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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Kermit Sun 18 Mar - 13:46


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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Kermit Sun 18 Mar - 13:47

Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin 29343089_10156218002218209_2901698942358285472_n

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Kermit Sun 18 Mar - 13:47

U zapadnoj štampi par redaka da se nađe, toliko o kurdima i zapadu...

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by vuksadinare Sun 18 Mar - 14:04

Kaj turci nisu ruski saveznici :)

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by RayMabus Sun 18 Mar - 14:05

Turska je NATO članica a ne Kurdi, uostalom Amerika je Kurde naoružavala protiv Isila a taj Afrin u to neupada

A i uostalom nije Amerika proglasila Rojavu tj kurdsku državu u Siriji nego Kurdi samoincijativno

Tako da ja nevidin šta Amerika ima sa njima tamo uopće 

Čestitke bratu Erdoganu

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by epikur37 Sun 18 Mar - 15:02

Kermit wrote:Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin 29343089_10156218002218209_2901698942358285472_n

toliko o američkoj podršci kurdima, nato paktu i sličnim konfetima...

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by epikur37 Sun 18 Mar - 15:07

Potpuni debakl američke politike, Istočnu gutu im preuzeli rusi i assad te porazili njihove kanibale.

Afrin zauzeli Turci i porazili njihove kurde.

što reć.

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Guest Sun 18 Mar - 15:14

kurde su svi zajebali.

Exploited by everyone

This system of subdividing the Kurds in Turkey, which has existed under every regime thus far, has roots reaching back to the beginning of the 20th century, when Turkey cast off its sultanate to forge a path toward a secular state.

More precisely, it can be traced back to the intermezzo when the government in Ankara under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) temporarily shared power with the regime in Istanbul led by the Sultan and his Grand Vizier.

Both sides tried to win over the Kurds with honeyed promises and agreements that were to grant the Kurds their rights as soon as the country had extricated itself from its precarious state. The Kurds on Ataturk's side (the Kurds of the Treaty of Lausanne) hence soon faced off against the Kurds siding with the Sultan (the Kurds of the Treaty of Sevres).

The government in Ankara considered its Kurds to be "good and heroic patriots", while the Kurds on the other side were stamped as traitors to the fatherland and spies who deserved to be exterminated. And the opposite attitude was of course held by the Istanbul regime.

However, after Ataturk had overthrown the Sultan's regime and consolidated his rule, he turned his attention to the issue of the Kurds, setting out to massacre them all, the good and the bad, to make an example of them.

Indeed, not only did he renege on all promises that had been made to the Kurds and all treaties, he denied the very existence of them as a people – and this after they had helped him to found his state and rise to power.

Today, the "Kurdistan Workers' Party" (PKK) is not the only force that continues to perpetuate this unfortunate tradition, seemingly infected by the pathological classification of Kurds into two camps, with its own good and heroic Kurds vested with the legal right and duty to turn against the bad Kurds and wipe them out.

And when the PKK speaks today of the issue of the Kurdish people, it never fails to point out that it represents a nation that counts more than 40 million people. All those who have split off from the party (since its founding in 1978), who number in the tens of thousands, are in turn considered by the PKK to be traitors, thugs and agents.

In addition, all the Kurds who support Erdogan's "Justice and Development Party" (ACP) or the other Turkish parties and who account for millions of people, are of course likewise turncoats and stooges.

And the same label is appended to the millions of Iraqi and Syrian Kurds who are followers of the "Kurdistan Democratic Party" (PDK) headed by Massoud Barzani: they are nothing but traitors and lackeys of Erdogan.

Yes, apparently the tens of thousands of supporters and followers of the "Kurdish National Council in Syria" are also traitors – henchmen of Erdogan, IS and the terrorist al-Qaida group Tanzimat – simply because the "National Council" is part of the opposition alliance fighting against the Assad regime!


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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Guest Sun 18 Mar - 15:15

ovisi. gledaj to ovako. turci su porazili kurde , jedine kurde koji su bili pro-ruski orijentirani - tamo nikada nije bilo američke vojske, niti američke vojne pomoći, nego ruske vojske i ruske vojne pomoći.
kurdi za poraz najviše optužuju ruse, što je i logično, rusi utekli čim su turci ispalili par granata.

a sa druge strane, turska i kanibali su povećali teritorij za 30%, i povezali ga u jednu cjelinu. linija razgraničenja sa assadovom državom se povećala, a kanibali koji su gore bili fizički odvojeni od kanibala u ildibu su sada spojeni, plus su obučeni i naoružani od strane turaka. turci će im ostaviti i oklopna vozila i hranu i oružje, pa i tenkove možda. biti će zanimljivo pratiti za mjesec dana situaciju gore.

baš me zanima hoće li putin i assada smjeti krenuti i napadati Ildbi enklavu u ovakvom novoj situaciji.

još najjača stvar, Kurdi su htjeli predati teritorij Assadu u zamjenu za zaštitu, a izgleda da je Erdogan nagovorio Putina da spriječi Assada u tom naumu, a to znaju Kurdi. itd.

jedini pobjednik u ovome je erdogan i njegovi islamisti.

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Guest Sun 18 Mar - 15:17

Gnječ wrote:kurde su svi zajebali.

Exploited by everyone

This system of subdividing the Kurds in Turkey, which has existed under every regime thus far, has roots reaching back to the beginning of the 20th century, when Turkey cast off its sultanate to forge a path toward a secular state.

More precisely, it can be traced back to the intermezzo when the government in Ankara under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) temporarily shared power with the regime in Istanbul led by the Sultan and his Grand Vizier.

Both sides tried to win over the Kurds with honeyed promises and agreements that were to grant the Kurds their rights as soon as the country had extricated itself from its precarious state. The Kurds on Ataturk's side (the Kurds of the Treaty of Lausanne) hence soon faced off against the Kurds siding with the Sultan (the Kurds of the Treaty of Sevres).

The government in Ankara considered its Kurds to be "good and heroic patriots", while the Kurds on the other side were stamped as traitors to the fatherland and spies who deserved to be exterminated. And the opposite attitude was of course held by the Istanbul regime.

However, after Ataturk had overthrown the Sultan's regime and consolidated his rule, he turned his attention to the issue of the Kurds, setting out to massacre them all, the good and the bad, to make an example of them.

Indeed, not only did he renege on all promises that had been made to the Kurds and all treaties, he denied the very existence of them as a people – and this after they had helped him to found his state and rise to power.

Today, the "Kurdistan Workers' Party" (PKK) is not the only force that continues to perpetuate this unfortunate tradition, seemingly infected by the pathological classification of Kurds into two camps, with its own good and heroic Kurds vested with the legal right and duty to turn against the bad Kurds and wipe them out.

And when the PKK speaks today of the issue of the Kurdish people, it never fails to point out that it represents a nation that counts more than 40 million people. All those who have split off from the party (since its founding in 1978), who number in the tens of thousands, are in turn considered by the PKK to be traitors, thugs and agents.

In addition, all the Kurds who support Erdogan's "Justice and Development Party" (ACP) or the other Turkish parties and who account for millions of people, are of course likewise turncoats and stooges.

And the same label is appended to the millions of Iraqi and Syrian Kurds who are followers of the "Kurdistan Democratic Party" (PDK) headed by Massoud Barzani: they are nothing but traitors and lackeys of Erdogan.

Yes, apparently the tens of thousands of supporters and followers of the "Kurdish National Council in Syria" are also traitors – henchmen of Erdogan, IS and the terrorist al-Qaida group Tanzimat – simply because the "National Council" is part of the opposition alliance fighting against the Assad regime!


slušaj , treba se sjetiti , nemoram po 100puta stavljati mape. prosinac 2014 godine, kurdski zadnji grad kobane je pred padom. islamisti ih istrebljuju, ubijaju, tjeraju, a turska i iran i rusija, i sirija - nitko im ne pomaže. osim amera. koji su uletili tada, i prvo bombardiranjem spasili kobane od pada, a onda im oformili vojsku i ratujući se protiv ISISa, Kurdski teritorij povećali tako da ovi drže četvrtinu/trećinu sirije.. većinu izvora nafte i većinu eufrat rijeke.

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by dijagram Sun 18 Mar - 15:19

ali muljate navijacki...
kurde su prodali ama bas svi jer im tako odgovara
i ameri i rusi i asad i iran i naravno njima neprijateljske sve moguce frakcije balijskih hordi, isil i kojikuracvec

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by epikur37 Sun 18 Mar - 15:20

dijagram wrote:ali muljate navijacki...
kurde su prodali ama bas svi jer im tako odgovara
i ameri i rusi i asad i iran i naravno njima neprijateljske  sve moguce frakcije balijskih hordi, isil i kojikuracvec

Trebali su se odmah svrstati uz Assada i tražiti autonomiju...ovako ošli jamerima ovi im obećali kurdistan a ono prc milojko...odoše niz vodu

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Guest Sun 18 Mar - 15:20

dijagram wrote:ali muljate navijacki...
kurde su prodali ama bas svi jer im tako odgovara
i ameri i rusi i asad i iran i naravno njima neprijateljske  sve moguce frakcije balijskih hordi, isil i kojikuracvec
ameri bi tek prodali kurde, da recimo turci sada krenu sa napadom na manbij(što su najavljivali) gdje se nalazi američka vojska, i da ovi uteknu.. to bi bila prodaja. ovi kurdi kod afrina, su više bili naslonjeni na ruse i assada, jer su fizički bili odvojeni od amera. i tamo je bilo ruskih vojnika, rusi su im slali vojnu pomoć i zajedno su napadali islamiste u par navrata.

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Ringo10 Sun 18 Mar - 15:21

Kurdi u Afrinu su lijepo naguzli sami sebe odnosno naguzilo ih njihovo vodjstvo.
Mogli su sve ovo izbjeći. Nisu Htjeli Asada a sad u kolonama bježe Asadu.

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Guest Sun 18 Mar - 15:21

epikur37 wrote:
dijagram wrote:ali muljate navijacki...
kurde su prodali ama bas svi jer im tako odgovara
i ameri i rusi i asad i iran i naravno njima neprijateljske  sve moguce frakcije balijskih hordi, isil i kojikuracvec

Trebali su se odmah svrstati uz Assada i tražiti autonomiju
...ovako ošli jamerima ovi im obećali kurdistan a ono prc milojko...odoše niz vodu
zapravo to su i radili, ali ih je Assad odbio uz naredbu Putina kojeg je nagovorio/naredio/zajeba Erdogan.

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by dijagram Sun 18 Mar - 15:22

epikur37 wrote:
dijagram wrote:ali muljate navijacki...
kurde su prodali ama bas svi jer im tako odgovara
i ameri i rusi i asad i iran i naravno njima neprijateljske  sve moguce frakcije balijskih hordi, isil i kojikuracvec

Trebali su se odmah svrstati uz Assada i tražiti autonomiju...ovako ošli jamerima ovi im obećali kurdistan a ono prc milojko...odoše niz vodu
I jesu djelomicno, ali njemu su bitniji saveznici hezbolah, iran, rusi a oni su redom antagonisticki nastrojeni spram kurda
Uostalom ,on ih ne bi mogao ni zastititi, sto ce, suti i  moli se bogu prezivjeti sve ovo

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by epikur37 Sun 18 Mar - 15:22

Pinochet wrote:
dijagram wrote:ali muljate navijacki...
kurde su prodali ama bas svi jer im tako odgovara
i ameri i rusi i asad i iran i naravno njima neprijateljske  sve moguce frakcije balijskih hordi, isil i kojikuracvec
ameri bi tek prodali kurde, da recimo turci sada krenu sa napadom na manbij(što su najavljivali) gdje se nalazi američka vojska, i da ovi uteknu.. to bi bila prodaja. ovi kurdi kod afrina, su više bili naslonjeni na ruse i assada, jer su fizički bili odvojeni od amera. i tamo je bilo ruskih vojnika, rusi su im slali vojnu pomoć i zajedno su napadali islamiste u par navrata.

Svejedno nius prihvatili vlast Damaska ni rusku asistenciju s tim uvjetom...

sad nek se pitaju gdje su pogriješili a upitno je što će biti i s ovim  istočnim kurdima ako anstave protiv damaska

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Guest Sun 18 Mar - 15:23

Ringo10 wrote:Kurdi u Afrinu su lijepo naguzli sami sebe odnosno naguzilo ih njihovo vodjstvo.
Mogli su sve ovo izbjeći. Nisu Htjeli Asada a sad u kolonama bježe Asadu.
Assad ih je prisiljen bio odbiti zbog Erdoganovog deala sa Putinom.

Meni će biti zanimljivo gledati šta dalje. Baš me zanima hoće li Assad i Rusi sutra bombardirati i oslobađati teritorij, kojeg su jučer "prodali turcima".

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by epikur37 Sun 18 Mar - 15:24

Pinochet wrote:
epikur37 wrote:
dijagram wrote:ali muljate navijacki...
kurde su prodali ama bas svi jer im tako odgovara
i ameri i rusi i asad i iran i naravno njima neprijateljske  sve moguce frakcije balijskih hordi, isil i kojikuracvec

Trebali su se odmah svrstati uz Assada i tražiti autonomiju
...ovako ošli jamerima ovi im obećali kurdistan a ono prc milojko...odoše niz vodu
 zapravo to su i radili, ali ih je Assad odbio uz naredbu Putina kojeg je nagovorio/naredio/zajeba Erdogan.

Da su to radili ne bi ovako zavrsili...

kako god potpuni američki debakl

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Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin Empty Re: Turska i trabant vehabije osvojile Afrin

Post by Guest Sun 18 Mar - 15:25

epikur37 wrote:
Pinochet wrote:
dijagram wrote:ali muljate navijacki...
kurde su prodali ama bas svi jer im tako odgovara
i ameri i rusi i asad i iran i naravno njima neprijateljske  sve moguce frakcije balijskih hordi, isil i kojikuracvec
ameri bi tek prodali kurde, da recimo turci sada krenu sa napadom na manbij(što su najavljivali) gdje se nalazi američka vojska, i da ovi uteknu.. to bi bila prodaja. ovi kurdi kod afrina, su više bili naslonjeni na ruse i assada, jer su fizički bili odvojeni od amera. i tamo je bilo ruskih vojnika, rusi su im slali vojnu pomoć i zajedno su napadali islamiste u par navrata.

Svejedno nius prihvatili vlast Damaska ni rusku asistenciju s tim uvjetom...

sad nek se pitaju gdje su pogriješili a upitno je što će biti i s ovim  istočnim kurdima ako anstave protiv damaska
ti se praviš glup ili sjediš na ušima.
prihvatili su sve od Assada, ali ovaj ih je odbio(nerado) radi Putina koji je dogovorio sa Erdoganom podjelu toga djela Sirije. Kako neshvaćaš, da je pad Afrina i nestanak te Kurdske enklave dogovor Rusa i Turaka. Assada je instiktivno pokušao možda zaustaviti nešto, ali je spriječen od strane Rusa.

imaš službene izjave Kurdskih vođa, za sve optužuju Ruse da su ih zajebali, da su ih prodali Turcima, da su spriječili dogovor sa Assadom itd. Nitko od službenih vođa nije optužio Amere, nego Ruse. A sada vi tješite sebe

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