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Post by Guest 3/31/2020, 04:59

In the Wake of the Corona-crisis, the army is preparing a large-scale domestic use. From the end of this week of 15,000 soldiers to support the civil authorities in coping with the crisis. You may want to go to the police to Hand.
The army is preparing in the Corona of a crisis on a large-scale domestic use. To be according to information of the magazine mirror from the Friday in the following days, 15,000 troops mobilized. At the end of the week, this complete application should be ready.
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[size=20]Read more:incompetence in Berlin has the Corona-risk raised to the power of

In the article cited the Plan of the German armed forces describes in detail what the various units ready to make. For the "support to population" are to be provided, therefore, of 6,000 soldiers, for "hedge/protection", it is 5.500. For "storage, Transport, handling" to 2.500 logistics soldiers with 500 Trucks will be available for "trim-/service" 600 field hunter. About 250 ABC-defense soldiers to be ready in 18 decontamination groups, for disinfection tasks.
For the use of a new leading structure with four regional offices. Also the possible tasks are listed in the Plan. To do this, mass accommodation (e.g. a Container)/Quarantine and count "accommodation", space - and object protection, regional aid, protection of critical infrastructure, support of regulatory services, transport services, provision of service areas and military airfields, as well as disinfection tasks.
Daily civilian authorities with assistance from the armed forces. The Blog eyes Straight ahead, lists these in detail. On Friday morning, 200 to have your need for aid to be distributed. Usually, the overwhelmed authorities ask for material or personal support, with a few armed soldiers are required.
Laut dem Spiegel-Bericht erwägt Baden-Württemberg wegen des schlechten Personalstands bei der Polizei offiziell den Notstand zu erklären und die Bundeswehr zur Aufrechterhaltung der inneren Sicherheit anzufordern. Augen Geradeaus zitiert in diesem Zusammenhang ein Bundeswehrpapier mit den Aussagen, dass derartige Einsätze grundsätzlich "unter polizeilicher Führung" zu stehen hätten und der Einsatz militärischer Waffen "nur in besonderen Ausnahmefällen und auf Weisung der Bundesministerin zulässig" sei.
Bundeswehr bereitet in Coronakrise Großeinsatz im Inland vor. Neues Infektionsschutzgesetz stellt Gesetzesbindung der Regierung zur Disposition:https://t.co/XdZoI9ByEg
— GermanForeignPolicy (@GermanForeignPo) March 29, 2020
The defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer even stressed that the Bundeswehr will not be used to Curfews to enforce. The said Minister on Saturday to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Such use, you don't see as a mandate of the German armed forces, including the right to leave him.
Members of the Union have taken the current crisis as an occasion to demand a fundamental change in the law to expand the possibilities for the use of the Bundeswehr in Germany. Critics fear, however, even more drastic restrictions on their freedom of fundamental rights, as they have been set by the government measures in the Wake of the Corona-resistant to the crisis. With a comprehensive deployment of the military inside the boundaries of the feasible might be postponed even further.
More to the topic - Bundeswehr seeks performers for large-scale exercise Against the own population? 


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Post by immortal 3/31/2020, 12:12

šta je počelo?????

Bože čuvaj svoj narod u cijelom svijetu. 

Daj da na vrijeme razotkriveni i pokošeni budu mučitelji naši i krvnici.

Posts : 23186

Lokacija: : CROATIA

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Post by immortal 3/31/2020, 12:16

daj nam ti objasni jel to židomasonerija uvodi nwo, porobljavanje naroda  ili što

Posts : 23186

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Post by Guest 3/31/2020, 20:55

Priznajem..malo VAS treba dovesti u red i poravnati,da budete disciplinirani..raspojasali ste se..

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Post by Guest 4/5/2020, 02:13

spring weekend is: So expensive are violations of Corona rules for you

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Paul Zinken/dpa
Friday, 03.04.2020, 18:13
In the whole of Germany may be due to the Corona pandemic, only two people together in the outdoors. Exceptions are only made for families, and the members of a household. Those who violate the rules must expect hefty penalties. An Overview of the fines in the States now threaten.
How high the fines are, in fact, is not regulated uniformly. Because the Federal government had reviewed in the past week, the infection law for the protection of hesitate, some local authorities with the final regulations. When in doubt, as long as the criminal framework of the IfSG (infection protection act) with penalties up to € 25,000 and imprisonment of up to two years. If someone is infected by the violation of the rules, even up to five years in prison is possible.
As a model for specific fines in connection with the Corona-rules used by the authorities of most of the Federal States of the Corona fine catalogue of North Rhine-Westphalia. The most populous state of Germany had with the district of Heinsberg the first Corona-Hotspot of Germany and had to respond accordingly quickly.

This is in North Rhine-Westphalia (other States follow in alphabetical order)

For the implementation of the contact prohibition has the state government a penalty - and fine-catalog, published, and already, the authorities sent. The specific amounts are based on the provisions of the infection protection act.

Grundsätzlich gilt im bevölkerungsreichsten Bundesland: Für Verstöße werden Strafen zwischen mindestens 200 und maximal 25.000 Euro fällig. Das regelt das Infektionsschutzgesetz im Zusammenhang mit der Coronaschutzverordnung (CoronaSchVO).
Bußgelder für Bürger, die sich nicht an die Vorgaben halten

  • Öffentliche Ansammlung von mehr als 2 Personen (sofern nicht durch Ausnahmen gedeckt): 200 Euro pro Teilnehmer
  • wer den Mindestabstand von 1,50 Meter nicht einhält: 200 Euro
  • öffentliche Ansammlungen von mehr als 10 Personen: Straftat (Geldstrafe bis zu 25.000 Euro oder Freiheitsstrafe bis zu 5 Jahren)
  • Grillen/Picknick: bis zu 250 Euro je beteiligter Person
  • Verzehr von Außerhaus-Speisen und Getränken im Umkreis von weniger als 50 Metern einer gastronomischen Einrichtung: 200 Euro für Kunde

Wer Risikogruppen gefährdet:

  • Unerlaubte Besuche in Pflegeheimen und Krankenhäusern: 200 Euro pro Besucher.
  • Außerdem muss  jeder 400 Euro Strafe zahlen, wer an einer öffentlichen Veranstaltung teilnimmt.

Achtung: Die oben genannten Beträge gelten für einen Erstverstoß - in besonders schweren Fällen werden sie verdoppelt. Bei Wiederholungsfällen können bis zu 25.000 Euro Bußgeld verhängt werden.
Für Betreiber in Handel und Gastronomie

  • Betrieb von Bars, Clubs, Diskotheken: 5000 Euro
  • Betrieb von Spielhallen: 5000 Euro
  • Betrieb von Fitness- und  Sonnenstudios: 5000 Euro
  • Betrieb von Restaurant, Café, Kneipe:  4000 Euro
  • Betrieb von Friseursalons, Kosmetikstudios: 2000 Euro
  • Nichteinhaltung der Hygienevorschriften: 1000 Euro
  • Nichteinhaltung der erforderlichen Abstände im Rahmen des Außerhausverkaufs: 1000 Euro für Betriebsinhaber bzw. Geschäftsführung
  • Anbieter auf einem Wochenmarkt mit unzulässigem Warenangebot: 500 Euro für Inhaber des Marktstandes

Für Betreiber von Heimen und Krankenhäusern:

  • Trotz Vorhandenseins des notwendigen Materials kein Sicherstellen der erforderlichen Maßnahmen: 2000 Euro für Einrichtungsleitung
  • Non-compliance with the requirements protection measures and hygiene instruction: 800 Euro for facility management

Also interesting: Different Corona-rules: What are the prohibitions now in front of your front door to apply 


The state government in Stuttgart is oriented to the fine catalogue of North Rhine-Westphalia. According to the amended legal regulation on infection protective measures on Sunday (29. March) came into force, threaten to also in Baden-Württemberg-sensitive penalties. Here are a few examples:

  • If you are staying with more than two persons who do not belong to the family, on the streets and squares, a fine of between 100 and 1000 rubles, respectively.
  • Anyone who operates an due to Corona closed hairdresser's salon, a Bar or a Club anyway, must reckon with fines of between 2500 and 5000 euros.
  • And for those who visit despite ban, a hospital or a nursing home, you risk a fine of between 250 and 1500 euros.

Caution: In case of repeated violations, it may be up to 25,000 euros in tax.


A separate schedule of fines is available since Friday (27. March) to all district administration authorities in Bavaria as a guideline available for the fines to be responsible. It says, among other things:

  • In the case of a violation of the output restrictions threatens in the rule, a fine of 150 euros.
  • 150 Euro muss nach dem Bußgeldkatalog nicht nur derjenige bezahlen, der ohne triftigen Grund seine Wohnung verlässt, sondern auch, wer den Mindestabstand von 1,5 Metern zu anderen Menschen nicht einhält.
  • Wer unerlaubt ein Krankenhaus oder Pflegeheim betritt, muss mit einem Bußgeld von 500 Euro rechnen.
  • Laden- oder Restaurantbesitzern, die unerlaubterweise öffnen, droht eine Geldbuße von 5000 Euro.
  • Als Straftat soll laut Gesundheits- und Innenministerium in Bayern gewertet werden, wenn Menschen in Gruppen gegen die weitreichenden Ausgangsbeschränkungen verstoßen - weil dann gleichzeitig auch ein Verstoß gegen das Versammlungsverbot vorliege.

Die Stadt Augsburg hat übrigens ein einheitliches Bußgeld festgelegt: Wer auf eine erste Belehrung nicht entsprechend reagiert, muss mit einer Anzeige rechnen. Außerdem werden sofort 55 Euro fällig (pro Person).
Respect, also in Bavaria: the totals are basically a set of rules that may be in specific cases, lower or higher. In the case of repeated violations, the rule should be halved, doubled rates, in the case of negligent Act.

  • All the latest information on Coronavirus can you find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.



Violations of the initial limitations because of the spread of the Coronavirus in Berlin from this Friday to tax. The Berlin catalog of fines, provides for penalties of 25 to 500 Euro, when people in groups of more than two people to put together, and perhaps the calls of the police to resist. The stay outside the home or property without a valid reason may be punished with 10 to 100 euros. The output restrictions have been extended until after Easter - until the 19th century. April. The police and the regulatory agencies to check if people stick to the pads.[/size]
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Reuters/Christophe Gateau/Reuters
[size]people walk in the Mauerpark.

The goal is to give the authorities a "framework of orientation" in the calculation of the fine to the Hand, informed the Senate, after the decision on Thursday evening. So about the forbidden Opening a restaurant costs the operator 1000 to 10,000 euros. Who offers tourist overnight Stays in the capital, to pay fines between 1000 and 10,000 Euro.


In Brandenburg, a fine catalog since Thursday. Those who violate the rules must expect severe sanctions of up to € 25,000. Who takes part in about in spite of the ban of a public event, a fine of between 50 and 500 euros threatens. The organizers expect 500 to 2500 Euro. Anyone who does not comply with the minimum distance of 1.5 metres, must expect a punishment of between 50 and 500 euros.


The Federal state of Bremen has adopted a schedule of fines for violations of the quarantine order in the Corona-crisis. Interior Senator Ulrich Mäurer (SPD) on Friday on the list before, the fines of 50 euros up to 5000 euros out of the budget.

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[size]The space swept marketplace of Bremen.

A few examples:

  • An infected Person will have to pay 400 Euro, if you leave for no particular reason or without the consent of the health authority, the quarantine.
  • In the case of collections in the public space of more than two persons 50 to 150 euros for each of the Involved due.
  • Who organized public or private events, you must pay between 250 and 2500 Euro.

The highest fines will be due for the unauthorized operation of day-care, schools or daycare centers. In repeat cases, the fines can rise to € 25,000.


The Hanseatic city was one of the first Federal States, which have issued a fine catalogue. The fine catalog of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg:

  1. Anyone who does not comply with the minimum distance of 1.5 meters, with more than one not living in the same household Person is traveling, playgrounds enters or at public or private events must now pay 150 euros.
  2. Who is hosting public or private events, meetings or festivals or in company, in spite of the possibility of the 1.5-metre rule fails to comply with, paying up to 1000 Euro.
  3. Who opens his Shop in spite of a prohibition or services of said offering, will be asked up to 2500 euros to the cashier.
  4. Who is offering bus tours for tourist purposes, even playgrounds, restaurants, bars, or canteens to open, have to pay up to 4000 euros.
  5. Who opens a private or public sports facilities, commercial establishments, facilities or entertainment venue such as Clubs, Bars, theatres, cinemas or brothels can face a 5000 Euro fine.
  6. In the case of repetition, the penalties can rise up to 25,000 euros.


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[size]Öjendorfer Park.


Who keeps you in the fight against the Corona pandemic in the state of Hesse, not of the strict contact rules, must be. from Friday, 3 April, Hessen-wide uniform fines can be set. Depending on the Severity of the violation, threaten payments of 200 euros to 5000 euros, as Minister of social Affairs Kai Klose (Green) and interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) in Wiesbaden said. Particularly serious infringements can even be used as a crime to the police.
A penalty may be due if someone is violating the contact rules in the Public, it is illegal for a Restaurant operates, or the prohibition of respects elderly homes miss. Unfortunately, there is still some unteachable men, declared the Minister. "Who celebrates the so-solidarity relationship, and to Kick in the Park, a date, or secretly Corona-parties, endangers the lives of his fellow human beings. This behavior cannot and will not accept." The fines are based on the infection protection act.

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Post by Guest 4/5/2020, 02:14


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