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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Leviathan2 29/11/2015, 22:07

marcus-t wrote:
EmberSpirit wrote:
Ringo10 wrote:
EmberSpirit wrote:
Ringo10 wrote:
EmberSpirit wrote:nevidim u čemu je tajna.

imate mapu ISILa prije USA intervencije i nakon USA intervencije.
Nakon USA intervencije Kurdi su od ISILa uz pomoć USA avijacije otkinuli teritorij veličine Hrvatske države.

Jedino se ISIL u tom period širio na račun Assada istina.

Onda imate i Rusku intervenciju.
Prvih mjesec dana Ruske intervencije ISIL se širio , budem postao i mape i linkove, a bilo je sve na forumu.

Tek kada su Rusi objavili da su im ISILovci srušili avion, i  tek kada SAA protiv FSA je imala gadne gubitke (pogotovo sjeverno od hame) onda su i SAA i RU bacili fokus na ISIL i ostvarili neke pobjede(deblokada zračne luke recimo)

prije toga , iako su prvih mjesec dana Rusi bili tu, ISIL se čak i širio..
Rusi su mnogo više usmjerili svoje djelovanje protiv ISILovih rođaka poput AlNusre i sličnih,  u urbanijim područjima jer je tamo SAA bila u velikoj krizi i trebala joj je pomoć. DOk je ISIL mnogo više bio u dijelovima Sirije koji su trenutno Rusiji i vladi u Damasku od sekundarnog značaja.

Prema tome Rusi neće gubiti vrijeme po područjima koja su sada manje bitna a pustiti SAA da gubi u borbama oko Alepa, DAmaska, u Latakiji gdje je bila opasnost izbijanja glavosijeka na morsku obalu, 

Sve ti i slični to jako dobro znate ali se tu pravite blesavi u svojoj tendecioznoj pokvarenosti.

pa sve je to istina, ali onda u čemu je problem priznati istinu, da u prvih mjesec dana Rusi jedva da su ISIL, dirali, dapače Rusi su zračnim napadima recimo uništili liniju obrane Al Nusre prema ISILu, i onda ovi nakon Ruskih zračnih napada izveli napad i osvojili to područje..

Da su to Ameri napravili, onda bi pola interneta pisalo "ameri pomažu isil-u"
Boli ih kita da li neko selo drži ISIL ili AlNusra. Jednako sranje.

Jo[ su ovi drugi polkitički opasniji. Za ISIL svi znaju ali ove AlNusre i slične sad Amerikanci pokušavaju da podvale pod firmom nekakvih umjerenih pobunjenika i slična sranja.

Amerikanxci su saveznici tih glavosijeka i to nikakva šuplja anti-ISIL retorika ne može sakriti.

pa to je istina.
FSA je opasniji od ISILa, em vojno, i politički.

Ali čemu onda mediji pišu "rusi danas izveli napade na isil kod homsa, i pokrenuli saa tamo ofenzivu na isil" kada na tom djelu(gdje su ovi napadali) nema ISISa.

neka napišu, napali smo nusru i ćao
Zato jer su te podjele na FSA, ISIL, Nusru i ostala sranja samo propagandna terminologija Zapada za budale poput tebe.
Putin je lijepo rekao da je Rusima sve to isto. Šta treba da ti osobno to ureže na čelo pa da  shvatiš?
Koji ti je kurac jebo te, jesi glup ili šta već? Već mjesec dana sere jedno te isto. O jebo te! :D
pirat sere ko trudna foka, fino rusi kazu, danas bombardirali igil, juce bombardirali igil, sutra ce bombardirati igil, cim cuju alahuekser tu je igil i tocka, affraid


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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Leviathan2 29/11/2015, 22:12

Sirija - Page 3 Turkish-air-force-avoids-syrian-airspacehttp://www.almasdarnews.com/article/turkish-air-force-avoids-syrian-airspace/

Sirija - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRqnLHscWsIZTkjqYrSt1h-A1RiF9_dMbyrQ&usqp=CAU

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Lokacija: : Međurečje


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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by marcus-t 29/11/2015, 22:17

Russian T-90 Tanks Arrive in Syria's Aleppo to Join Army's Combat on Terrorists

Sirija - Page 3 13940908000467_PhotoI

The Syrian Army’s 4th Mechanized Division has deployed their newly-arrived T-90 advanced Tanks to the Southern Aleppo front for the first time in order to continue their push to the towns of Kafraya and Al-Fou’aa, military sources said Sunday.
The T-90 Tank offers the Syrian army several features their T-55 and T-72 models do not, including a 2A46M 125 smoothbore tank gun; a four-stroke V-12 piston engine; and most importantly, the Kontakt-5 ERA (explosive reactive armor).
Much of the success the ISIL have experienced in Northern Syria has come from their US manufactured anti-tank TOW missile; however, with the Kontakt-5 ERA, the T-90 Tanks should be strong enough to endure the impact from the TOW missile.
The Syrian army, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah fighters have intensified their joint operations against the ISIL terrorists in Aleppo province specially after September 30 when the Russian Air Force launched its massive airstrikes against the militancy in the crisis-hit country.    
On Saturday, the Syrian army and the NDF fighters broke through the ISIL militants' defense lines and pushed them back from two more villages Aleppo province.
The pro-government forces' operation was so heavy that did not leave any safe place for the ISIL militants near the villages of al-Faysal and al-Malkiyah.
The ISIL retreated forces from the abovementioned villages and their surrounding areas after leaving behind scores of dead and wounded members.

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Leviathan2 29/11/2015, 22:38

marcus-t wrote:

Russian T-90 Tanks Arrive in Syria's Aleppo to Join Army's Combat on Terrorists

Sirija - Page 3 13940908000467_PhotoI

The Syrian Army’s 4th Mechanized Division has deployed their newly-arrived T-90 advanced Tanks to the Southern Aleppo
to je ona ekipa sto sa hezbama cistila zabadani a

Sirija - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRqnLHscWsIZTkjqYrSt1h-A1RiF9_dMbyrQ&usqp=CAU

Posts : 21431

Lokacija: : Međurečje


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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Guest 29/11/2015, 23:17

J.od Alepa je totalno zajebano zadnjih dva tjedna. Islamisti našikani tabletama i špricama su osvojili nazad nekoliko gradova i sela i napadaju.

Pitanje je hoće li se taj T-90 koristiti u borbi

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Winter is coming 30/11/2015, 01:00

Sirija - Page 3 12301778_10207635777319967_3674782231171173516_n

И показа ми чисту реку воде живота, бистру као кристал, која излажаше од престола Божијег и Јагњетовог.
Winter is coming
Winter is coming

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 30/11/2015, 09:19

  Jučer oslobodjen Mahin

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 30/11/2015, 09:23

  Turkmen ( svejedno arapski govori ) kaže da su dobili

 14 tenkova, BMP-a, traktora i 5 minobacača od Turaka,serdogana.

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 30/11/2015, 09:27

Al usra odrezala glave dvojici svojih radi kontakta sa

 suparničkom bandom -syri. revoluc. front-

http://rusvesna.su/news/1448832365     + 18

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 30/11/2015, 09:59


 Sa videom

   Tenkovi i topništvo zatvaraju okruženje oko Salme

 posljednjeg većeg uporišta islamo-terorista na sjeveru

 pokrajine Latakija.

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 30/11/2015, 10:44

Sirija - Page 3 %2028%2011

Kako reče ono netko- "Ma fantaziraju Rusi o broju uništenih cisterni"

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by marcus-t 30/11/2015, 10:52

50 Terrorists Killed, Wounded in Army Counter-Attack South of Syria's Aleppo

Sirija - Page 3 13940909000270_PhotoI

The Syrian army repelled the militant groups' offensive on their military checkpoint Southeast of Aleppo province, and killed or wounded at least 50 of them in their counter-assault on Monday.
The Syrian Army's military checkpoint near al-Aziziyah came under attack of the militant groups, who failed to infiltrate into the government defense lines and fled the battlefront after leaving scores of dead or wounded members as a result of the Syrian forces' counter-assault.
Sirija - Page 3 13940909000286_PhotoI
Informed sources said on Sunday that the Syrian Army and popular forces gained the upper hand in the combat against the ISIL terrorists in the Eastern part of Aleppo province and made remarkable advance near Deir Hafer region.
The Syrian army’s elite special operations division known as the “Tiger Forces” were at the time within 5km from the Western district of Deir Hafer, leaving the ISIL in a vulnerable position with very little reserves to combat the advancing army, the sources said.
Since losing the Kuweires Military Airport earlier this month, ISIL defenses have been falling apart all over the Aleppo province's Eastern part; this has paved the way for the Tiger Forces and their allies to advance into areas that were once considered untouchable.
As a result of the loss of ‘Aqulah, the ISIL is facing a serious threat at the strategic hilltop village of Tal al-Ahmar, which is another gateway to Deir Hafer front as it sits on the seasonal road leading to the aforementioned city.
If Deir Hafer is captured by the Tiger Forces, the Syrian Armed Forces will be in position to reenter the Raqqa province after being expelled by ISIL in August 2014.

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 30/11/2015, 11:05

Sirija - Page 3 Media.facebook.060560fb-baba-4ca6-ac66-e0724b0c68a5.normalized

Von der Leyen erwägt Pakt mit syrischen Truppen

Teile der syrischen Armee könnten im Kampf gegen den IS eingesetzt werden, sagt die Verteidigungsministerin. Eine Allianz mit Assad schließt sie weiter aus. Ein Sicherheitsexperte glaubt aber: An dem  Assad führt kein Weg vorbei.
  Njemačka ministrica obrane Von der Leyen predlaže  suradnju sa jednim dijelom ( ? ) SAA

 kako bi se porazio -isis- Kao nebi u alijansu sa Assadom ali sigurnosna služba ( BND ) vjeruje

 da se ne može bez suradnje sa njim.

Sirija - Page 3 Bald-partner-im-kampf-gegen-is

Bald Partner im Kampf gegen IS?...........Uskoro saveznici protiv isis ?

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by stenjalica 30/11/2015, 12:03

Yehudi wrote:Sirija - Page 3 %2028%2011

Kako reče ono netko- "Ma fantaziraju Rusi o broju uništenih cisterni"
Šteta da cigića nema tamo,milijune bi zaradili

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Ero 30/11/2015, 12:21

S čim se vi bavite? Selo gori a baba se češlja.. B-)


Jedan je Hase...

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 30/11/2015, 12:33

Over 100 Russian jet fighters and a new Brigade are expected in Syria once Sha’ayrat airport is in service



  Navodno se otvara još jedna zračna baza Rusije kod

Homsa (Al-Sha’ayrat Airport ) sa 100 aviona i 1 000 vojske.

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Yehudi 30/11/2015, 12:38

#Syria #Hama #RuAF #RussianAirForce #Russianairstrikes Heavily Bombarding #Lataminah This Morning VIDEO (1) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08XaaT7Ls5A …

  Danas - sjeverno od Hame se briše onaj djep


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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Stanojko 30/11/2015, 12:55

Yehudi wrote:#Syria #Hama #RuAF #RussianAirForce #Russianairstrikes Heavily Bombarding #Lataminah This Morning VIDEO (1) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08XaaT7Ls5A …

  Danas - sjeverno od Hame se briše onaj djep

Bre, sto ti stavljas lepe "uradke"... Milina jedna... cheers

Sirija - Page 3 Za_kra11

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by marcellus 30/11/2015, 12:56

čekajte dok dođe kuja hilari crnjo je još dobar... ima da zarati sve od pirineja do sibira

Sirija - Page 3 1472536379_l

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by Stanojko 30/11/2015, 12:57

Psiho-kucka... Pa to je gotova stvar...

Sirija - Page 3 Za_kra11

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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

Post by veber 30/11/2015, 12:59

A sve zbog jednog pusenja.


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Sirija - Page 3 Empty Re: Sirija

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Sponsored content

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