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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by Guest Sat 11 Apr - 17:23

yebate,bash ono sto jucer pitah..KOLIKO ONIJAH U KLINIKAMA IZIDJE MRTVO,naspram onijah,u kucnim karantenama..evo mi odgovora..

Sinéad Baker7 Hours

In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator 5e8eeed5d5873a1dc31b5693-600x300The state of New York has the most confirmed Sars-CoV2 infections and deaths in the United States.  REUTERS/Benoit Tessier/File Photo

  • According to official data of the city of New York are at least 80 percent of the Covid-19-patients on ventilators were attached, died, reported the Associated Press news Agency.
  • Ventilation devices are used gradients, usually only in severe disease, because there are no drugs approved for the treatment of Covid-19.
  • Doctors, according to the ventilators can damage the lungs but also. For this reason, many seek alternative methods of treatment.

  • More articles on Business Insider can be found here.

In the United States is trying to some Doctors in the treatment of Covid-19 patients on ventilators to give up. The reason is that In some hospitals have been unusually high mortality rates reported, reported the news Agency Associated Press (AP) on Wednesday.
Ventilation equipment pumps using a hose of oxygen into the lungs of a patient, are normally used only in the case of patients suffering from very serious respiratory diseases.

[size=30]According to official data, 80 percent of the Covid die in New York-19-patients connected to a respirator[/size]

According to experts, about 40 to 50 percent of the patients with severe diseases of the respiratory tract during use of ventilators, so AP normally die. The patient must be placed in the so-called invasive ventilation in an artificial coma and is constantly monitored. Through the hose and the pressure damage to the lungs threaten, other organs may suffer from the treatment. There is also the risk of infections.
"For patients is a non-invasive ventilation in principle, bad," said the German lung specialist Thomas Voshaar in an Interview with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". "He can no longer eat, drink, and breathe on their own." Voshaar warned for ventilators at Covid-19-patients too early and too often. Instead, the first non-invasive breath could be used as a mask.
According to official figures, at least 80 percent of the Covid died-19-patients in New York, which were connected to a ventilator, in the end. The state of New York has the most deaths with confirmed Sars-CoV2 infection in the United States.
In other Parts of the United States as well as in China and the UK, there have been reports of unusually high mortality rates at Covid-19-treated patients on ventilators.
In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator E06f9a048709c25389565430062cee7b553852c0-800x533
Workers in a company in Barcelona ventilators. Europa Press News/Europa Press via Getty Images
A Person connected to a ventilator, is an extreme step and is usually done only in severely ill patients. The probability that they die of Respiratory is generally not very high.
The higher mortality rates could be the result. By the same token, the fact that there are no approved drugs against the Coronavirus.

[size=30]Doctors fear that respirators Covid-19-can cause harm to patients in addition[/size]

Doctors are still concerned that a ventilator could harm some Covid-19-patients in addition. The treatment is a heavy burden for the lungs.
Tiffany Osborn, a specialist in intensive care medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine, told the US news station NPR on the first of April, that the ventilators, the lung of a patient, in fact, damage could.
"The ventilator itself, the lung tissue can cause damage, depending on how much pressure is required so that the oxygen from the lungs can be processed," she said.


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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by Guest Sat 11 Apr - 17:30

dakle,jebeno pa zaguljeno.. No

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by Trinity Sat 11 Apr - 20:17

Znači ubili ih respiratori a ne corona.

Posts : 12923

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by Trinity Sat 11 Apr - 20:39

Više štete nego koristi.

Posts : 12923

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by mutava baštarda Sat 11 Apr - 20:42

Triny wrote:Znači ubili ih respiratori a ne corona.
Pa kako? Poslao Putin najbolje ruske respiratore. Možda su zaboravili u kiler uliti vodku...

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by michaellcmacha Sat 11 Apr - 21:06

Triny wrote:Znači ubili ih respiratori a ne corona.
ubilo ih je to što im je kisik prijeko potreban a prirodnim putem redistribucija kisika, od pluća do organa, je iz razloga koje je pojasnio gnječ onemogućena. s obzirom da medicina u ovom trenutku nema odgovor kako premostiti ovaj, po ljudski organizam, smrtonosan deficit, ona čini ono što zna i umije isto kao što su i nekada liječnici činili što su znali i umjeli, makar bilo i nedovoljno da spase ljudski život... o tom je danas iako emotivno, vrlo objektivno govorio i pojašnjavao liječnik anesteziolog iz bolnice u Bergamu... a on je rekao otprilike ovako nešto... "mi činimo u ovom trenutku sve što je u našoj moći i sve što znamo kako bi spasili živote... ali očito je da to što činimo nije dovoljno"...

Posts : 21324

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by Guest Sat 11 Apr - 21:17

Triny wrote:Znači ubili ih respiratori a ne corona.
ne nuzno...uz respirator idu zestoki kokteli lijekova koji mogu izazvatiautoimune reakcije..neki dan objasno to..

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by Guest Sun 12 Apr - 11:24

masovna grobnica u Njujorku..

In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator EDD467982ACF85ED0048E6471E2506C5

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by Guest Sun 12 Apr - 11:25


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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by michaellcmacha Sun 12 Apr - 11:46

Legendovich wrote:masovna grobnica u Njujorku..

In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator EDD467982ACF85ED0048E6471E2506C5
tu se inače pokapaju NN osobe, otok se zove HART i na njemu je pokopano više od milijun ljudi, djece tko zna koga... nalazi se pod zatvorskom upravom, a do sada se nije moglo slobodno ići na otok... ovisno koliko sada pokopaju moguće da se i nadalje neće moći ići...

Posts : 21324

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by mutava baštarda Sun 12 Apr - 11:57

michaellcmacha wrote:
Legendovich wrote:masovna grobnica u Njujorku..

In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator EDD467982ACF85ED0048E6471E2506C5
tu se inače pokapaju NN osobe, otok se zove HART i na njemu je pokopano više od milijun ljudi, djece tko zna koga... nalazi se pod zatvorskom upravom, a do sada se nije moglo slobodno ići na otok... ovisno koliko sada pokopaju moguće da se i nadalje neće moći ići...
na ovoj slici 40 nn pokojnika... a jedino značajno za ovu priču je da su smanjili režim pokopa na ovom otoku s 4 tjedna na dva tjedna uslijed epidemije.

Iduća dva tjedna su ključna
mutava baštarda
mutava baštarda

Posts : 21037

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by michaellcmacha Sun 12 Apr - 12:46

Legendovich wrote:
gledam malo standard u toj usranoj americi... gdje je to od standarda u vladivostoku... to je goli kurac... sve zamazano potrgano, polupano... majku ti jebem pa oni u gradiću veličine Petrinje imaju što nemaju rijeka split i osijek zajedno... de nek levi pogleda taj jad i bijedu

Posts : 21324

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

Post by Guest Sun 12 Apr - 13:50

pa to u biti nema smisla usporedjivati..jusa je od pocetka kapitalisticki sustav temeljen na trzisnom natjecanju,stvaranju viska vrijednosti i neprestanom razvoju..
Rusija je tek 30 godina nakon stvarno jadnog stanja u biti dosegla zavidni nivo..prije toga 70godina brutalnog komunizma koji je zatirao svaki razvoj..

standard se naravno ne moze usporedjivati sa zapadnim,no daleko od toga da je tamo sad ,slicno jadi,dok su bili u komunizmu..

potom jamerika nije bila razrusena i unistena opustosena ratovima 1 i 2,pa tako i to dodatno objasnjava neke stvari..

Svecka i Norveska(prije pojave kozojeba i camuga) si isto bile vrh europskog standarda,jerbo nisu osjetile nedace sveckih ratova..samo se radilo i investiralo,razvijalo..

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In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator Empty Re: In New York, 80 percent of the Covid 19-patients die connected to a respirator

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