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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

Post by Eroo 6/6/2024, 20:16

Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Screenshot-16417
Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Screenshot-16418

Ostalo:  https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/6/7459518/

Last edited by Eroo on 6/6/2024, 20:20; edited 1 time in total

Nulla rosa sine spina

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Re: Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

Post by Eroo 6/6/2024, 20:19

Putin i Moskovljani sad mogu biti spokojni. drunken

Nulla rosa sine spina

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Re: Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 6/6/2024, 20:37

Stari magarac pa si se naša rugati sa starim čovjekom. Pa danas se posrao u gaće na bini u prijenosu uživo... Zar to nije dovoljno.
Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Gpal6p10

Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

Posts : 6437

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Re: Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

Post by Eroo 6/6/2024, 20:52

Hoholo Mudovski wrote:Stari magarac pa si se naša rugati sa starim čovjekom.
Zar nije ljudina? Očigleno mu Putin (još) treba.  pirat

Nulla rosa sine spina

Posts : 78401

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Re: Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 6/6/2024, 21:02

Eroo wrote:
Hoholo Mudovski wrote:Stari magarac pa si se naša rugati sa starim čovjekom.
Zar nije ljudina? Očigleno mu Putin (još) treba.  pirat
Mislim da Putler nije dostojan da mu primjeni usrane pelene...
Imaju službe...
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

Posts : 6437

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Re: Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 6/6/2024, 21:20

Pazi proročanskog naslova
‘Ulažite u pelene’, dolazi Trump! Europski izbori i jačanje desnice koja sije strah u elitama

Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

Posts : 6437

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Re: Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

Post by Eroo 6/6/2024, 21:56

scratch :^0
Strojni prijevod s ruskog na en.
Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin 10
Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin 10

Nulla rosa sine spina

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Re: Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

Post by Eroo 6/6/2024, 23:14

Ljudi su to kao i mi...nekad bili. 
Nešto od ovoga možete vidit i u komšiluku. Veoma su blizu toga. ;)


Nulla rosa sine spina

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Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin Empty Re: Biden: - There will be no strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin

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