, that made Venezuela the most vulnerable, and it is plain today that the oil rich nation is collapsing. However, the manipulation of these prices was also meant to put pressure on Russia (as well as other countries)… while the attempt to undercut Russian natural gas by taking over Ukraine and have NATO supply gas to Europe instead of Russia has so far failed.
It is a sophisticated geopolitical gamble that perhaps no one is winning, apart from who manages not to topple over.
Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Ww3-horizon
A detailed, but nonetheless alarming article by Alastair Crooke reports that there is significant pressure on Putin from other Russian leaders to take a hard line in the days ahead.
via the Huffington Post:

Putin carries, at one end of his balancing pole, the various elites more oriented toward the West and the “Washington Consensus“ and, at the pole’s other end, those concerned that Russia faces both a real military threat from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and a hybrid geo-financial war as well. He is being pressed to come down on the side of the latter, and to pry the grip of the former from the levers of economic power that they still tightly hold.
In short, the issue coming to a head in the Kremlin is whether Russia is sufficiently prepared for further Western efforts to ensure it does not impede or rival American hegemony. Can Russia sustain a geo-financial assault, if one were to be launched? And is such a threat real or mere Western posturing for other ends?
What is so important is that if these events are misread in the West, which is already primed to see any Russian defensive act as offensive and aggressive, the ground will already have been laid for escalation. We already had the first war to push back against NATO in Georgia. The second pushback war is ongoing in Ukraine. What might be the consequences to a third?
In mid-April, General Alexander Bastrykin, the head of Russia’s Investigative Committee (a sort of super attorney general, as Cohen describes it), wrote that Russia — its role in Syria notwithstanding — is militarily ill prepared to face a new war either at home or abroad, and that the economy is in a bad way, too. Russia, furthermore, is equally ill prepared to withstand a geo-financial war. He goes on to say that the West is preparing for war against Russia and that Russia’s leadership does not appear to be aware of or alert to the danger the country faces.
[…] A retired Russian general entered the fray to confirm that the West is indeed preparing for war — he pointed to NATO deployments in the Baltics, the Black Sea and Poland, among other places — and underlines again the unpreparedness of the Russian military to face this threat. “This is a heavy indictment of Putin,” Cohen says of the revelations from this analysis. “It is now out in the open.”
The government’s economic policy is being criticized. The opposing faction wants to see an immediate mobilization of the military and the economy for war, conventional or hybrid. This is not about wanting Putin ousted; it is about pushing him to wield the knife — and to cut deeply.
There is every reason to think that the clashing interests of NATO and Russia can and will spark more flashpoints across the map and around the arc that generally surrounds the former Soviet empire, which the United States hopes to contain in order to maintain its own crumbling empire.
While President Obama, now officially the president to oversee the longest period of war (albeit somewhat contracted), may be reluctant to pursue in form of open conflict with Russia, a president like Hillary Clinton may be all-too willing to do so.She has already called in recent days for an escalated ‘war against ISIS,’ which handily also gives an open ended pretext to challenge NATO-Russian conflict points wherever they might appear.
Donald Trump’s positions here are as yet unclear, but he is beginning to surround himself with the same type of advisers – including Henry Kissinger –  that have brought us to this point.
With economic decline and a definite fatigue for war, Americans face an end of the dollar as the world currency standard and an era where the BRICS nations, and in particular the militaries of Russia and China, pose an existential threat to the world that the U.S. and Britain carved out in the WWII era and which they essentially won away from the Soviets by the end of the Cold War.
These waxing and waning empires are dangerous as their vulnerabilities and short-comings become exposed, and their territories challenged.
That fact that Putin is being prodded from within Russia to be less diplomatic and more aggressive in posturing for war is downright unsettling. Many of our most dangerous American leaders are all-too willing to poke the bear and evoke a reaction.
Ukraine and Syria, as well as the Georgian conflict before it in 2008, prove that the U.S. will continue waging war and posturing for global domination in spite of the lack of a coherent narrative (but there’s ISIS), or any convincing pretext for sending troops and sponsoring proxy armies.
The American people are sick of war, but the misleaders in Washington are eager enough to reinvigorate their sense of power and entitlement to control the affairs here and abroad. After all, war – in a sick kind of way – is good for the economy, and a big one means a mandate of emergency powers and a period of unquestioning obedience from the domestic population.
The threat is all-too real, and a serious provocation, like the false flag attacks that have sparked most of the wars in the past, could be on the horizon.
That all basically points to WWIII… or at least a full second Cold War. It could be a long way off, but the sense is that the scent is in the air.

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 05:07

Ok, financijski ratovi traju non stop.. evo USA vodi i rat protiv HDZove ekipe na vlasti koja je čak i povezana donekle sa Rusima(poster ultra komunjara iz radničke fronte najviše govori o tome) i koja se povezuje sa srednjom europskom strujom itd

Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo 13164456_1196875300346967_1778864449961139177_n

Što se tiče Rusije, jebiga, i rusi sami nisu fer(tipa invazija na ukrainu), ali opet ne drže se toliko loše.. možda je zapad htio financijski razvaliti rusiju kao što je napravio sa venezuelom(i saudijskom arabijom) , ruski ekonomski rast je usporen, čak i u blagom padu, ali je situacija još uvijek pod kontrolom.

Zanimljiv je Iran, njega se nije uspilo pobjediti i sada ide kod njega šema.. "if you can beat us , join us " :D matrix :D

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 05:08

i Putin isto tako financira svoje igrače diljem Europe..

Izravno pare idu La Pen, i onome u Nizozemskoj desničaru.
Neizravno Ruske pare čak idu do Karamarka preko njegove žene.. tih 60 000€ je vjerojatno Putin poslao preko Mađara

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by prckov 22/5/2016, 05:39

izgleda da svako lupa sto mu odgovara da bude, a niko nema pravojerne infomacije. Niti ce je imat, ali cinjenicaje da traje ekonomski rat protiv rusije sa tendencijom prelaska u totalni hladni rat kakav smo imali u proslom stoljecu.
Sumnjam u nekakav otvoreni sukob na liniji nato rusija jer b to uznemirilo i Kinu i citava stvar bi se otela kontroli

teza = socijalizam
antiteza = kapitalizam
sinteza = odrzivi socijalizam, odnosno =  odrzivi razvoj, odnosno = "degrowth communism"
Ili kako Klaus kaze = "economy of caring and sharing"

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by kic 22/5/2016, 09:20

ameri zele uvuci druge, tj europu u rat s rujama..

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 09:25

treba spustiti loptu, sacekati da prodju izbori,
pa na osnovu toga napraviti strategiju,
ne pred rudu :)

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by kic 22/5/2016, 09:33

prckov wrote:izgleda da svako lupa sto mu odgovara da bude, a niko nema pravojerne infomacije. Niti ce je imat, ali cinjenicaje da traje ekonomski rat protiv rusije sa tendencijom prelaska u totalni hladni rat kakav smo imali u proslom stoljecu.
Sumnjam u nekakav otvoreni sukob na liniji nato rusija jer b to uznemirilo i Kinu i citava stvar bi se otela kontroli

gospodarskim ratom mozes napraviti puno vise stete nego s haubicama i avioncekima, to je svima jasno..

otvoreni sukob bi vjerojatno rezultirao s change of heart Europljana jer ionako recimo Njemci vide Ruse kao prijatelje danas, Ameri su ocekivali da ce rusenjem cijena utjecati na obicnog Rusa da se digne na svoj rezim, ali to ne ide tako u Ruskim stepama, samo se cvrsce drze za Putina

on a sidenote though, problem je Poljska koja ima interesa u Ukrajini i koji imaju kompleks od Rusa i mrze ih, moguce je da ce njih iskoristiti kao proxya kao Njemce 41', jer mislim da Rusi ne bi olako gledali na Poljsko mijesanje, Baltik je meni nebitan realno..

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Clone Stormtrooper 22/5/2016, 09:44

Putin je Hitler 21 stoljeca , psiholski poremecen paranoik izvan realnosti , Ruska  ekspanzija ce zavrsiti kao i nazisticki Reich
Clone Stormtrooper
Clone Stormtrooper

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by mutava baštarda 22/5/2016, 09:49

Clone Stormtrooper wrote:Putin je Hitler 21 stoljeca , psiholski poremecen paranoik izvan realnosti , Ruska  ekspanzija ce zavrsiti kao i nazisticki Reich
Ne znam u kakvoj paralelnoj stvarnosti živiš. Rusi su prije četvrt stoljeća bili razgraničeni s NATO savezom u Berlinu, a danas 600 km od Moskve...

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by epikur37 22/5/2016, 10:50

kic wrote:ameri zele uvuci druge, tj europu u rat s rujama..

Jasna stvar.

Ukoliko se u Europi ne dogodi promjena politike i otkloni se od Amera, nastradat će.


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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 10:55

Clone Stormtrooper wrote:Putin je Hitler 21 stoljeca , psiholski poremecen paranoik izvan realnosti , Ruska  ekspanzija ce zavrsiti kao i nazisticki Reich

Kod vas rvata još traje 2. svjetski rat a vi već pričate o trećem. Svašta!

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 11:48

epikur37 wrote:
kic wrote:ameri zele uvuci druge, tj europu u rat s rujama..

Jasna stvar.

Ukoliko se u Europi ne dogodi promjena politike i otkloni se od Amera, nastradat će.

Nastradat ćemo svi, cijeli svijet, takav rat bi sve zbrisao.

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 11:55

preko_vode_do_slobode wrote:
Zanimljiv je Iran, njega se nije uspilo pobjediti i sada ide kod njega šema.. "if you can beat us , join us " :D matrix :D

Iran je napravio ono što su od njega tražili Irael i SAD, razmontirali su svoje centrifuge i više ne prave obogaćeni uran ni atomsku bombu.

A to što Iran svako malo slavi pobjedu nad zlim zapadom je cirkus za njihove građane.

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 11:58

Oružje sprječava rat, što su Švedska, Poljska, Finska, ... i ostatak EU više naoružani, to je manji izgled za rat s Rusijom.

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by L'âme 22/5/2016, 11:59

deda getting old wrote:Oružje sprječava rat, što su Švedska, Poljska, Finska, ... i ostatak EU više naoružani, to je manji izgled za rat s Rusijom.
jednostavna logika

“You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.”
― Rudolf Steiner

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by veber 22/5/2016, 12:01

deda getting old wrote:Oružje sprječava rat, što su Švedska, Poljska, Finska, ... i ostatak EU više naoružani, to je manji izgled za rat s Rusijom.
rusi nemaju resursa za konvencionalni rat.
u slučaju da dođe do atomskog rata, najebali smo svi.

smrt baterijama sloboda Dizelu.

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 12:02

IvyTeasdale wrote:
deda getting old wrote:Oružje sprječava rat, što su Švedska, Poljska, Finska, ... i ostatak EU više naoružani, to je manji izgled za rat s Rusijom.
jednostavna logika
nitko te neće napasti ako si jak, i ako bi mu se to moglo odbiti o glavu

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Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo Empty Re: Rat protiv Rusije samo što nije počeo

Post by Guest 22/5/2016, 12:04

veber wrote:
deda getting old wrote:Oružje sprječava rat, što su Švedska, Poljska, Finska, ... i ostatak EU više naoružani, to je manji izgled za rat s Rusijom.
rusi nemaju resursa za konvencionalni rat.
u slučaju da dođe do atomskog rata, najebali smo svi.

Mislim da Rusi ne žele sami sebe ubiti.

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