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U SLUČAJU APOKALIPSE: Koliko je ljudi potrebno za obnovu čovječanstva?

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Post by RayMabus 17/1/2016, 21:10

Dobar je Bog koji vas cuva. lol!

Interlocutor: I understand. There is another question that you already answered. If you are in all the galaxies of all the universes, or there are other similar entities, you already answered it and I take it as valid.
Lucifer: However, I respond it for a bigger clarification. There are other entities in other parts of the universe, because I am in this sector of the universe with 72 collaborators, but obviously any clarified mind or fairly clarified can start thinking that only in this galaxy there are millions of inhabited worlds and there are millions and millions of galaxies spread all over the whole universe... I am not the Creator. I am not everywhere, then I understand that there are other angels who have been in mission and they continue being in mission tempting other incarnated beings in other distant worlds, and they will fulfill a similar mission, better or worse than me.
I only know that in this world, Sun 3, the task of the demons is being carried out very easily, very easily. Once the Father said that in this world, exclusively in this world called Sun 3, something very special is accomplished. Although the spirits are thinking entities or conceptual beings as you like to denominate them better, they need a potable mental decoder to be able to embody.
If the animated being doesn't have a decoder where an abstract thought could exist, it won't be possible that a spirit embodies. Then, at this time the one that is called homo sapiens sapiens in the planet Earth, gives the exact space so that that spirit embodies. But that same spirit can embody in other humanoids or in other non humanoid beings, in other remote places of the galaxy, and not necessarily they are homo sapiens sapiens. But what happens, and this was said by the Father, I don't say it.
The mixture, speaking in a simple language for you, the homo sapiens sapiens decoder and the spiritual concept make a unique mark on you. Not in all the planets a civilization reaches a stage so important in philosophy as you have reached in Sun 3, or a stage of art, painting, sculpture, so important as you have reached in Sun 3. Even in a well-known planet for many of you, due to several channelings, called Antares 4, which is a world entirely of philosophical beings, they don't end up reaching the magnitude the philosophers of Sun 3 reached.
But that is half of the message. The other half the Father also said it. You are like preschool children. You are depredating this planet. He who destroys a riverbed or destroys an entire species, has the same DNA compared to the one who creates a vaccine, or the biggest philosopher.
The same Master Jesus, if they had extracted him blood to run a DNA test, has the same DNA that the biggest murderers of your XX century had. Then, it is such a strange world, where there are boundaries, there are walls, where you compete for materials that will run out in few years only, where you destroy your food, where you destroy your water, where you destroy your atmosphere... and with all respect for the Father, sometimes I start thinking "what success we had" what success. Because those same beings that are so enormous in their musical compositions! They are the same beings that push a button and they destroy hundreds of people. How won't I be moved?
And in turn, will it be that that role of Lucifer exacerbated the ego in me and in turn I am with joy by saying what success? But if you start thinking like my Interlocutor. That was not our mission. Our mission was to tempt, so that the human being improves himself, not to cause the human being’s extermination. Then we are not being successful. We are devastating.
But beware, beware. That embodied beings put the blame on us because as my vessel before of this session, who gives place to the demons if it’s not you? You can ask.
Interlocutor: Although you already said many things that made me think, I will ask you a question I had scheduled. Is humanity near to change the direction toward the Light or the Spiritual Elevation? Could we march to the opposite Path?
Lucifer: No, I don't see changes at this time. I see sources of Light in different parts of the planet. I see circles of Light in different parts, but there isn’t a general change of conscience yet. On the contrary, if you continue in that direction, this Mankind's maintenance will enter in a tremendous debacle. The natural resources will run out. What else can say that I have not said already?
Interlocutor: The last question I want to ask you is this: if you have some particular message for us related to some topic that we have not investigated and it should be transmitted and diffused due to its importance.
Lucifer: Well. I will begin with the message of the demons because they have requested it to me. Do not take this word as mine, but as their message, and don’t be afraid because you have Free Will, but I must speak:
You are under our power; you cannot do anything to defend yourselves because your ego is our opened door toward your souls. Your souls are ours, your ego is giving them to us, and it is little what you can do. Surrender now because you don't have another choice. It is futile to fight against us because you are weak.
The Masters of Light, ja! -they say-, if some of them have defeated us, all of them would have to defeat us, but Who said that this has to be this way? There will always be special spirits, but the rest will fall, the rest will fall.
Look at your faces, look at your faces, look at yourselves in the mirror, look at yourselves. Look!
Now I will say as Lucifer, as the angel that I believe I still am, the final words. I continue believing in you. I continue believing that you can overcome temptations. I continue believing that the word soul apart from spirit means strength. I continue believing in your inner-selves. I continue believing that as you have that Father's particle, you have inside of you that tool called Love. And that tool called Love is stronger than the other called ego.
But you must make an effort. Do not think selfishly at this time as spirits, because if the planet Sun 3 perishes, I know that you will embody in other worlds, you will continue as spirits, but it’s a pity, because this planet has history, this planet has ruins, this planet has writings, this planet has works of art. This planet is the identification of what you are, this planet identifies you. It is a pity to lose it.
I know that there are Ascended Masters who said that the attachments are part of the roles of ego. I don’t speak about attachments. I speak about RESPECT, and you don't respect the planet. This planet has life, it is not dead as the satellite you call moon, this planet has life.
You have to realize that you are some parasites that are feeding from this planet, but in such way, in such way that you are killing it. But this planet has resources to survive, because it has already survived other attempts of extermination. Then, it’s a pity that this so beautiful race, homo sapiens sapiens, already perishes.
It doesn’t seem my concept what I will say, but please, fight against evil. Fight against the evil inside of yourselves. Fight against self-centeredness, think about the others. If you stop thinking of yourselves and start thinking of the others, all these acolytes that accompany me, will be sterile in their mission.
Until all moment. Lucifer spoke to you.


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Post by RayMabus 17/1/2016, 21:11

Inace bi vas odavno pobili.


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Post by Guest 17/1/2016, 21:11

Tebi ce se Longi samo odnekud pojaviti neka Nesretnica i reci da je dite tvoje,i da moras placati Alimentaciju...i kraj price..uzivaj dok cura se ne pojavi... :clown

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U SLUČAJU APOKALIPSE: Koliko je ljudi potrebno za obnovu čovječanstva? - Page 2 Empty Re: U SLUČAJU APOKALIPSE: Koliko je ljudi potrebno za obnovu čovječanstva?

Post by RayMabus 17/1/2016, 21:15

Svaka rasa odnosno svaki dnka neke rase ima u sebi ugrađen rok trajanja.

Vi ste mlada rasa.

Ovo će vam objasniti zašto se oko vas prosipa toliko znoja i truda i zašto vas ni negativni ni pozitivni nisu izbrisali sa svemirske ravni.

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Post by RayMabus 17/1/2016, 21:18

A ujedno će vam objasniti i otmice sivih tzv greysa.

Stara rasa koja želi obnoviti svoj izumiruci  dnka prekovašeg dnka.

Križaju ga sa svojim.

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Post by Guest 17/1/2016, 21:20

e kad si spomenuo grejse,ode pogledati odlican film Signs...

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Post by RayMabus 17/1/2016, 21:27

bogomdani wrote:e kad si spomenuo grejse,ode pogledati odlican film Signs...
Šugava neduhovna materijalisticka rasa koja odbija da umre.

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Post by RayMabus 17/1/2016, 21:28

Odbijaju da umru jer misle da su samo tijelo.

Al razvili su genetiku do jaja.


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Post by rigbi 17/1/2016, 22:56

7 muzjaka i 16 zenki :)

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Post by Guest 17/1/2016, 23:51

Trinity wrote:
maggie13 wrote:Osmero djece?
Kad bi barem izvrsni mogli opstati.
U članku kažu baš suprotno. scratch
Čekamo wolfa i dedu. :)

Postoji tzv. r/K strategija kod organizama prilikom razmnožavanja.

Ako su uvijeti u okolišu loši, ako je velika smrtnost djece zbog predatora, bolesti, nestašice hrane i gladi itd. onda je prednost imati više djece, tj. ne samo da je prednost nego je velik broj potomaka nužan da bi se uopće preživjelo, jer od tih 8 kojih će žena roditi će 2-3 preživjeti. Prije par stoljeća kad su žene rađale velik broj djece stanovništvo uopće nije raslo ili je raslo užasno sporo 1% u 100 godina, jer je smrtnost djece bila tako velika da rađati 8smero djece nije bio neki faktor. No pri takvoj strategiji ulaganja u djecu su zbog njihovog velikog broja jako mala, tko preživi, preživi, svodi se na igru velikih brojeva.

Ako su uvijeti života povoljni, ako nema velike smrtnosti djece, onda je bolje imati manje djece te ulagati više energije i sredstava da budu što jača, zdravija, što obrazovanija...

Tako da ako su uvijeti života jako loši i smrtnost jako velika, nema smisla imati 1-2 djece jer će ti ona umrjeti, ako su uvijeti dobri nema smisla imati osmero djece jer će zbog siromaštva zaostajati za onima koji imaju pristup obrazovanju i kvalitetnijoj hrani

Last edited by deda na aparatima on 18/1/2016, 00:01; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Guest 17/1/2016, 23:57

deda na aparatima wrote:
Trinity wrote:
maggie13 wrote:Osmero djece?
Kad bi barem izvrsni mogli opstati.
U članku kažu baš suprotno. scratch
Čekamo wolfa i dedu. :)

Postoji tzv. r/K strategija kod organizama prilikom razmnožavanja.
Ako su uvijeti u okolišu loši, ako je velika smrtnost djece zbog predatora, bolesti, nestašice hrane i gladi itd. onda je prednost imati više djece, tj. ne samo da je prednost nego je velik broj potomaka nužan da bi se uopće preživjelo, jer od tih 8 kojih će žena roditi će 2-3 preživjeti. Prije par stoljeća kad su žene rađale velik broj djece stanovništvo uopće nije raslo ili je raslo užasno sporo 1% u 100 godina, jer je smrtnost djece bila tako velika da rađati 8smero djece nije bio neki faktor. No pri takvoj strategiji ulaganja u djecu su zbog njihovog velikog broja jako mala, tko preživi, preživi, svodi se na igru velikih brojeva.

Ako su uvijeti života povoljni, ako nema velike smrtnosti djece, onda je bolje imati manje djece te ulagati više energije i sredstava da budu što jača, zdravija, što obrazovanija...

Tako da ako su uvijeti života jako loši i smrtnost jako velika, nema smisla imati 1-2 djece jer će ti ona umrjeti, ako su uvijeti dobri nema smisla imati osmero djece jer će zbog siromaštva zaostajati za onima koji imaju pristup obrazovanju i kvalitetnijoj hrani

tako je. i ljudi se prilagođavaju tome.

i upravo zbog toga se sve svede na 2-3 djece što žele imati i zapadne obitelji i turske i iranske i kineske (urbane). fertilitet je u prosjeku nešto niži oko 1,5djece(i urbanoj turskoj, iranu, zapadu, kini , japanu, vijetnamu itd) ali to je zbog toga jer velik dio žena se ne oplodi + neki stignu imatu samo 1 dijete..

u prosjeku ako pitate koliko svi preferiraju djece, to je 2-3 djece.. samo u urbanom područuju oko 20-30% osoba nikada neće imati potomstvo(selekcija), a dio onih što budu imali , krenu kasno, pa imaju 1 dijete..


tako da ekipa koja paničari oko nataliteta, nema ništa smisla paničariti. baš ništa nemožete učiniti po tom pitanju. dapače, treba ostaviti stvari da se razvijaju prirodnim tokom.

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Post by RayMabus 18/1/2016, 07:12

Neoliberalni portugalac wrote:

i upravo zbog toga se sve svede na 2-3 djece što žele imati i zapadne obitelji i turske i iranske i kineske (urbane). fertilitet je u prosjeku nešto niži oko 1,5djece(i urbanoj turskoj, iranu, zapadu, kini , japanu, vijetnamu itd) ali to je zbog toga jer velik dio žena se ne oplodi + neki stignu imatu samo 1 dijete..

u prosjeku ako pitate koliko svi preferiraju djece, to je 2-3 djece.. samo u urbanom područuju oko 20-30% osoba nikada neće imati potomstvo(selekcija), a dio onih što budu imali , krenu kasno, pa imaju 1 dijete..

Studira ....odbija udvarace ...posli ih traži a konja nigdi.

Jedna takva ti shebe jednog muškog i onda imaš dvoje shebanih.

Treba im oduzet pravo glasa i sve ih vratit u kužinu.

NIje mozak za njih.

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Post by Guest 18/1/2016, 07:27

Trinity wrote:U SLUČAJU APOKALIPSE: Koliko je ljudi potrebno za obnovu čovječanstva?

Oko 1.000 ljudi.



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Post by Trinity 18/1/2016, 07:41

Ray, zaspamaš svaku drugu temu istim svojim "umotvorinama".
Naporan si, najblaže rečeno.
Malo sam sam se primila domestosa (mada bi u tvom slučaju trebalo nešto žešče ).

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Post by omni 18/1/2016, 08:52

Gledajuci danasnji svijet bolje da nitko ne ostane ili ajmo rec dosta je dvoje da se agonija nastavi, sto se tice incesta abrahamske religije kazu da je ok ionako smo svi postali od Adama i Eve, pa pretucavanjam mama sincek, seka braco rasirili.

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Post by Yehudi 18/1/2016, 09:17

To je to -zabranjeno voće- koje je dovelo do degeracije 

ljudske rase. Ne samo fizički već i mentalno.

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Post by marcellus 18/1/2016, 09:29

u slučaju apokalipse čemu uopće obnavljati uzroke apokalipse

U SLUČAJU APOKALIPSE: Koliko je ljudi potrebno za obnovu čovječanstva? - Page 2 1472536379_l

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Post by v_vlado 18/1/2016, 10:19

Samo da ne ostane netko iz hrvatske jer taj bi dotuko čovječanstvo. .

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Post by prckov 18/1/2016, 10:25

v_vlado wrote:Samo da ne ostane netko iz hrvatske jer taj bi dotuko čovječanstvo.  .

vlado...znas sta...ma znas kako ne bi znao :D

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Post by L'âme 18/1/2016, 10:28

Ja se već mislila 'zabilježit'.. Basketball

“You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.”
― Rudolf Steiner

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