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Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu

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Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu - Page 3 Empty Re: Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu

Post by veber 23/11/2023, 19:21

papa "putnik" je sjebao crkvu.

sve ovo su posljedice putničara.

i da, mogu biti dva pape.

i putničar je povećanjem kardinala dove do ovog pape.

ali rimska kurija vodi svoju politiku koja nema veze s kardinalima.

biskupi su ti koji odlučuju, kardinali su svjetovno tijelo.
no u politici vatikana nemreš biti kardinalom ako nisi biskup.

ovaj papa je samo naslijeđe pape putnika, ali očito da biskupi imaj razlog da je na čelu crkve.


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Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu - Page 3 Empty Re: Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu

Post by prckov 24/11/2023, 14:00

Dr. Bella Dodd, the famous one-time Communist lawyer who reverted to the Catholic Faith of her youth, has been the subject of much discussion over the past few decades. She is said to have planted 1,100 to 1,200 men into the Catholic seminary system. These men would then rise up the clerical ranks and work to destroy the Catholic Church from within. A talk given by Dodd in 1961 has recently surfaced that sheds some light on this subject of infiltration and the Catholic Church.

Rethinking Bella Dodd and Infiltration of the Catholic Priesthood - Homiletic & Pastoral Review (hprweb.com)

navodno je vecina od jih bila homo

What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)

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Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu - Page 3 Empty Re: Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu

Post by prckov 24/11/2023, 14:04

clanak iz "times" magazina 1952 godine

Mrs. Bella V. Dodd is a fiery, black-haired lawyer who once taught political science at Manhattan's Hunter College. She helped found the stridently left-wing New York Teachers' Union, in 1944 openly joined the Communist Party. To the Daily Worker, she was "tops, A-1 in'party circles," was even elevated to the national committee of the Communist Party. Then, in 1949, her career suddenly fell apart. The party expelled her for "fascist and anti-working-class activity." One of her former colleagues spat in her face.
Last week Bella Dodd announced that after months of instruction from Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, she had been baptized conditionally and returned to the Roman Catholic Church. She also had a warning for New Yorkers: her old teachers' union is riddled with Reds.
In 1944 she knew of some 1,000 dues-paying party members, though "not all of them were genuine, hard-bitten Communists. I am convinced that most of them would resign if they were not afraid—afraid of being vilified and smeared by the party and its agents." But genuine or not, says Mrs. Dodd, they serve the Communist conspiracy and should therefore be dismissed.

Education: Bella & the Union - TIME

What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)

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Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu - Page 3 Empty Re: Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu

Post by prckov 24/11/2023, 14:08

bila je organizatorica stvaranja teacher union NY

Why Did Teachers Organize? Feminism and Socialism in the Making of New York City Teacher Unionism | Modern American History | Cambridge Core

What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement (Soren Kierkegaard)

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Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu - Page 3 Empty Re: Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu

Post by Šandor Winnetou 24/11/2023, 17:35

prckov wrote:Dr. Bella Dodd, the famous one-time Communist lawyer who reverted to the Catholic Faith of her youth, has been the subject of much discussion over the past few decades. She is said to have planted 1,100 to 1,200 men into the Catholic seminary system. These men would then rise up the clerical ranks and work to destroy the Catholic Church from within. A talk given by Dodd in 1961 has recently surfaced that sheds some light on this subject of infiltration and the Catholic Church.

Rethinking Bella Dodd and Infiltration of the Catholic Priesthood - Homiletic & Pastoral Review (hprweb.com)

navodno je vecina od jih bila homo
To sam davno čitao i s odmakom vremena sve više to ide prema realnosti a sve manje je mjesta za teorije urote

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Šandor Winnetou
Šandor Winnetou

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Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu - Page 3 Empty Re: Papa Sranjo optužen za herezu

Post by melkior 25/11/2023, 18:53

Najnovije vijesti iz Vatikana:pismo njemačkim biskupima: 
1. nemogućnost zaređivanja žena za svećenice pod prijetnjom ekskomunikacije.
2. homoseksualce se ne smije osuđivati, ali homoseksualni čin i nadalje ostaje grijeh, neka se njemački biskupi ne usude blagoslivljati homoseksualne zajednice.


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