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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Sun 14 Apr - 18:23


The Short, Unhappy Life of a Libertarian Paradise
The residents of Colorado Springs undertook a radical experiment in government. Here’s what they got.

By CALEB HANNAN July/August 2017

Colorado Springs has always leaned hard on its reputation for natural beauty. An hour’s drive south of Denver, it sits at the base of the Rocky Mountains’ southern range and features two of the state’s top tourist destinations: the ancient sandstone rock formations known as Garden of the Gods, and Pikes Peak, the 14,000-foot summit visible from nearly every street corner. It’s also a staunchly Republican city—headquarters of the politically active Christian group Focus on the Family (Colorado Springs is nicknamed “the Evangelical Vatican”) and the fourth most conservative city in America, according to a recent study. It’s a right-wing counterweight to liberal Boulder, just a couple of hours north, along the Front Range.

It was its jut-jawed conservatism that not that long ago made the city’s local government a brief national fixation. During the recession, like nearly every other city in America, Colorado Springs’ revenue—heavily dependent on sales tax—plunged. Faced with massive shortfalls, the city’s leaders began slashing. Gone were weekend bus service and nine buses.

Out went some police officers along with three of the department’s helicopters, which were auctioned online. Trash cans vanished from city parks, because when you cut 75 percent of the parks’ budget, one of the things you lose is someone to empty the garbage. For a city that was founded when a wealthy industrialist planted 10,000 trees on a shadeless prairie, the suddenly sparse watering of the city’s grassy lawns was a profound and dire statement of retreat.

To fill a $28 million budget hole, Colorado Springs’ political leaders—who until that point might have been described by most voters as fiscal conservatives—proposed tripling property taxes. Nearly two-thirds of voters said no. In response, city officials (some would say almost petulantly) turned off one out of every three street lights. That’s when people started paying attention to a city that seemed to be conducting a real-time experiment in fiscal self-starvation. But that was just the prelude. The city wasn’t content simply to reject a tax increase. Voters wanted something genuinely different, so a little more than a year later, they elected a real estate entrepreneur as mayor who promised a radical break from politics as usual.

For a city, like the country at large, that was hurting economically, Steve Bach seemed like a man with an answer. What he promised sounded radically simple: Wasteful government is the root of the pain, and if you just run government like the best businesses, the pain will go away. Easy. Because he had never held office and because he actually had been a successful entrepreneur, people were inclined to believe he really could reinvent the way a city was governed.

The city’s experiment was fascinating because it offered a chance to observe some of the most extreme conservative principles in action in a real-world laboratory. Producers from “60 Minutes” flew out to talk with the town’s leaders. The New York Times found a woman in a dark trailer park pawning her flat screen TV to buy a shotgun for protection. “This American Life” did a segment portraying Springs citizens as the ultimate anti-tax zealots, willing to pay $125 in a new “Adopt a Streetlight” program to illuminate their own neighborhoods, but not willing to spend the same to do so for the entire city. “I’ll take care of mine” was the gist of what one council member heard from a resident when she confronted him with this fact.

read on:



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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben Sun 14 Apr - 19:04

Gnječ wrote:
aben wrote:
Gnječ wrote:
aben wrote:

ali na mr se svugdi čeko više u zajedničkin ustanovami. imoš na jutubu dokumentarac o nhs-u, i kaosu ki ih očekuje.
stvor je u tomu da je upravo ideologija kriva jer uporno očekuje da će se u centre moći nekakovon magijon dovesti nekvarne ljude. a ne će.

čeka se svuda ali to nije the point. the point is koliko se vremena čeka.

da ti bacim škaf ledene vode na glavu?

evo da te demantiram našao sam na brzinu Italia regiju Friuli Venezia Giulia i to samo jedan djelić nemam više živaca s tobom debatirati jebote ti si deformiran ti si genetska greška u evoluciji, tebi pun kurac stvari u mozgu ne funkcionira ili je ugašeno ili se uopće nije razvilo.


ali, gnječ, zoč ti morun objašnjavati osnove ko da ti je 5 godin?

ne moreš me demantirati s polak informacije. dakle, 30 dana u zajedničkoj, a koliko u privatnoj?

ma slušaj ti mene jebem ti majku sotonsku. ti si nitko i ništa ti si taj koji nema niti 5 jebenih godina u mozgu jeboti pas mater. NEMAŠ pravo mene niti ikoga patronizirati TI koji si mentalno deformiran i zaostao u psiho neurološkom razvoju. CAPITO?


ma ni bitno ki sun jo,

ako pokušavaš demantirati da se u zajedničarskin ustanovami ne čeko duže nego u privatnin, ne moreš samo napisati koliko se čeko u zajedničarskin. its elementary, my dear.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben Sun 14 Apr - 19:53

Gnječ wrote:What are the fundamental flaws in libertarian thinking?

[ltr]Fundamental flaws in libertarian thinking:[/ltr]

[list="margin-right: 2em; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; list-style-position: initial; list-style-image: initial; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: q_serif, Georgia, Times,"]
[*]In the absence of government, monopoly and coercive power are impossible. This ought to be an obvious falsehood, but it’s the core libertarian justification for total deregulation of all economic activity.
bez države, monopol jest nemoguć. ov drugi prekriženi de niko ne tvrdi.

[*]All interactions in an unfettered free market, being voluntary, are by definition fair and equitable, because one side can always just walk away. Libertarians ignore the fact that most free market transactions are between entities of vastly unequal negotiating power; the wealthy, who seek greater profit but could live without the transaction, and the poor, whose only alternative in most cases is starvation, homelessness, sickness and death.

ovo je točno. ov socijalist je prešo u drugi rod; dobrovoljne aktivnosti su po definiciji fer. to ča neko gladuje nemo veze s izrečenin.

[*]Government created prejudices between races, genders, religious groups, etc., and with government abolished such prejudices will become unenforceable. This is backwards. Government does not create prejudice; it reflects the prejudices of the people it governs, or else it falls and is replaced by something else. In the absence of government individual prejudice and bigotry will not disappear; it will be fully unleashed to abuse and persecute any and all disliked minorities into submission, slavery, or extermination.

ovo je običan straw man; ne uspoređuje se država i anarhija, nego država i libertarijansko društvo. u libertarijanskom društvu govori o roblju je smišno.

[*]In an unregulated free market businesses who do not deal fairly with consumers, who poison or defraud their consumers, etc. will go out of business. This is so contrary to historical experience, particularly in 19th Century America, that it ought to fail the laugh test for everyone. The fact it doesn’t just demonstrates how poor Americans are at teaching and learning our own history.

ovo ča je doli napiso bogami ne razumin. jel un uopće argumentiro čakoli? ili samo pizdi?
ah, komunisti ionako nika nisu imali potribu za argumantima.

ali, da jo pojosnin tezu da tvrtke ke ne budu pazile osuđene su na propast- vjerojatno. naravski da postoji mogućnost da ljudi ili ne saznaju ili da ih ni briga, pa nastavu kupovati proizvode loše firme.

[*]Without government individuals will settle their own differences fairly and equitably. Yeah. Right. Just as they do in Somalia. Just, incidentally, as they did in frontier America, when organized bands of people deliberately slaughtered their enemies and, more often than not, never suffered any penalty from the law or from their neighbors.

jepeta straw man. un govori da napado libertarian thinking, a zapravo napado somaliju.

rješavanje razmirica u libertarijankin društvu je šira tema za ov tip posta. ki oće, more načeti novi post ili temu. dotle viditi machinery of freedom, d. friedmana.

[*]People do not need government to defend their own rights; each person has the ability to defend themselves from any aggression; and if a person find themselves outmatched, other people will voluntarily come to their side to defend their liberty. Again, anyone with a basic education in either history or human nature should find this one failing the laugh test.

ovo ni libertarian tought.

[*]Only government can ever exert coercive power, because in a free market unfettered by government any person can simply walk away. Because, apparently, in the Libertarian utopia there are no such things as gangs, militias, cartels, organized crime, etc.

ovo je već spomenu u prvoj točki, ovo izrečeno jednostavno ni de libertarijunskog mišljenja.

[*]Only government can ever establish economic monopolies, because in a free market anyone can create a competing business, and customers can freely move to more favorable markets. This ignores two basic elements of economics: entry costs and economies of scale. In reality, the bigger and stronger a monopoly is, the LESS likely it is that competition will arise, because even if the competition somehow has the money to achieve the same economies of scale as the existing monopoly, the profits will be so much reduced by competition as to make the investment unattractive. Better, instead, to invest in the existing monopoly and get a share of the high profits and other benefits.

ne razumin, pa un se ponovljo:)
dakle, monopoli su nemogući bez države- osim ako ga ljudi ne želu. entry cost se lako riši, u trenutku kad monopol učini ono čega se svi zapravo boju, kad digne cijene, zapravo un smanjivo entry cost. scale uopće ni problijem, ov samo nabacivo riječi. veće firme imaju jeftinije proizvode, ča znoči da je potrošačima stvor bolja. zoto ljudi nekad želu monopol.

[*]Government creates no freedom; instead it destroys freedom. This is the argument of privilege, of the haves who want to keep the have-nots in their place. Such people have no fear that they will lose out in a society without police, laws, etc. They are the Galts and Digbys and such. In the real world governments exist, and continue to exist, because the people being governed are willing to give up certain freedoms (the freedom to seek revenge, the freedom to take anything you want, the freedom to dump barrels of mercury into the river) in exchange for certain securities (security against being murdered, security against theft, secure clean drinking water and edible fish). Which leads to…

heh, ma vidi ti mudraca,
kaže da bi u privilegironi nojbolje prošli u društvu bez države, a samo nekoliko točak prije je reko da bi se bez države sve omoh pretvorilo u somaliju:)

konzistentno bi bilo reći da bi privilegironi nojviše izgubili u takovon društvu. ali, konzistencija i komunisti...

[*]It is possible to create and maintain a society without an effective government. This is the biggest Libertarian fantasy of them all. Government is nothing more than the means by which we enforce the rules by which human beings live together. Right now we, in the United States, have a government in which the general population has some, but not total, power to check and control the actions of our government (though with Trump’s election this is not guaranteed to remain the case). If this government were eliminated tomorrow at every level, in short order a new one would arise, either because groups of people demand securities for their lives and property or (much more likely) someone with a lot of power and no scruples sees an opportunity to rewrite the rules of society for his own benefit. Anarcho-capitalism is not, and never will be, a stable condition, because it is by definition unable to defend itself, either from a tyrant or from simple people who demand something more.

govori da je anarhokapitalizam nestabilan nakon ča je izrozi sumnju u stabilnost svog sustava?
svaki sustav je nestabilan. zahtjev da libertarijansko društvo bude potpuno stabilno dok se ostalin sustavima toleriro donald trump je smišan.

i, nevjerojatno je koliko neinformirani ljudi moru biti, ajde da ne znoš nišće o libertarijanizmu, ali kako unda kritizirati?
svaki put kad libertarijanac govori da bi ukinu nešto ča sa obavlja država, un ne misli da to više ne bi postojalo, nego da ne bi postojalo u ton obliku, samo bi bilo privatno.

Libertarianism is not a mode of government; it is a vacuum of government. And a vacuum will inevitably be filled with something new- with destructive consequences.

naravski da ni mod države, nego njeno potpuno uništenje, i unda zamjena sa nečinin potpuno novin. posljedice su nebitne.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by aben Sun 14 Apr - 19:58

Gnječ wrote:The question libertarians just can't answer

If your approach is so great, why hasn’t any country anywhere in the world ever tried it?

osim ča je zamišljati je uvika lakše od provoditi, nijedna zemlja to nika ni provala prvenstveno jer je to mloda ideja. ono ča je jasno i nedvojbeno- čin neka zemlja krene u ton smjeru, smjeru slobode, bude uspješnija.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Sun 14 Apr - 20:01

utebe je nešto pomaknuto. fale ti neki djelovi. to je tako kad se prašite međusobom već stoljećima.

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Sun 14 Apr - 20:56

Denkverbot - Page 41 119ruz8

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Sun 14 Apr - 21:45

Expanding the horizons of Palaeolithic rock art: the site of Romualdova Pećina

jbt. valjda Romuald cave a ne pećina. e moj Komšo dobit ćeš salatu kad se sretnemo.

uglavnom pronađeni su u spilji u Istri iznad Lima slikarije ljudi nastale prije 30 tisuća godina. bogami, dobri smo znalo se to i prije sad je Komšo (arheolog) otkrio toplu vodu..

Romualdova spilja jer je u njoj prije 1000 godina živio pustinjak apostol po imenu Romuald.


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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Sun 14 Apr - 21:56

kaže Pizda da je bledunjav...jebote koliko ga taj može nasrat zasere pola riječkog zaljeva nije ni čudo da je Rječina smeđe boje.

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Sun 14 Apr - 22:03

Your Brain Boots Up Like a Computer

As we yawn and open our eyes in the morning, the brain stem sends little puffs of nitric oxide to another part of the brain, the thalamus, which then directs it elsewhere.

Like a computer booting up its operating system before running more complicated programs, the nitric oxide triggers certain functions that set the stage for more complex brain operations, according to a new study.

In these first moments of the day, sensory information floods the system—the bright sunlight coming through the curtains, the time on the screeching alarm clock—and all of it needs to be processed and organized, so the brain can understand its surroundings and begin to perform more complex tasks.

"The thinking part of the brain is applying a sort of stencil to the information coming in and what the nitric oxide is doing is allowing more refinement of that stencil," says Dwayne Godwin, an associate professor at Wake Forest University and lead author of the study, which was funded by the National Eye Institute.

The little two-atom molecule, it seems, is partly responsible for our ability to perceive whatever it is we're sensing.

The finding, published last week in the journal Neuroscience, changes the way scientists understand nitric oxide's role in the brain, and it also has them rethinking the function of the thalamus, where it is released. The thalamus was thought to be a fairly primitive structure, sort of a gate that could either open and allow sensory information to stream into the cortex, the higher functioning part of the brain, or cut off the flow entirely.

Godwin says the new research shows it's more accurate to think of the thalamus not as a gate but as a club bouncer, who doesn't simply allow a huge rush of people to go in or no one at all, but picks and chooses whom to let in and out.

"Instead of vision being a process going straight from eye to cortex, it's more of a loop," Godwin explained. "This constitutes a new role for the thalamus in directing, not just modulating."

While this study is the first to identify nitric oxide's role in the thalamus, elsewhere in the body it was already known to have an important, if somewhat different function. The molecule is actually integral to controlling blood flow and is, in fact, the molecule Viagra targets in order to increase blood flow to the penis.

The teeny molecule might have other medical uses.

"This study shows a unique role for nitric oxide. It may help us to someday understand what goes wrong in diseases that affect cognitive processing, such as attention deficit disorder or schizophrenia, and it adds to our fundamental understanding of how we perceive the world around us," Godwin said.


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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 12:11

često se pitam uglavnom mi to pitanje padne na pamet kad puše. kad puše bura odakle je došlo ime vjetra. pa slučajno nađoh ali sam tražio nešto sasvim drugo ali je bilo povezano sa burom na koncu konca.

ne da mi se tipkat pa ću opalit legendarni copy paste bog ga blagoslovio ko ga izmisli:

Bora (wind)

For the Asian wind whose name is derived from the same Turkic root, see Buran (wind).
The bora is a northern to north-eastern katabatic wind in the Adriatic Sea. Similar nomenclature is used for north-eastern winds in other littoral areas of eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.

It is known in Greek as μπόρα (mpóra, pronounced bora) and Italian as bora. In English, the name bora is used. The Croatian name bura and Slovene burja are not etymologically related to bora; they derive from Common Slavic burja 'storm' (from the verb *burĭti) and the meaning 'bora' developed later.

The same root as bora is found in the name of the Greek mythological figure of Boreas (Βορέας), the North Wind. Historical linguists speculate that the name may derive from a Proto-Indo-European root *gworh- meaning "mountain" and giving rise to Germanic burg and berg. A similar pattern[clarification needed] is seen in the cognate name of the buran winds of central Asia and the name purga of their Siberian subtype.

a tražio sam ovo:

bluebell forest belgium. bluebell je cvijet pravi naziv hyacinthus što me opet odvelo do:
Hyacinth /ˈhaɪəsɪnθ/ or Hyacinthus (Ancient Greek: Ὑάκινθος Huákinthos) is a divine hero from Greek mythology. His cult at Amyclae southwest of Sparta dates from the Mycenaean era. A temenos or sanctuary grew up around what was alleged to be his burial mound, which was located in the Classical period at the feet of Apollo's statue. The literary myths serve to link him to local cults, and to identify him with Apollo.

In Greek mythology, Hyacinth was a very beautiful Spartan prince and lover of the god Apollo. Hyacinth was also admired by the West wind Zephyrus, the North wind Boreas and also by a mortal man named Thamyris. But Hyacinth chose Apollo over the others. The couple indulged themselves in hunting and climbing steep, rough mountains around Sparta. With Apollo, Hyacinth visited all of Apollo's sacred lands in the chariot drawn by swans. Apollo taught to his lover the use of bow, of music and the lyre, the art of prophecy and exercises in the gymnasium.

onda ovo:


Boreas (Βορέας, Boréas; also Βορρᾶς, Borrhâs)[7] was the Greek god of the cold north wind and the bringer of winter. Although normally taken as the north wind, the Roman writers Aulus Gellius and Pliny the Elder both took Boreas as a north-east wind, equivalent to the Roman Aquilo.[8] Boreas is depicted as being very strong, with a violent temper to match. He was frequently shown as a winged old man with shaggy hair and beard, holding a conch shell and wearing a billowing cloak. Pausanias wrote that Boreas had snakes instead of feet, though in art he was usually depicted with winged human feet.

Boreas' two sons Calaïs and Zetes, known as Boreads, were in the crew of the Argo as Argonauts.

Boreas was closely associated with horses. He was said to have fathered twelve colts after taking the form of a stallion, to the mares of Erichthonius, king of Dardania. These were said to be able to run across a field of grain without trampling the plants. Pliny the Elder (Natural History iv.35 and viii.67) thought that mares might stand with their hindquarters to the North Wind and bear foals without a stallion. The Greeks believed that his home was in Thrace, and Herodotus and Pliny both describe a northern land known as Hyperborea "Beyond the North Wind" where people lived in complete happiness and had extraordinarily long lifespans. He is said to have fathered three giant Hyperborean priests of Apollo by Chione.

Boreas was also said to have kidnapped Orithyia, an Athenian princess, from the Ilisos. Boreas had taken a fancy to Orithyia and had initially pleaded for her favours, hoping to persuade her. When this failed, he reverted to his usual temper and abducted her as she danced on the banks of the Ilisos. Boreas wrapped Orithyia up in a cloud, married her, and with her, Boreas fathered two sons—the Boreads, Zethes and Calais—and two daughters—Chione, goddess of snow, and Cleopatra.

ustvari tražio sam ovo:

Denkverbot - Page 41 Bluebell-forest-hallerbos-belgium-nature-photography-6

bluebell forest hallerbos belgium

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 12:20

da li su drevni grci imali jako bujnu maštu ili iskrivljenu percepciju? ili su neko znanje kriptirali?

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 12:26

Denkverbot - Page 41 Bluebell-forest-hallerbos-belgium-nature-photography-7

Denkverbot - Page 41 Visit-bluebells-of-hallerbos-forest-belgium-2

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 12:37

and now something komplitli diferent: ovo je za noorku. dakle ne moram više ništa dokazivati da su hrvati u totalnom kurcu ne postoji stvar koju hrvat neće zajebat, uništiti, napraviti totalno krivo. ne postoji i jedna stvar koju hrvati od početka pa do kraja naprave kako treba. ne postoji.

KOŠTALA JE 70 MILIJUNA KUNA, NEMA NI DEVET GODINA, a u održavanje "najljepše hrvatske škole" dosad bačeno gotovo 1,4 milijuna kuna

Režijski troškovi uvjerljivo su najviši među svim osnovnim školama u Puli. Godišnje na električnu energiju, lož ulje, vodu i druge režije potroše čak 670 tisuća kuna, barem dvostruko više od ostalih. Logično je da najveća škola i najviše troši u apsolutnom iznosu, no podijelimo li režije s kvadraturom, ispada da ova škola troši 91 kunu po četvornom metru, dok u školi Monte Zaro to iznosi 63 kune, a u OŠ Centar 65 kuna
Kada je otvorena proglašena je najljepšom hrvatskom školom. Svi su joj se divili, a iako i danas arhitektonski sjajno izgleda, zgrada Osnovne škole Veli Vrh niti devet godina od svečanog otvorenja pokazuje brojne nedostatke. Popucali zidovi i podovi, napuknuti plafoni, voda koja curi u učionice i hodnike nakon svake jače kiše samo su neke od zamjerki koje nam nabraja ravnateljica škole Irene Rigo.

- Škola je otvorena 2010. godine, a ja sam ravnateljica od 2015. tako da mogu govoriti o tom vremenu. Imali smo nekoliko prokišnjavanja u učionice koja su sanirana, ali na nekoliko mjesta prokišnjava i dalje. Voda ulazi kod jednog od zvučnika i slijeva se u hodnik i to bi se trebalo rješavati ovih dana, veli nam Rigo dodajući da garancija izvođača, tvrtke Strabag, na taj dio poslova vrijedi deset godina te su i dalje u garantnom roku.

Efekt staklenika

No, ostala oštećenja garancija više ne pokriva, doznajemo. Ravnateljica Rigo vodi nas kroz školu i pokazuje podove koji su popucali, od onih na vanjskom platou pa sve do podova u hodnicima, marendariju, učionicama…

- Pukotine su se pojavile i na spojevima zidova i plafona, pločice u svlačionicama su počele otpadati. Kada smo to reklamirali Strabagu, kazali su nam da se radi o "lošem održavanju", no već i laik vidi da su one loše postavljene i da je ispod njih prazno, smatra Rigo pokazujući nam gdje su otpale pločice.

Ovoj se školi, velimo, zamjera i što nije u svemu primjerena učenicima, a ljeti je, upozoravaju stalno roditelji, u njoj vruće kao u paklu.

- Istina je, u školi imamo radi velikih staklenih površina efekt staklenika. Ljeti je jako vruće i bez klima u učionicama ne bismo mogli držati nastavu. Stoga imamo stalno uključen klimatizacijski sustav. No, problem su hodnici koji se ne mogu ohladiti i razlika temperature između učionica i ostatka škole, pojašnjava nam ravnateljica. Dodaje da su naknadno u učionice postavljeni i gusti zastori, no grijanje izvana ne može se tako lako ublažiti.

- Zadnjih godina, otkako ja vodim školu, imamo sreću da nije previše zagrijalo već u svibnju, no znam da su mi kolege pričale da je u hodnicima znalo biti nepodnošljivo, priznaje nam ravnateljica dodajući da tolika upotreba klima uređaja sa sobom povlači i veće režijske troškove. Roditelji čak tvrde da su djeca zbog velikih temperaturnih razlika u prostorijama bolesnija nego u drugim školama.

Režijski troškovi u Osnovnoj školi Veli Vrh uvjerljivo su najviši među svim osnovnim školama u Puli. Godišnje na električnu energiju, lož ulje, vodu i druge režije potroše čak 670 tisuća kuna. Istina, to je i najveća pulska škola, a troškovi lož ulja, prema objašnjenju ravnateljice Rigo, pokrivaju i dječji vrtić te Mjesni odbor koji se nalaze u sklopu školske zgrade. Usporedbe radi, Osnovna škola Šijana godišnje na režije potroši dvostruko manje, 307 tisuća, OŠ Veruda 290 tisuća, a Stoja 245 tisuća kuna. Logično je da najveća škola i najviše troši u apsolutnom iznosu, no podijelimo li ukupan iznos režija s kvadraturom, ispada da u ovoj školi troše 91 kunu po četvornom metru, što je puno više nego u, recimo, školi Monte Zaro gdje po kvadratu troše 62,7 kuna ili u OŠ Centar gdje potrošnja iznosi 65 kuna.


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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 12:40

za razliku od hrvata i njihove sposobnosti gradnje, Mussolinijeve škole i zgrade dan danas izgledaju kao nove, a da ne pričamo o austrijskim zgradama itd da ne potegnem do starih rimljana čiji amfiteatar još uvijek stoji na ponos njihovim graditeljima.

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 12:53

Vlada povećala novac za Hrvate u BiH

ma bravo udbašu Kenwood Kenon i adeze rvat'ne a 3.maj i uljanik ko jebe nek crknu.

bolnice se raspadaju totalno rasulo u zdravstvu a ovaj plenko psihopata poklanja novac ercegovancima i bosancima đezbarima u drugoj državi.

ma bravo.

ZA projekte i programe od interesa za Hrvate u BiH ove će godine iz državnog proračuna biti izdvojeno 25,8 milijuna kuna, što je 1,8 milijuna više nego lani, najavljeno je na sjednici vlade koja je osnovala Povjerenstvo za koordinaciju i financiranje kulturnih, obrazovnih, znanstvenih, zdravstvenih i ostalih programa i projekata od interesa za hrvatski narod u BiH u 2019.

"Briga o Hrvatima u BiH kao jednakopravnom i konstitutivnom narodu, odgovorna politika prema BiH kao susjednoj, prijateljskoj i suverenoj državi ogleda se i kroz potporu programima i projektima od interesa za hrvatski narod", istaknuo je državni tajnik Središnjeg državnog ureda za Hrvate izvan RH Zvonko Milas.

U tu je svrhu, naglasio je, u proračunu za ovu godinu izdvojeno 25,8 milijuna kuna što je povećanje od 7,5 posto, odnosno 1,8 milijuna kuna više u odnosu na prošlu godinu.

Kenwood Kenon kaže da to štiti identitet Hrvata u BiH (je, bez para bili bi izgubljeni dezorijentirani i imali krizu identiteta )

Premijer Andrej Kenwood Kenon dodao je kako se projektima i programima koji će se financirati iz proračuna pomaže zaštiti identiteta Hrvata u BiH kao ravnopravnog i konstitutivnog naroda.

Povjerenstvo će razmotriti sve programe i projekte pristigle na javni natječaj te vladi podnijeti prijedlog temeljem kojeg će ona donijeti odluku o raspodjeli sredstava.

U Sabor je sa sjednice upućen konačni prijedlog zakona o pravosudnoj akademiji, kojem je cilj redefinirati značaj i ulogu Državne škole za pravosudne dužnosnike, a naročito sustav polaganja završnog ispita. Predložena je obveza pohađanja Škole i polaganja završnog ispita za sve osobe primljene na neodređeno vrijeme na mjesto savjetnika u pravosudna tijela u trajanju od godinu dana.


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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 18:33

PROVALJENO U CRKVU U LOBORICI: Lopov ukrao misne kaleže, hostije i druge predmete, župa oštećena za 40 TISUĆA KUNA

šta će mu hostije u pizdu materinu? hahah...otuđio je hostije...možda je bio gladan. a misno vino? ako nije uzeo misno vino i škrabicu onda zakurac mu sav trud.

da se to desilo u Venezueli pacijenti sa ViP-a i aben bi urlali: ubijte Madura socijalizam stinks!



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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 19:57

već kad smo kod crkvi, ode Notre Dame u prah i pepeo


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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 20:04

Gnječ wrote:

ne da mi se tipkat pa ću opalit legendarni copy paste bog ga blagoslovio ko ga izmisli:

Bora (wind)

a tražio sam ovo:

bluebell forest belgium.

onda ovo:


ustvari tražio sam ovo:

Denkverbot - Page 41 Bluebell-forest-hallerbos-belgium-nature-photography-6

bluebell forest hallerbos belgium
Prosurfa ti od bure, preko divljih zumbula do grčke mitologije i nazad.  :waterski

Evo i moj mali doprinos zumbul-šumi. :)


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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 20:06

Gnječ wrote:već kad smo kod crkvi, ode Notre Dame u prah i pepeo

Užas. Kakva šteta :(.

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Noor Mon 15 Apr - 20:13

zasto ne gase iz zraka?!
strasno za gledati kako vatra prozdire povijest :(

It's So Good To Be Bad

Posts : 25907

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Mon 15 Apr - 20:20

Noor wrote:zasto ne gase iz zraka?!
strasno za gledati kako vatra prozdire povijest :(
Ne znam. Valjda kanaderi trebaju veću površinu za uzeti vodu. 
Kakva nenadoknadiva šteta.  :(

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Denkverbot - Page 41 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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