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Chechnya hit by drone strike for first time, special forces university damaged, reports suggest

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Chechnya hit by drone strike for first time, special forces university damaged, reports suggest Empty Chechnya hit by drone strike for first time, special forces university damaged, reports suggest

Post by Eroo 29/10/2024, 13:35

Chechnya hit by drone strike for first time, special forces university damaged, reports suggest Screenshot-19327
Chechnya hit by drone strike for first time, special forces university damaged, reports suggest Screenshot-19326
Chechnya hit by drone strike for first time, special forces university damaged, reports suggest Screenshot-19328
Chechnya hit by drone strike for first time, special forces university damaged, reports suggest Screenshot-19329
Chechnya hit by drone strike for first time, special forces university damaged, reports suggest Screenshot-19330


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