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Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje.

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 Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje. Empty Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje.

Post by prckov 21/1/2024, 15:47

October 2014 Alumni Highlight | Pace Law School

kriticka imigracijska teorija je produzetak kriticke rasne teorije koja je vrlo Americki proizvod ali koja ce da se primjeni na cijeli zapad ukljucujuci i Hrvatsku. Prica je ista ko i kod rasnog marksizma samo je potlacenost prebacena na imigrante a tlacitelji su grdani sa drzavljanstvom. Da se imigranti oslobode tlacenja trebat ce uvest koncept "globalnog gradanina".

While at Pace Law, Miriam also participated in the Public Interest Law Students Organization, the Black Law Student Association, and the National Immigration Moot Court at NYU Law School.  Miriam is currently working with Stephanie Ramos (’14), a Pace Community Law Practice fellow, on an article entitled, “Toward A Critical Immigration Theory: Breaking The Historical Patterns of Oppressive Immigration & Citizenship Policy.”  The article traces the patterns of discrimination in immigration law and policies and invites a conversation about developing a more comprehensive, critical, anti-oppression analysis of the U.S. Immigration system.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34418

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 Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje. Empty Re: Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje.

Post by prckov 21/1/2024, 15:52

Nedavno je politicarka pakistanskog porijekla u Australiji u parlamentu trazila da Australija plati odstetu Pakistanu zbog stete koje su poplave napravile u toj zemlji, a kao odstetu zbog poremecaja klime za koji je Australija odgovorna. Odrzivi razvoj, klimatkse promjene i imigracija su dijelovi jedinstvenog programa. 

 Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje. GEVo1rdXQAA6VSj?format=jpg&name=large

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34418

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 Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje. Empty Re: Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje.

Post by prckov 21/1/2024, 16:00

sustav nacionalnog drzavljanstva nepravedno iskljucuje imigrante od benefita koje to drzavljanstvo nudi. Osim sto je, naravno, rasisticki.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34418

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 Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje. Empty Re: Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje.

Post by prckov 21/1/2024, 16:06

UN je jako involviran u tu agendu i dio je UN-ovog plana o "sustainable development goals-4", imaju tonu materijala o tome i sto ukljucuje i sveobuhvatni plan za preoblikovanje obrazovanja oko poducavanja o tome globalno

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34418

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 Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje. Empty Re: Uskoro "critical immigration theory", odnosno trpanje.

Post by prckov 21/1/2024, 16:08

da sad ne duzim - natrpat ce vas ko sibicu, rok je 2030

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34418

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