Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
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Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
Jebiga to su te europske vrijednosti za koje će uskoro traźiti da idemo u rat da ih obranimo od Rusa
catabbath- Posts : 12438
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
prckov wrote:Da bi se udovoljilo onima koji odstupaju od norme, te se posljedicno smatraju neravnopravnom i potlacenim, nenormalno treba da bude kulturna i socijalna norma, a objektivna realnost (bioloska zadanost) zabranjena, pa cak i kaznjiva. Na primjer tako stignemo do zakljucka, odnosno pedijatri (strucnjaci), da je dojenje djece neprirodno, ili da 2 + 2 = 5 i slicno, a onda ti isti demagozi uvode borbu protiv dezinformacija.
Teoretičari zavjere i dalje govore da postoji prirodni imunitet.
Kada uvedemo cenzuru podrezati ćemo im krila...
Alemka mater & Capak ćaća kupuju cijepivo koje se puno plaća...
Hoholo Mudovski- Posts : 7933
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
dijagram wrote:Pa dobro, ako ce se potrebiti osjecati bolje u cemu je problem reci 2+2 = 5prckov wrote:Da bi se udovoljilo onima koji odstupaju od norme, te se posljedicno smatraju neravnopravnom i potlacenim, nenormalno treba da bude kulturna i socijalna norma, a objektivna realnost (bioloska zadanost) zabranjena, pa cak i kaznjiva. Na primjer tako stignemo do zakljucka, odnosno pedijatri (strucnjaci), da je dojenje djece neprirodno, ili da 2 + 2 = 5 i slicno, a onda ti isti demagozi uvode borbu protiv dezinformacija.
Kao da je to tesko.
Kad znas da cinis dobro smijes napraviti i svjesnu namjernu pogresku.
Uostalom, tocan racun dopizdio je svima, zasto ne bi bilo malo slobode i u brojkama, a ne samo slovima.
tako je, treba oslobodit brojeve od eurocentricne matematike koja potlacuje ljude drugih rasa jer je njihovo znanje i prozivljeno iskustvo drugacije od kolonijalno-bijelosupremacijsko-rasitickog, ali isto vrijedno kao i to eurocentricno koje ih potlacuje. Odnosno treba matematiku dekolonizirat.
Evo ovdje to lijepo objasnjavaju strucnjaci:
[url= math adds enormously to the difficulty of,makes math easy while preserving its practical value.][/url]
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
zato je i feministicka vanjska politika (foreign policy) takode u vezi dekolonizacije. Da su se toga prije feministicke vanjske politike dosjetile muske svinje gdje bi nam sad kraj bio, mislim te dekolonizacije sto furaju sve lijeva i green partije
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
kako se samo muske svinje nisu sjetile ovog progresa, znam, oceju zadrzat privilegije dok druge potlacuju u patrijarhalnom heteronosrmativnom i bijelo-supremacijskom sustavu, to je
1.2 Definition of a German Feminist Foreign Policy
A German Feminist Foreign Policy would define its interactions with other states, supranational organisations, multilateral forums, civil society, and social movements in a manner that prioritises - across all foreign policy areas - feminist peace, gender equality, climate justice, and the eradication of inequalities as it would acknowledge those as the key obstacle to achieving sustainable peace. It would promote and protect human rights and elevate the everyday lived experience of marginalised communities.
It would disrupt colonial, racist, patriarchal, sexist, exploitatively capitalist, and militarised power structures. It would be accountable to those it impacts and would allocate significant resources to achieve this vision
1.2 Definition of a German Feminist Foreign Policy
A German Feminist Foreign Policy would define its interactions with other states, supranational organisations, multilateral forums, civil society, and social movements in a manner that prioritises - across all foreign policy areas - feminist peace, gender equality, climate justice, and the eradication of inequalities as it would acknowledge those as the key obstacle to achieving sustainable peace. It would promote and protect human rights and elevate the everyday lived experience of marginalised communities.
It would disrupt colonial, racist, patriarchal, sexist, exploitatively capitalist, and militarised power structures. It would be accountable to those it impacts and would allocate significant resources to achieve this vision
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
feministicka vanjska politika se mora temeljit na sveobuhvatnom razumjevanju gendera jer ona vanjska politika koja uzima u obzir samo muskarce i zene je iskljucujuca (nije inkluzivna) i osim sto utvrduje gender binarnost propusta da uzme u obzir iskustva gender non-conforming individua i drugih seksualnih i gender manjina
Feminist Foreign Policy must be (1) based on a comprehensive understanding of gender. Policy frameworks that use the term ‘gender’ to refer only to (heterosexual, cisgender) women are fundamentally exclusionary. They reinforce traditional gender binaries that often fail to account for the experiences of gender non-conforming individuals and sexual and gender minorities.
Furthermore, by reducing our discussion of gender to a conversation about ‘men’ and ‘women’, these frameworks overlook the complexities of gender as a “structural power relation” (Cohen, 2013, p.3).
Gender is not merely an identity marker but also a way of organising individuals and sustaining power relationships and hierarchies. ‘Gender’ draws distinctions between different categories of people, behaviours, and activities based on symbolic ideals of masculinity and femininity, affording increased power, privilege, and influence to the former (ibid.).
Feminist Foreign Policy must be (1) based on a comprehensive understanding of gender. Policy frameworks that use the term ‘gender’ to refer only to (heterosexual, cisgender) women are fundamentally exclusionary. They reinforce traditional gender binaries that often fail to account for the experiences of gender non-conforming individuals and sexual and gender minorities.
Furthermore, by reducing our discussion of gender to a conversation about ‘men’ and ‘women’, these frameworks overlook the complexities of gender as a “structural power relation” (Cohen, 2013, p.3).
Gender is not merely an identity marker but also a way of organising individuals and sustaining power relationships and hierarchies. ‘Gender’ draws distinctions between different categories of people, behaviours, and activities based on symbolic ideals of masculinity and femininity, affording increased power, privilege, and influence to the former (ibid.).
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
mora se uzet u obzir i intersekcionalizam (Kimberle Crenshaw), odnosno mora se uzet u obzir kako se identititske osobine kao sto su rasa, klasa, invaliditet, gender, seksualna orjentacija itd ukrstaju i tako afektiraju prozivljeno iskustvo nekih osoba i koncentriraju potlacenost na vise razlicitih nacina (na primjer neko je potlacen zato sto je rasna manjina, pa jos i seksualna manjina a jos je i debeo, to je trostruka potlacenost).
Feminist Foreign Policy must be (2) intersectional.
In other words, it must consider how identity markers such as race, class, (dis)ability, gender, sexual orientation, and other individual characteristics can ‘intersect’ to affect lived experience and, in some cases, create new and more concentrated circumstances of oppression.
Feminist Foreign Policy must be (2) intersectional.
In other words, it must consider how identity markers such as race, class, (dis)ability, gender, sexual orientation, and other individual characteristics can ‘intersect’ to affect lived experience and, in some cases, create new and more concentrated circumstances of oppression.
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
feministicka vanjska politika je anti-rasisticka i kriticki gleda na uticaj koji ima bijela supremacija u podrucju vanjske politike. Tezi da razmontira iskljucujuce strukture da bi izgradila inkluzivne aktivno anti-rasisticke institucije. Feministicka vanjska politika je takode svjesna uticaja kolonijalnog nasljeda u internacionalnom sustavu i njegovog doprinosa rasnoj i rodnoj diskriminaciji kao i rasitickoj produkciji znanja, tako da feministicka vanjska politika radi na tome da prebrodi takve strukture i rjesi stetu koju je to proizvelo
Feminist Foreign Policy is (3) anti-racist and critical of the influence of white supremacy in the field of foreign policy.
It strives to dismantle exclusionary structures to build inclusive and actively anti-racist institutions. Feminist Foreign Policy also acknowledges the influence of colonial legacies in the international system and their contribution to racist and genderbased discrimination as well as racist knowledge production. Feminist Foreign Policy works to overcome these structures and to address the harm done in the past.
Feminist Foreign Policy is (3) anti-racist and critical of the influence of white supremacy in the field of foreign policy.
It strives to dismantle exclusionary structures to build inclusive and actively anti-racist institutions. Feminist Foreign Policy also acknowledges the influence of colonial legacies in the international system and their contribution to racist and genderbased discrimination as well as racist knowledge production. Feminist Foreign Policy works to overcome these structures and to address the harm done in the past.
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
"Feministicka vanjska politika je takode svjesna uticaja kolonijalnog nasljeda u internacionalnom sustavu i njegovog doprinosa rasnoj i rodnoj diskriminaciji kao i rasitickoj produkciji znanja, tako da feministicka vanjska politika radi na tome da prebrodi takve strukture i rjesi stetu koju je to proizvelo"
mislio sam da bi stetu koju je kolonijalizam ucinio trebalo lijeciti oblozima od sisa tri puta nataste ali sam se odma sjetio da hetero-muskarci nisu potlaceni
eto ti belaja
mislio sam da bi stetu koju je kolonijalizam ucinio trebalo lijeciti oblozima od sisa tri puta nataste ali sam se odma sjetio da hetero-muskarci nisu potlaceni
eto ti belaja
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
feministicka vanjska poliika je fokusirana na demilitarizaciju (sto do sada nije nikom palo na um) i klimatsku pravdu (ko i nas, odnosno vas Senf iako je mufko, valjda)
Feminist Foreign Policy is (6) anti-militaristic, prioritising the pursuit of feminist peace and security2 over the expansion and expression of military power. It prioritises (7) co-operation over domination – in bilateral relations as well as in multilateral fora.
Feminist Foreign Policy is further (8) climate justice-focused, acknowledging that a justice-focused response to the climate emergency is crucial for a liveable future for humanity.
Feminist Foreign Policy is (6) anti-militaristic, prioritising the pursuit of feminist peace and security2 over the expansion and expression of military power. It prioritises (7) co-operation over domination – in bilateral relations as well as in multilateral fora.
Feminist Foreign Policy is further (8) climate justice-focused, acknowledging that a justice-focused response to the climate emergency is crucial for a liveable future for humanity.
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
ko ne moze cekat da se napoji mudrosti sa ovog izvora evo link
A Feminist Foreign Policy Manifesto for Germany
CFFP-Manifesto-EN-Final4.pdf (
A Feminist Foreign Policy Manifesto for Germany
CFFP-Manifesto-EN-Final4.pdf (
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
Ovo je malo veći poremećaj. Umjesto odaziva potrebno proslijediti prijavu policijskoj upravi pa da se vidi što će oni napraviti, ako ne naprave oni ništa tada na dorh.
Šutnjom se ništa ne dobiva.
Šutnjom se ništa ne dobiva.
Bože čuvaj svoj narod u cijelom svijetu.
Daj da na vrijeme razotkriveni i pokošeni budu mučitelji naši i krvnici.
Posts : 23302
Lokacija: : CROATIA
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
usput da ubacim malo muskih strucnjaka-progresivaca da ne bude da su samo feministice duhovite
Experts Say the ‘New Normal’ in 2025 Will Be Far More Tech-Driven, Presenting More Big Challenges | Pew Research Center
- In a not-too-distant future the Soviet Union will be seen as ahead of its time: Its main weakness was the inability to deal with the complexity of matching production and consumer demand. Now this can be achieved via Amazon or Alibaba, and the complex dispatch or matching algorithm that they and Google and Facebook have created. With concentration of corporate power, increase in inequality and weakening of civil liberties, it will be easy to recreate a post-democratic world that fulfills the Soviet promise, without necessarily requiring public ownership in the means of production: It will no longer matter who is formally the owner of capital, as China today demonstrates.”
Experts Say the ‘New Normal’ in 2025 Will Be Far More Tech-Driven, Presenting More Big Challenges | Pew Research Center
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
prckov wrote:usput da ubacim malo muskih strucnjaka-progresivaca da ne bude da su samo feministice duhovite
- In a not-too-distant future the Soviet Union will be seen as ahead of its time: Its main weakness was the inability to deal with the complexity of matching production and consumer demand. Now this can be achieved via Amazon or Alibaba, and the complex dispatch or matching algorithm that they and Google and Facebook have created. With concentration of corporate power, increase in inequality and weakening of civil liberties, it will be easy to recreate a post-democratic world that fulfills the Soviet promise, without necessarily requiring public ownership in the means of production: It will no longer matter who is formally the owner of capital, as China today demonstrates.”
Experts Say the ‘New Normal’ in 2025 Will Be Far More Tech-Driven, Presenting More Big Challenges | Pew Research Center
novo normalno
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
ekonomski strucnjak veli da ce u ne tako dalekoj buducnosti model sovjetskog saveza bit vidjen kao model koji je bio ispred svoga vremena, samo treba preuzet pamet od kineza, odnosno sustavprckov wrote:usput da ubacim malo muskih strucnjaka-progresivaca da ne bude da su samo feministice duhovite
- In a not-too-distant future the Soviet Union will be seen as ahead of its time: Its main weakness was the inability to deal with the complexity of matching production and consumer demand. Now this can be achieved via Amazon or Alibaba, and the complex dispatch or matching algorithm that they and Google and Facebook have created. With concentration of corporate power, increase in inequality and weakening of civil liberties, it will be easy to recreate a post-democratic world that fulfills the Soviet promise, without necessarily requiring public ownership in the means of production: It will no longer matter who is formally the owner of capital, as China today demonstrates.”
Experts Say the ‘New Normal’ in 2025 Will Be Far More Tech-Driven, Presenting More Big Challenges | Pew Research Center
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
da napomenem da je "limit rasta" o cemu prica van der leyen wef i slicni neizabranici povezan sa pokretom 'od-rasta' (degrowth) i komunistickom preraspodjelom love sa zapada na siromasni jug, a razlog je odgovornost za kolonijalizaciju i klimatski poremecaj koji su bijela supremacija, rasizam i kapitalizam ucinili. To je jedan te isti pokret, odnosno imaju isti cilj. Kra-lji-ca
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
Stos nam ti pricati o odrastu.prckov wrote:da napomenem da je "limit rasta" o cemu prica van der leyen wef i slicni neizabranici povezan sa pokretom 'od-rasta' (degrowth) i komunistickom preraspodjelom love sa zapada na siromasni jug, a razlog je odgovornost za kolonijalizaciju i klimatski poremecaj koji su bijela supremacija, rasizam i kapitalizam ucinili. To je jedan te isti pokret, odnosno imaju isti cilj. Kra-lji-ca
To nam je senf vec objasnio.
Medju prvima je prosao taj tecaj.
Mora netko brinuti za planet, kad smo svi mi onako, tu, samo bezveze.
Potrosaci vrijednih resursa.
Last edited by dijagram on Sun 4 Feb - 10:47; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 19065
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
fukusirat se politicki i financijski na unapredjenje (slijevanje love u feminizam) feministickog shvacanja sigurnosti
ucinit konkretne korake ka prevazilazenju (izmisljene) strukturne nejednakosti (odnosno ukloniti meritokraciju) kao sto su rasizam i gender nejednakost. Umjesto ulaganja u vojsku ulagat u borbu protiv klime, pandemija i protiv-gender pokreta (bilo od strane drzave, partije, individue, think-tank-ova, religijskih organizacija koje aktivno rade na podjamrivljanju prava zena i lgbtqi* osoba
Focus (politically and financially) on advancing feminist understanding of security
• Develop a national strategy for peace, outlining concrete steps to overcome structural inequalities, militarised power relations, and militarisation. Ensure that structural inequalities, including gender inequality and racism, are identified as key drivers of violence and conflict.
• Replace the Ministry of Defence with a Ministry for Peace and adopt a policy framework prioritising feminist understandings of security over a militarised state-centric conception of national security.
• Redirect financial and human resources from the budget of the Ministry of Defence to address feminist security threats, above all the climate crisis (see chapter 3.4), pandemics (see chapter 3.4), disarmament and arms control (see chapter 3.3), and counter the global anti-gender movement (governments, parties, individuals, think tanks, and religious organisations) that actively work to undermine the rights of women and LGBTQI* individuals.
ucinit konkretne korake ka prevazilazenju (izmisljene) strukturne nejednakosti (odnosno ukloniti meritokraciju) kao sto su rasizam i gender nejednakost. Umjesto ulaganja u vojsku ulagat u borbu protiv klime, pandemija i protiv-gender pokreta (bilo od strane drzave, partije, individue, think-tank-ova, religijskih organizacija koje aktivno rade na podjamrivljanju prava zena i lgbtqi* osoba
Focus (politically and financially) on advancing feminist understanding of security
• Develop a national strategy for peace, outlining concrete steps to overcome structural inequalities, militarised power relations, and militarisation. Ensure that structural inequalities, including gender inequality and racism, are identified as key drivers of violence and conflict.
• Replace the Ministry of Defence with a Ministry for Peace and adopt a policy framework prioritising feminist understandings of security over a militarised state-centric conception of national security.
• Redirect financial and human resources from the budget of the Ministry of Defence to address feminist security threats, above all the climate crisis (see chapter 3.4), pandemics (see chapter 3.4), disarmament and arms control (see chapter 3.3), and counter the global anti-gender movement (governments, parties, individuals, think tanks, and religious organisations) that actively work to undermine the rights of women and LGBTQI* individuals.
Last edited by prckov on Sun 4 Feb - 10:50; edited 1 time in total
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
dijagram wrote:Stos nam ti pricati o odrastu.prckov wrote:da napomenem da je "limit rasta" o cemu prica van der leyen wef i slicni neizabranici povezan sa pokretom 'od-rasta' (degrowth) i komunistickom preraspodjelom love sa zapada na siromasni jug, a razlog je odgovornost za kolonijalizaciju i klimatski poremecaj koji su bijela supremacija, rasizam i kapitalizam ucinili. To je jedan te isti pokret, odnosno imaju isti cilj. Kra-lji-ca
To nam je senf vec objasnio.
Medju prvima je prosao taj tecaj.
Mora netko brinuti za planet, kad smo svi mi onako, tu, samo bezveze.
Potrosaci vrijednih resursa.
senf je avangarda, razumije se covjek u sustinu
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
evo malo ilustracija feministicke politike, da ne bude samo dosadni tekst
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
Re: Nema love ako nisi na liniji agende.Agronomski fakultet trazio od zaposlenika da idu na lejzbijsku radionicu.
BREAKING: Jericho Middle School Teacher and LGBTeach Founder Elisa Waters BOASTS ‘Tenured’ Status Educators Should Utilize to Promote Sexual Child... | By Project Veritas | Facebook
happy friday
happy friday
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)
prckov- Posts : 34589
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