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Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024

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Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Empty Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024

Post by Eroo 29/3/2024, 16:35

Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Screenshot-15234
Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Screenshot-15236
Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Screenshot-15237
Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Screenshot-15238


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Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Empty Re: Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024

Post by Eroo 29/3/2024, 16:36


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Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Empty Re: Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024

Post by Eroo 29/3/2024, 16:44

Moji su često na istraživanju ljepota ostalih dijelova svijeta.
Nedavno su bili u J. Koreji, Jordanu, Maroku itd...
Danas se moje dvije princeze vraćaju s Azorskih otoka,
a uskoro idu na Island...
Ne kažem ja ništa, ima toga mnogo lijepog na ovom svijetu
što treba vidjeti, ali....
Nedavno sam im u razgovoru rekao, da im treba cijeli život
za istraživanje ljepota u neposrednoj okolici, od slovenske do albanske 
obale...Priznali su mi, ali i rekli: To ćemo nastaviti  kad odemo u penziju... :D

PS: Jedan dio se uskoro sprema u Pariz...majko mila, ne idem tamo ni da mi plate. :)

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Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Empty Re: Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024

Post by Eroo 29/3/2024, 18:10

Eroo wrote:Danas se moje dvije princeze vraćaju s Azorskih otoka,
Upravo mi javljaju da se ukrcavaju na avion i da stižu doma. :x

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Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024 Empty Re: Lonely Planet ranks Croatia in Top 10 countries in the world for 2024

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