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Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land"

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Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" Empty Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land"

Post by prckov 13/11/2023, 14:23

eto u vezi cega je panika u vezi klimatskih promjena i u vezi cega je odrzivi razvoj

Sta li tek senf i njegova sekta  misle o klimatskoj pravdi na "okupiranoj zemlji", hoce li izac klecat pred palestinskom zastavom 
mislim red bi bio  ;)

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34418

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Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" Empty Re: Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land"

Post by prckov 13/11/2023, 14:28

Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" F-yCZyzW8AAMCGC?format=jpg&name=large

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigotet adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unortodoxy.
Orwell 1984

Posts : 34418

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Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" Empty Re: Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land"

Post by Sora 13/11/2023, 15:17

prckov wrote:Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" F-yCZyzW8AAMCGC?format=jpg&name=large

popraviće se klima ako jednu atomsku raspale po EU


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Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" Empty Re: Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land"

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 13/11/2023, 15:41

Evropska ljevica je za ;
Buster doze
Klimatske promjene
El romobile
Ušmrkanog ćifuta u Ukrajini
Kontra nadrkanog ćifuta u Izraelu

Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" 20240816
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

Posts : 5745

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Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" Empty Re: Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land"

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 13/11/2023, 15:42

Kod nas je to desno - lijevo malo kao Bane kroz maglu

Greta - "go climate justice on occupied land" 20240816
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

Posts : 5745

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