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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 08:34

The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 08:37

List of targets hit in Yemen from CNN (preliminary): Kahlan military base, Al-Daylami airbase, Hudaydah airport area, Taiz airport, Abbs airfield;

Iran se neće moći više skrivati iza ove sirotinje.

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 09:02

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 09:11

Uskoro započinju priče oko toga šata je bilo prije kokoš ili jaje.
Ustvari ista priča kao i u slučaju Israela i Hamasa. 

The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E
The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 09:25

U nastavku nekoliko kratkih komentara s portala srpskog proruskog b92.
Kad kažu "suvereni Jemen", to je nešto kao "drveno željezo". 

The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 09:29

Ovaj b92 je nenadjebiv: "...nekoliko desetina...". :D

 The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 09:32

Nisu nove, radi se o nastavku uništavanju "džepova".
Bit će toga još. 

The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 09:40

The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E


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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 09:48

Tek su počeli...i kao što sam očekivao, odmah se počelo o "kolateralnim žrtvama".
Kocka je tek pala...a rezultate svega ovoga ćemo vidjeti u bliskoj budućnosti.
Do tada će Iran govoriti o "kršenju iranskog suvereniteta".  Naravno, za njih
ne postoji "ukrajinski suverenitet". Da ne zaborvimo na sunnite! To tek slijedi. :D

The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 09:51

:^0...gdje će napadati suverenu državu, a?

The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? E

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by RayMabus 12/1/2024, 09:56

Pa lijepo si napisao naslov, i točno: SAD i VB protiv Hutija.

Nema Rvacke. Nisu naša posla.

Baciš im kost i onda se oni pokolju između sebe a ti sa strane navijaš za obje strane pojednako.

Zapamtite: Ja nikad ne gubim ratove. lol! :^0 lol! :D

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 10:33

Ne treba biti nadprosječno pametan za sposobnost unaprijed predviditi 
razvoj situacije po sistemu "akcija-reakcija". 
Koja luda glava je uopće mogla i pomisliti da će Jemen u bliskoj budućnosti 
izgledati ovako kako danas izgleda na geo-karti?
Nećete dugo čekati kad će se granica između Jemena i Saudove Arabije
na Google Earth risati crvenom crtkanom linijom. 
Sve što će se dalje događati u toj nesretnoj državici može lagano predpostaviti
prosječno inteligentni .

PS: Ovim događajima slijede novi u Siriji. Ne zaboravite, ma šta tko mislio,
tamo su Sunniti izgubili rat sa Šiitima. Ne zaboravimo na vjerski element,
koji je na bliskom istoku uvijek "na full" prisutan.
Sad će se morati dokonačno izjasniti Turci i Egipćani.
Za Rusiju i Iran već znmo da će u UN rupi kopati još veću rupu. :D

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 10:56

Znači, bit će još posla za NATO sveznike...

Nulla rosa sine spina

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 12:36

Laik se pita kako to da Huti imaju krstareće rakete, a nemaju PZO rakete? 
Đe zapelo? 

Nulla rosa sine spina

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by RayMabus 12/1/2024, 12:41

Sad fino dronovi od šerploče sve po 12 kuna i nit jedan tanker nit brod za ukapljeni plin tu neće proć.

Fino poskupljenje, diži kamatne stope, raste desnica ...sve je super. :10 :cro

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by RayMabus 12/1/2024, 13:22

Vrhovno jemensko političko vijeće: Svi američko-britanski interesi postali su legitimne mete za jemenske oružane snage kao odgovor na agresiju


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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by RayMabus 12/1/2024, 13:23

Italija je odbila sudjelovati u američko-britanskim napadima na Hutije, rekao je izvor iz talijanske vlade. Pojasnio je da službeni Rim daje prioritet politici smirivanja situacije na Crvenom moru. Također, vlada bi trebala odobrenje skupštine za sudjelovanje u vojnoj operaciji.

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 14:20

:] :^0

 The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Screenshot-13849


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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

Post by Eroo 12/1/2024, 15:12

The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Screenshot-13850

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The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning? Empty Re: The war between the US and Britain against the Houthis: what is known as of this morning?

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