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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by Guest 12/6/2019, 16:29

Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Macron%20i%20Merkel

FRANCUSKI predsjednik Emmanuel Macron rekao je da će podržati njemačku kancelarku Angelu Merkel da postane predsjednica Europske komisije, glavnog europskog izvršnog tijela.

"Ako to bude htjela, podržat ću je", rekao je za švicarsku televiziju RTS u utorak navečer u Ženevi.

Macron je ponovio svoju rezerviranost oko kandidature Manfreda Webera, izbora EPP-a, dok Merkel podržava njemačkog konzervativca.

"Nitko ne poznaje spitzenkandidate", rekao je Macron koristeći njemački termin iz europskih krugova za vodeće kandidate koje su nominirale glavne političke grupacije u Europskom parlamentu.

"Europa treba poznata lica, snažne osobnosti, treba ljude koji imaju osobnu vjerodostojnost i kompetenciju za svoje dužnosti", rekao je Macron.


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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by AssadNaPodmornici 12/6/2019, 16:33

Pučani(šefica Merkelica, desna ruka Kenwood Kenon, svatko tko je glasovao za HDZ je glasovao za Angelu Merkel), izgleda da će u koaliciju sa Liberalima(šef Makron). Dakle još gore, svatko tko je glasovao za HDZ je ne samo glasovao za Angelu Merkel nego vjerojatno i Makrona i njegov "liberalni blok".

Epikur liberal , opet potvrđeno :)

May Allah destroy Australia

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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by Guest 12/6/2019, 16:34


Manuel Barroso - he was one of the leaders of the underground Maoist MRPP (Re-Organized Movement of the Proletariat Party, later Portuguese Workers' Communist Party (PCTP/MRPP), Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers/Revolutionary Movement of the Portuguese Proletariat)

Jean-Claude Juncker - "At the age of 17, in full rebellion, I was flirting with the Fourth International and I explained to my father and my mother that their bourgeois life, in my eyes, represented nothing at all. "The former Prime Minister of Luxembourg refers to the Trotskyist movement of the late 1960s, whose NPA Besancenot is the heir.


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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by Guest 12/6/2019, 16:36

How Close Was Merkel to the Communist System?

Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Image-494834-860_poster_16x9-rjvj-494834

she had been secretary for "Agitation and Propaganda" in the Freie Deutsche Jugend (FDJ) youth organization

The book explores Merkel's life growing up in German Democratic Republic (GDR), where her father Horst Kasner was a Protestant pastor and a committed socialist. He moved to East Germany from West Germany in 1954.


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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by Guest 12/6/2019, 16:53

Former Stasi Agent Hired By Merkel Govt To Patrol Facebook For ‘Xenophobic’ Comments

Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Facebook-Getty-640x480

An organisation run by a former Stasi agent has been recruited by the German government to patrol Facebook in a bid to stamp out “xenophobic” comments. Those caught posting material that the government disagrees with are likely to face criminal prosecution.


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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by Guest 12/6/2019, 16:57

slobodan wrote:prethodnici:

Manuel Barroso - he was one of the leaders of the underground Maoist MRPP (Re-Organized Movement of the Proletariat Party, later Portuguese Workers' Communist Party (PCTP/MRPP), Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers/Revolutionary Movement of the Portuguese Proletariat)

Jean-Claude Juncker - "At the age of 17, in full rebellion, I was flirting with the Fourth International and I explained to my father and my mother that their bourgeois life, in my eyes, represented nothing at all. "The former Prime Minister of Luxembourg refers to the Trotskyist movement of the late 1960s, whose NPA Besancenot is the heir.

Jean-Claude Juncker and Trotskyism


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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by prckov 12/6/2019, 17:41

prokleti tramp I amerika

teza = socijalizam
antiteza = kapitalizam
sinteza = odrzivi socijalizam, odnosno =  odrzivi razvoj, odnosno = "degrowth communism"
Ili kako Klaus kaze = "economy of caring and sharing"

Posts : 34057

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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by prckov 12/6/2019, 17:42

prckov wrote:prokleti tramp I amerika
zivila rusija, kina, makron, junker I muti

Posts : 34057

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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by immortal 12/6/2019, 18:44

Razaraci Europske tradicije
Treba ih sasjeci u korjenu

Bože čuvaj svoj narod u cijelom svijetu. 

Daj da na vrijeme razotkriveni i pokošeni budu mučitelji naši i krvnici.

Posts : 23125

Lokacija: : CROATIA

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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by immortal 12/6/2019, 18:44

Razaraci Europske tradicije
Treba ih sasjeci u korjenu

Bože čuvaj svoj narod u cijelom svijetu. 

Daj da na vrijeme razotkriveni i pokošeni budu mučitelji naši i krvnici.

Posts : 23125

Lokacija: : CROATIA

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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by red wolf 12/6/2019, 22:30

slobodan wrote:prethodnici:

Manuel Barroso - he was one of the leaders of the underground Maoist MRPP (Re-Organized Movement of the Proletariat Party, later Portuguese Workers' Communist Party (PCTP/MRPP), Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers/Revolutionary Movement of the Portuguese Proletariat)

Jean-Claude Juncker - "At the age of 17, in full rebellion, I was flirting with the Fourth International and I explained to my father and my mother that their bourgeois life, in my eyes, represented nothing at all. "The former Prime Minister of Luxembourg refers to the Trotskyist movement of the late 1960s, whose NPA Besancenot is the heir.

red wolf
red wolf

Posts : 15940

Lokacija: : Svemir

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Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije Empty Re: Macron želi vidjeti Merkel na čelu Europske komisije

Post by red wolf 12/6/2019, 22:30

Završna faza...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
red wolf
red wolf

Posts : 15940

Lokacija: : Svemir

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