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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 31/10/2014, 15:42

Pardon, kočnica.


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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by kic 31/10/2014, 15:52

svejedno krivo :^0

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 31/10/2014, 16:08

Nei, sad je točno

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 1/11/2014, 23:10

Možete vi njima koliko hoćete objašnjavati da cijela Marxova teorija eksploatacije zapravo počiva na potpuno pogrešnoj teoriji vrijednosti koja je pobijena i diskreditirana prije nego li je drugi dio Kapitala uopće objavljen, opisivati im problemnemogućnosti ekonomske kalkulacije u socijalizmu, ukazivati im na ključnu ulogu profita u alokaciji resursa, problem disperzije informacija u duštvu i informacijsku ulogu tržišnih cijena, te ulogu vremenske preferencije, štednje i akumulacije kapitala u povećanju realnih plaća i životnog standarda, pričati im o dugoročnim neželjenim posljedicama redistribucije dohotka i socijalnih politika, o opasnostima centralizacije moći, pokušavati im objasniti kako se formiraju cijene i plaće, odakle dolazi profit, te kako povećanje minimalca povećava nezaposlenost, da rad i kapital uopće nisu suprotstavljeni, da profitiranje nije nikakav zločin, te da je klasna borba mit, da bogati nisu bogati zato što su drugi siromašni, da je država neučinkovita u alokaciji ekonomskih resursa, da ni njihovi pokušaji redistribucije bogatstva ne bi rezultirali baš očekivanim ishodom, itd., ali, hoće li biti kakve koristi od toga?
Na sve te teorijske primjedbe, socijalisti će uglavnom zatvoriti oči, odmahnuti rukom, prozvati vas da ste klasni neprijatelj i ukazivati na davno opovrgnute socijalističke dogme. Očekivati sa socijalistima argumentiranu i uljudnu raspravu je uglavnom besmisleno. Njihovi argumenti se svode na jeftinu populističku demagogiju, demoniziranje neistomišljenika, te jeftino pozivanje na emocije kod publike, postavljajući se kao moralni high ground, bez ikakve mogućnosti bilo kakvog kritičkog promišljanja svojih stavova, bez iti malo preispitivanja ideoloških dogmi.
Pazite, to su sve još prilično jednostavne i gotovo trivijalne teoretske stvari. Ako pogledamo stvarnost, empiriju, ono što se događalo u praksi, stvari postaju još mnogo gore. Uvijek i svugdje gdje je evanđelje po Karlu Marxu provedeno u djelo rezultiralo je ekonomskim katastrofama, društvenim kaosom, a ponekad i genocidom. Ali, to nimalo ne obeshrabruje socijaliste u odlučnom ustrajanju na svojim religijskim ideološkim dogmama. Oni jednostavno poriču da se to dogodilo, a one koji ukazivaju na suprotno prozivaju za herezu. Eventualno, ako se nešto možda i dogodilo, to je samo zato što ideje sv. Marxa nisu bile ispravno shvaćene (Ali idući put sigurno hoće! I zavladat će Raj na Zemlji!). Na kraju krajeva, ako su njihovi prethodnici mogli dobijati Pulitzerove nagrade za poricanje jednog od najvećih genocida u povijesti čovječanstva, zašto ne?

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 1/11/2014, 23:14


Čovij je točno opisa raspravu sore, marksističkog diela administracije i branda na ovoj temi:)

Kicinjo, ima i za tebe o minimalnoj plaći.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by Bran_Do 3/11/2014, 09:09

aben wrote:
Na sve te teorijske primjedbe, socijalisti će uglavnom zatvoriti oči, odmahnuti rukom, prozvati vas da ste klasni neprijatelj i ukazivati na davno opovrgnute socijalističke dogme. Očekivati sa socijalistima argumentiranu i uljudnu raspravu je uglavnom besmisleno. Njihovi argumenti se svode na jeftinu populističku demagogiju, demoniziranje neistomišljenika, te jeftino pozivanje na emocije kod publike, postavljajući se kao moralni high ground, bez ikakve mogućnosti bilo kakvog kritičkog promišljanja svojih stavova, bez iti malo preispitivanja ideoloških dogmi.

Ovo je ono što najviše frustrira u raspravi s njima, jer možeš ponuditi apsolutno besprijekornu logiku, dokaze i argumente, oni će ih slijepo odbaciti samo zato jer se ne uklapaju u njihov svjetonazor.
I umjesto kontraargumenata ponudit će samo naučene parole i fraze, očekujući valjda da su isti samoobjašnjivi i da ih svi mi ostali moramo prihvatiti bez objašnjenja ili argumentacije.

To je, u suštini, religijski pristup, što je ironično.

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by Bran_Do 3/11/2014, 09:12

aben wrote:http://tkojejohngalt.wordpress.com

Čovij je točno opisa raspravu sore, marksističkog diela administracije i branda na ovoj temi:)

Kicinjo, ima i za tebe o minimalnoj plaći.

Odličan blog, btw..

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by Bran_Do 3/11/2014, 09:16

  • Seater, J., Dawson, J., Federal Regulation and Aggregate Economic Growth (link)

Zaključak: “Regulation’s overall effect on output’s growth rate is negative and substantial. Federal regulations added over the past fifty years have reduced real output growth by about two percentage points on average over the period 1949-2005. That reduction in the growth rate has led to an accumulated reduction in GDP of about $38.8 trillion as of the end of 2011. That is, GDP at the end of 2011 would have been $53.9 trillion instead of $15.1 trillion if regulation had remained at its 1949 level.”

  • Hood, J., Lower Taxes, Higher Growth (link)

Zaključak: “In more than two-thirds of the 160 peer-reviewed studies I located on the subject, higher levels of regulation were associated with lower levels of economic performance.”

  • Bailey, R., Federal Regulations Have Made You 75% Poorer (link)

Zaključak: “The growth of federal regulations over the past six decades has cut U.S. economic growth by an average of 2 percentage points per year, according to a new study in the Journal of Economic Growth. As a result, the average American household receives about $277,000 less annually than it would have gotten in the absence of six decades of accumulated regulations—a median household income of $330,000 instead of the $53,000 we get now.”

Ovo je ono što ljudi u našoj zemlji, a naročito političke klike iz dvoglave partije (HDZ-SDP), uporno zanemaruju, slučajno ili namjerno. Jer redukcija državnog intervencionizma i slobodan razvoj tržišta učinili bi njih i njihovu klijentelu suvišnom i nepotrebnom.

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 3/11/2014, 10:12

Ne znan šta bi reka. Svi ljudi koje ja znan su socijalisti, čak i oni koi su vlasnici malih biznisa a koi nisu slizani s vlašću. Možda je jednostavno dovoljno da je sustav kontraintuitivan (npr. zakonski minimalac uništava siromašne) da ga ljudi odbace. Stvarno ne virujen u zlonamjerne korisnike proračuna koi zadržavaju status quo zbog privilegija, mislin da oni stvarno viruju u to na temelju unutarnjeg gasa. Zato je to religija, zato je teško razgovarati s njima.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by Bran_Do 3/11/2014, 11:22

aben wrote:Ne znan šta bi reka. Svi ljudi koje ja znan su socijalisti, čak i oni koi su vlasnici malih biznisa a koi nisu slizani s vlašću. Možda je jednostavno dovoljno da je sustav kontraintuitivan (npr. zakonski minimalac uništava siromašne) da ga ljudi odbace. Stvarno ne virujen u zlonamjerne korisnike proračuna koi zadržavaju status quo zbog privilegija, mislin da oni stvarno viruju u to na temelju unutarnjeg gasa. Zato je to religija, zato je teško razgovarati s njima.

45+24 godina sustavne indoktrinacije ostavlja traga na mentalitetu i uvjerenjima, kako u pojedinaca tako i u kompletnom društvu.
Teško je taj skup naučenih slojeva probiti argumentima tek tako.

Glas razuma obično se povremeno pojavi tek kod onih koji su radili ili otvarali firme u inozemstvu. Ali takvi obično budu frustrirani i odluče se trajno svoje poslove prebacit vani, naročito kad vide da ni narod, a ni političari koji ga predstavljaju nemaju sluha za ideju slobodnog tržišta i zdrave konkurencije, već razmišljaju po liniji kolektivizma.

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 3/11/2014, 12:59

Užasan je osjećaj misliti različito od većine ljudi. Vjerojatno se tako stalno osjeća henok, ili onaj glumac iz kicovog videa na religijskom četu a koi je otkria new age; ako kažeš nešto, riskiraš da te proglase luđakom, ako ne kažeš, onda sam za sebe misliš da si luđak:)

Ipak, da ne bi ostalo na ovon mesijanskom kompleksu, evo dobar negacijski link :

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 3/11/2014, 13:09


Čovjek objašnjava zašto nije libertarijanac, na primjeru koraljnog grebena.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by kic 3/11/2014, 15:31

da, čitam taj blog nekad, baš suprotno govori o minimalcu od tebe ali ajd..

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by kic 3/11/2014, 15:38

čitam Taintera "Collapse of complex societies" i baš mi zvone ova dva citata:

Clough suggested that weakness and collapse can be caused by diverting resources from investment in capital to expenditures on art and knowledge. As more resources are devoted to artistic achievement, the share available for creating well being diminishes as does the society's strength. Thus the elements that define "civilisation" lead to its demise. The collapse of Egypt in the First Intermediate Period, and of Rome, are explained accordingly.

sigurno pretjeruje, ali da mnogo troškova ide na ne-nužnosti i danas, sigurno..

Ferrero indicted excessive urbanization as the cause of the Roman collapse. As the countryside was taxed and exploited to sustain urban living, and as the government established a public dole in many centers, the cities increasingly attracted the very peasantry upon whose labors in the countryside depended, which got increasingly depopulated.
da se naša zemlja pred našim očima depopularizira nije neko novo otkriće..

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 4/11/2014, 10:31

kic wrote:da, čitam taj blog nekad, baš suprotno govori o minimalcu od tebe ali ajd..
Al nie to jedini blog,

Minimalna plaća:

  • Brown, C., Gilroy, C., Kohen, A., The Effect of the Minimum Wage on Employment and Unemployment (link)

Zaključak: “10% increase in the minimum wage reduces teen employment by 1-3 percentage points.”

  • Neumark, D., Wascher, W., Minimum Wages and Employment (link)

Zaključak: “Indeed, in our view, the preponderance of the evidence points to disemployment effects. For example, the studies surveyed in this monograph correspond to 102 entries in our summary tables. Of these, by our reckoning nearly two-thirds give a relatively consistent (although by no means always statistically significant) indication of negative employment effects of minimum wages, while only eight give a relatively consistent indication of positive employment effects. In addition, we have highlighted in the tables 33 studies (or entries) that we view as providing the most credible evidence; 28 (85 percent) of these point to negative employment effects.119Moreover, when researchers focus on the least-skilled groups most likely to be adversely affected by minimum wages, the evidence for disemployment effects seems especially strong. In contrast, we see very few—if any—cases where a study provides convincing evidence of positive employment effects of minimum wages, especially among the studies that focus on broader groups for which the competitive model predicts disemployment effects. “

  • Gitis, B., How Minimum Wage Increased Unemployment and Reduced Job Creation in 2013 (link)

Zaključak: “The results indicate that when holding education constant and taking into account all 50 states, increasing the minimum wage actually has a devastating impact on job markets in the United States. Not only is there evidence that total unemployment rates increase and job creation decreases, but there is also substantial evidence that teenagers suffer the most.”

  • Wessels, W., The Effect of Minimum Wages on the Labor Force Participation Rates of Teenagers (link)

Zaključak: “The findings of this paper, when combined with past studies, make a strong case that the minimum wage decreases labor participation.”

  • Gorman, L., Minimum Wages (link)

Zaključak: “The problem, of course, is that pricing people out of a job does not reduce poverty. Neither does skewing compensation packages toward money wages and away from training, or encouraging employers to substitute skilled workers for unskilled workers, part-time jobs for full-time jobs, foreign labor for domestic labor, and machines for people. Minimum wage laws do all of these things and, in the process, almost surely do the disadvantaged more harm than good.”

  • Sherk, J., Ligon, J., Unprecedented Minimum-Wage Hike Would Hurt Jobs and the Economy (link)

Zaključak: “The model shows that increasing the minimum wage would hurt the economy on net—real GDP would decline by $42 billion in 2017 relative to the baseline. Moreover, by 2017 the legislation would reduce employment by 287,000 jobs annually.”

  • Murphy, R., I Get Empirical on Minimum Wage (link)

Zaključak: “If we look at the 19 states that have a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum, the average unemployment rate among teens is 25.2%. In contrast, if we look at the 31 states that have either no state-level minimum wage or one that equals the federal level, the average teen unemployment rate is 21.5%.”

  • Neumark, D., Nizalova, O., Minimum Wage Effects in the Long Run (link)

Zaključak: “The evidence indicates that as individuals reach their late 20’s, they earn less and may also work less the longer they were exposed to a higher minimum wage as a teen and young adult.”

  • Wilson, M., The Negative Effects of Minimum Wage Laws (link)

Zaključak: “Seventy years of empirical research generally finds that the higher the minimum wage increase is relative to the competitive wage level, the greater the loss in employment opportunities. A decision to increase the minimum wage is not cost-free; someone has to pay for it, and the research shows that low-skill youth pay for it by losing their jobs, while consumers may also pay for it with higher prices.”

  • Gorry, A., Minimum Wages and Youth Unemployment (link)

Zaključak: “The American Enterprise Institute found that increases in minimum wage between 2007-2009 account for a 0.8 percentage point increase in total unemployment and a 2.8 percentage point increase in youth unemployment.”

  • Vigdor, J., The Minimum Wage Is a Lousy Anti-Poverty Program (link)

Zaključak: “Thus if the goal of the minimum wage increase were to lift families from poverty, estimates suggest it will have a 6% success rate.  Flip that around, and you’ve got a 94% failure rate.  And this is assuming no adverse impact on employment whatsoever.”

  • Williams, W., A Minority View: Higher Minimum Wage (link)

Zaključak: “University of California, Irvine economist David Neumark has examined more than 100 major academic studies on the minimum wage. He states that the White House claim ‘grossly misstates the weight of the evidence.’ About 85 percent of the studies ‘find a negative employment effect on low-skilled workers’.”

  • Sowell, T., Minimum Wage Madness (link)

Zaključak: “Minorities, like young people, can also be priced out of jobs. In the United States, the last year in which the black unemployment rate was lower than the white unemployment rate — 1930 — was also the last year when there was no federal minimum wage law.”

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by kic 4/11/2014, 17:54

onda sam te krivo shvatio, mislio sam da se zalažeš za podizanje praga minimalca.

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 9/11/2014, 12:43

kic wrote:čitam Taintera "Collapse of complex societies" i baš mi zvone ova dva citata:

Clough suggested that weakness and collapse can be caused by diverting resources from investment in capital to expenditures on art and knowledge. As more resources are devoted to artistic achievement, the share available for creating well being diminishes as does the society's strength. Thus the elements that define "civilisation" lead to its demise. The collapse of Egypt in the First Intermediate Period, and of Rome, are explained accordingly.

sigurno pretjeruje, ali da mnogo troškova ide na ne-nužnosti i danas, sigurno..

ne sićan se više prvog prielaznog razdobla, al rim san obnavlja, koi bi to elementi bili?
daje li on kakve primjere?

brando je da jedan rad na tu temu neki dan, http://www.ecoshock.org/transcripts/greer_on_collapse.pdf

meni se čini da se tu cijelo vrime provlači žestoki intervencionizam. kaže diverting recources...by whom?

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by kic 9/11/2014, 14:46

zanimljiv tekst.

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by kic 9/11/2014, 14:58

Thus the collapse of the western Roman Empire, for example, could be
seen as a succession process in which one seral stage, dominated by a single
sociopolitical “species” that maximized capital production at the cost of inefficiency,
was replaced by a more diverse community of societies, consisting of many less
populous “species” better adapted to their own local conditions, and producing
capital at lower but more sustainable rates.

alternativa divertingu je ovo dakle..

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by aben 9/11/2014, 15:07

drugim riečima, decentralizacija.
u tom smislu komplexnost jest uzrok propasti, dakle samo ako pokušavaš upravljati.
ja kompleksnost vidin kao šlag, ka posljedicu slobodnog društva, nešto ka prašuma- puna živog svieta kojim niko ne upravlja.

Insofar as it is educational, it is not compulsory;

And insofar as it is compulsory, it is not educational

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Društveno-ekonomski sustavi - Page 18 Empty Re: Društveno-ekonomski sustavi

Post by kic 9/11/2014, 15:16

aben wrote:drugim riečima, decentralizacija.
u tom smislu komplexnost jest uzrok propasti, dakle samo ako pokušavaš upravljati.
ja kompleksnost vidin kao šlag, ka posljedicu slobodnog društva, nešto ka prašuma- puna živog svieta kojim niko ne upravlja.
drugim riječima komune? :P

tvoje mišljenje, pitanje je samo koliko je održiva ta društvena složena stratifikacija, stvar koja mi se sviđa kod Taintera je što je prikazao koliko je znanost često ne-znanstvena, i kapitalna djela čovječanstva su puna praznovjerja, misticizma i drugih subjektivnih mušica, Spengler pada ovak prvi na pamet..

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