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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by mativka 16/9/2018, 00:53

aben wrote:Na temelju čega [zarez] u tom slučaju, pogotovo danas gdje smo smo povezani s informacijama na svim razinama, "slobodom govora" raznoraznih medija, portala, dostupnosti stvaramo vlastita mišljenja i,....postoje li ona uopće?

mišljenja postoju i stvoromo ih na temelju istih tih informacija.
ipak smo druga "branša" i svaka ispravka je dobrodošla :)


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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 16/9/2018, 05:28


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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 16/9/2018, 08:05

mativka wrote:
aben wrote:
mativka wrote:Koliko smo sami od svog mišljenja postojani?
ne razumin ča to znoči,

misliš koliko su čvrsta naša mišljenja? ili koliko držimo do vlastitog mišljenja...?
Rekao si , tj. pisao da si nekada davno bio socijalist. Kako si odrastao tako si upijao dostupne informacije i time je došlo do transformacije. Danas si ono što jesi, bez obzira što ne živiš život u skladu s svojim vizijama pročitanih informacija al imaš svoju viziju društva....kako bi ono trebalo biti.
Na kojem temelju gradiš svoju viziju društva?
ni to bilo toliko davno, puno manje nego sun spreman priznati.
dok su moji vršnjaci učili i upijali, jo sun imo drugoga posla, iako isto imo veze s upijanjen:)

ali, ni to išlo tako kao si opisala. jo sun se rodi ko libertarijanac, u osnovnin postavkami. a unda, ka sun se zainteresiro za politiku, krenu je trnovit put otkrivanja i generaliziranja problijema. dok još nis mogo postaviti dobro pitanje, i odgovori su bili kakovi jesu. socijalizam je u takovoj situaciji logičan izbor. ne reče se bezveze da je to prvoloptaško razmišljanje, jer socijalistička rješenja rješavaju samo površinu problijema. batistat je odovna napiso what is seen and what is not seen, i to ni skriveno znanje, ali ni baš ni lektira.
ono na čemu grodin viziju su upravo jedne te iste postavke iskima sun se rodi. te postavke bi mogo sažeti u tvrdnju- ne moreš oštetiti jednoga čovika da bi pomogo drugon, i to nazvati dobrin. konkretna rješenja čitan u knjigami i testirun u debatami.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 16/9/2018, 08:25

kic wrote:

njega je stroh za demokraciju, a ne za liberalizam. irelevantno je koliko nan je volja slobodna, ona jentemelj politike jer ne postoji bolji. ako sun ljudi podložni, so be it. ono ča je opasno ni liberalizam, nego demonkracija.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 16/9/2018, 09:11

on u biti zeli da javnost prica o umjetnoj inteligenciji i bioloskom inzenjeringu, a ne imigraciji i nacionalizmu, no jel..


isto dobar clanak

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 16/9/2018, 09:16

If the czar is all-powerful, he is of course responsible for everything: therefore nothing untoward can happen in the country without the imputation of the czar's ill will. But in that case, how is the imputation of omnipotence to be reconciled with that of perfect benevolence? If something terrible happens to innocent people, either the czar must not be omnipotent or must not be benevolent. The only way to square the circle is to lie oneself and be deceived when others lie in similar fashion: to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil, even when evil abounds.

For example, shortly after his arrival in Russia, Custine went to the annual festival at the palace of Peterhof, a festival of such magnificence that it took 1,800 servants to light 250,000 lamps for it. Visitors reached the palace by boat from Saint Petersburg, and one boat had sunk in a storm on the way to the festival with the loss of all its passengers and crew. But because "any mishap [in Russia] is treated as an affair of State" in Russia, and because "to lie is to protect the social order, to speak the truth is to destroy the State," there followed "a silence more terrifying than the disaster itself." In Russia, people of the highest social class—as were the boat's passengers—could disappear not only without a trace but without comment. Who in such a country could ever feel safe?

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 16/9/2018, 09:22

When a man fell from grace, he not only ceased to exist, he ceased ever to have existed. "M. de Repnin governed the Empire and the Emperor. M. de Repnin has been in disfavour for two years and for two years Russia has not heard this name spoken—this name which two years ago was on every tongue. No one dares to remember him or even to believe in his existence—either his present existence or his past existence. In Russia, the day a minister falls, his friends become deaf and blind. A man is buried as soon as he appears to be in disfavour."

Communist regimes went yet further in the creation of unpersons, of course, striking them out of photographs and encyclopedias (on the fall of a formerly prominent Soviet personage, the publishers of the Great Soviet Encyclopaedia would send out substitute entries to paste over that unpersonage's entry). But the precedent had been set many years before.

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 16/9/2018, 09:25

If Custine were among us now, he would recognize the evil of political correctness at once, because of the violence that it does to people's souls by forcing them to say or imply what they do not believe but must not question. Custine would demonstrate to us that, without an external despot to explain our pusillanimity, we have willingly adopted the mental habits of people who live under a totalitarian dictatorship.

Tocqueville (who rightly foresaw that democratic government was destined to spread widely, if not throughout the entire world) described the future soul of man under a seemingly benevolent and democratic government that willingly labored for the happiness of the people "but chose to be the sole agent and only arbiter of that happiness." Such a government would "supply [the people] with their necessities, facilitate their pleasures, manage their principal concerns." What would remain, but to "spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living"? When this came to pass, "the will of man will not be shattered, but softened, bent and guided." Men will not be forced to act, but prevented from acting; the government will not destroy, but prevent a full human existence. It will not tyrannize, but "enervate, extinguish and stupefy a people."

And this is exactly the condition to which a part of the population had been reduced under irreproachably democratic governments. Living in subsidized housing, its children educated free of charge and its medical bills paid (all for its own good, of course), with an income sufficient to guarantee both enough food and perpetual entertainment in the form of television, all its "principal concerns" are "managed," just as Tocqueville said they would be, and it is thus spared "the care of thinking and all the trouble of living." This is the welfare-dependent population among which I work: so enervated and stupefied that it cannot cook for itself even when it has nothing else to do but eats only pre-cooked food, and so enervated and stupefied that when trash appears in its own front yard, it cannot summon the initiative to clear it away by itself but—if it notices the mess at all—summons officialdom to do so on its behalf.

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 16/9/2018, 16:43

automata inconvenienced with a soul": a description true, perhaps, of all bureaucrats fearful for their jobs but truest of all where power is both arbitrary and completely centralized

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 16/9/2018, 16:44

The evils of envy and hatred masquerading as humanitarian idealism had darkened his life from its outset, stamping him as a man quick to search for the reality behind the expression of fine sentiments.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 16/9/2018, 16:49

His position compels him to be paranoid: "an Emperor of Russia," wrote Custine, "would have to be a genius . . . to keep his sanity after twenty years of ruling." Such, of course, was precisely the problem all communist dictators faced.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 16/9/2018, 16:55

If Custine were among us now, he would recognize the evil of political correctness at once, because of the violence that it does to people's souls by forcing them to say or imply what they do not believe but must not question. 

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 16/9/2018, 16:58

nemun vrimena čitati dalje,
darylimple i kuštin, ubojice socijalizma.

zamisli da gnječ prečito ovakov članak, pa to je ko šipka u felgu u vožnji...

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 16/9/2018, 17:18

putopisi su cesto odlicni..

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 16/9/2018, 20:58

ruski vic iz doba monarhije:

A man was reported to have said: "Nikolay is a moron!" and was arrested by a policeman. "No, sir, I meant not our respected Emperor, but another Nikolay!" - "Don't try to trick me: if you say "moron", you are obviously referring to our tsar!"

rano doba komunističke revolucije

Midnight Petrograd... A Red Guards night watch spots a shadow trying to sneak by. "Stop! Who goes there? Documents!" The frightened person chaotically rummages through his pockets and drops a paper. The Guards chief picks it up and reads slowly, with difficulty: "U.ri.ne A.na.ly.sis"... "Hmm... a foreigner, sounds like ..." "A spy, looks like.... Let's shoot him on the spot!" Then he reads further: "'Proteins: none, Sugars: none, Fats: none...' You are free to go, proletarian comrade! Long live the World revolution!"

ruski vicevi u doba Staljina:


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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 16/9/2018, 21:19

Gnječ wrote:ruski vic iz doba monarhije:

A man was reported to have said: "Nikolay is a moron!" and was arrested by a policeman. "No, sir, I meant not our respected Emperor, but another Nikolay!" - "Don't try to trick me: if you say "moron", you are obviously referring to our tsar!"

rano doba komunističke revolucije

Midnight Petrograd... A Red Guards night watch spots a shadow trying to sneak by. "Stop! Who goes there? Documents!" The frightened person chaotically rummages through his pockets and drops a paper. The Guards chief picks it up and reads slowly, with difficulty: "U.ri.ne A.na.ly.sis"... "Hmm... a foreigner, sounds like ..." "A spy, looks like.... Let's shoot him on the spot!" Then he reads further: "'Proteins: none, Sugars: none, Fats: none...' You are free to go, proletarian comrade! Long live the World revolution!"

ruski vicevi u doba Staljina:

Yogurts: none.

Last edited by violator on 16/9/2018, 21:28; edited 1 time in total

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 16/9/2018, 21:26

ima i u vicevima istine, nekad..

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben 16/9/2018, 22:11

nemo viceva ni o titu. vjerojatno jer su jugosloveni ozbiljan norod...

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 16/9/2018, 22:16

violator wrote:
Gnječ wrote:ruski vic iz doba monarhije:

A man was reported to have said: "Nikolay is a moron!" and was arrested by a policeman. "No, sir, I meant not our respected Emperor, but another Nikolay!" - "Don't try to trick me: if you say "moron", you are obviously referring to our tsar!"

rano doba komunističke revolucije

Midnight Petrograd... A Red Guards night watch spots a shadow trying to sneak by. "Stop! Who goes there? Documents!" The frightened person chaotically rummages through his pockets and drops a paper. The Guards chief picks it up and reads slowly, with difficulty: "U.ri.ne A.na.ly.sis"... "Hmm... a foreigner, sounds like ..." "A spy, looks like.... Let's shoot him on the spot!" Then he reads further: "'Proteins: none, Sugars: none, Fats: none...' You are free to go, proletarian comrade! Long live the World revolution!"

ruski vicevi u doba Staljina:

Yogurts: none.

biti željan industrijskog jogurta a imati u štali 22 krave koje jedva čekaju da ih se pomuze i napravi jogurt. od svake krave drukčiji jogurt znači 22 vrste jogurta. na Grobniku po livadi i u šumi bobičastog voća divlje jagode, borovnica itd. a Kolinda nema jogurta pa ni onog voćnog.

Denkverbot - Page 38 Capture-16

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 16/9/2018, 22:35

aben wrote:nemo viceva ni o titu. vjerojatno jer su jugosloveni ozbiljan norod...

ovo nije vic ali jebiga meni je smiješno.

Predsjednik SFRJ Josip Broz Tito bio je gost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država 1971. godine, i tamo je dočekan sa najvećim počastima predviđenim za nekog stranog državnika.

Denkverbot - Page 38 Tito-nixon

Broz je brižno gradio odnose i sa Istokom i sa Zapadom, razvijajući sve vrijeme domaću industriju, čuvajući radnička prava i suverenitet države. Koliko je Tito bio poštovan u svijetu, svjedoče mnogi snimci iz njegovih posjeta zemljama širom planete. Ipak, jedna od anegdota koja govori mnogo o ovom poštovanju nastala je upravu u Bijeloj kući, za vrijeme posjete 1971. godine.

Naime, u Bijeloj kući je bilo strogo zabranjeno pušenje još od 1946. godine, i nikome nije padalo na pamet da tu zapali cigaretu. Također, u to vrijeme je na vrhuncu bila netrpeljivost režima u Vašingtonu i Kube Fidela Kastra. Znajući sve ovo, Tito je, usred sastanka sa Niksonom, pred novinarima i fotoreporterima, izvadio tompus, i zapalio ga. I to ne bilo koji tompus. Kubanski, koji mu je poklonio lično Fidel.

Gospodine predsjedniče, mi ovdje u Bijeloj kući ne pušimo – rekao mu je zaprepašteni Nikson.

Tito ga je pogledao, nastavio da pućka, i rekao:

Blago vama!

Nikson do kraja sastanka više nije spomenuo ovu zabranu.


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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 16/9/2018, 22:36

kic wrote:
ima i u vicevima istine, nekad..

The difference between a libertarian wedding and a libertarian funeral?

One less opinion.

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Denkverbot - Page 38 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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