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Maribor Brnik MD-81 YU-ANA Ajaccio Corsica

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Maribor Brnik MD-81 YU-ANA Ajaccio Corsica Empty Maribor Brnik MD-81 YU-ANA Ajaccio Corsica

Post by Serbinho-3 17/9/2023, 15:23


Posts : 27749

Lokacija: : Italy

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Maribor Brnik MD-81 YU-ANA Ajaccio Corsica Empty Re: Maribor Brnik MD-81 YU-ANA Ajaccio Corsica

Post by Serbinho-3 17/9/2023, 15:23

Dobra uradjena grafika i video. Zapad i Jugoslavija, Superiornost YU komunjara i inferiornost Francuza i Zapada. Oni nisu imali ni Radar, vec Radio veza i nece valjda. Imali ovo kruzenje iznad planina da mu ispravi pravac za sletanje, umesto iznad mora. Ovi sa glanc novim MD-81 u vukojebinu. Zavrsilo se tragicno a krivicu nikad ne priznaju. Istu samo daju drugima. Gde si video da je neko na Zapadu priznao krivicu. Uglavnom sole pamet drugima ili arogancija. Svi su perfektni, ali u pricama. Nakon ovog udesa, nije se vise radio holding pattern iznad brda i kopna, vec mora, okeana. 

 Tuga za ove ljude.

Posts : 27749

Lokacija: : Italy

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Maribor Brnik MD-81 YU-ANA Ajaccio Corsica Empty Re: Maribor Brnik MD-81 YU-ANA Ajaccio Corsica

Post by Serbinho-3 17/9/2023, 15:31

Maribor Brnik MD-81 YU-ANA Ajaccio Corsica AOPolaT_bDfyOz5rx-cDIWWibwwfO4SpF-xDLFfHGw=s48-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj

@rockerfeller58009 mesi fa (modificato)

The plane didn't hit the mountain nose first, as they where turning they hit the rock with left wing just under the peak. 8 meters of wing was ripped off, leaving the plane to fly a couple of seconds more and then crashing on the other side of a mountain. Final words in those seconds where from captain, saying 'it's over, it's over' and from the first officer kid saying 'daddy, daddy '. So sad. They searched the plane for 4 hours, because atc was telling the rescue teams that the plane was over the sea when he lost the contact.

Posts : 27749

Lokacija: : Italy

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