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velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu

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velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu Empty velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu

Post by prckov 3/1/2021, 09:56

Democratic California Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Massachusetts Rep. James McGovern, chairman of the Rules Committee, announced changes to the House rules that will “honor all gender identities” by modifying the pronouns and familial relations references in the rules

The resolution would change “pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral or removes references to gender, as appropriate, to ensure we are inclusive of all Members,

The new rules also change “seamen” to “seafarers,” “chairman” to “chair” and “submit his or her resignation” to “resigns,” according to the resolution.

References to fathers, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives and in-laws would be changed to “parent, child, sibling, spouse, or parent-in-law,” according to the resolution. Extended family members would be referred to as “child’s parent” instead of aunt or uncle, stepparents, and siblings-in-law.

jebga, da bi neke ukljucili moramo druge iskljucit iz terminologije
tocno bi coek reko da je inkluzivnost = zabrana slobode govora santa

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velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu Empty Re: velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu

Post by Guest 3/1/2021, 10:00

Debina ''uključivost''.


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velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu Empty Re: velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu

Post by prckov 3/1/2021, 10:03

Sovak wrote:Debina ''uključivost''.


ih, debo se naprosto oznojio od kolicine progresa u jednom danu sunny

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velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu Empty Re: velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu

Post by prckov 3/1/2021, 10:08

jos da vrate critical race theory u skole koje je primitivni tram zabranio
i treninge bjelaca da ne budu rasisti i amerika ce ponovo bit really great king

teza = socijalizam
antiteza = kapitalizam
sinteza = odrzivi socijalizam, odnosno =  odrzivi razvoj, odnosno = "degrowth communism"
Ili kako Klaus kaze = "economy of caring and sharing"

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velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu Empty Re: velika politika 21 stoljeca - inkluzivnost u kongresu

Post by prckov 3/1/2021, 10:17


teza = socijalizam
antiteza = kapitalizam
sinteza = odrzivi socijalizam, odnosno =  odrzivi razvoj, odnosno = "degrowth communism"
Ili kako Klaus kaze = "economy of caring and sharing"

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