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Rip Kris Kristofferson

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 30/9/2024, 19:50

Rip Kris Kristofferson 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 30/9/2024, 19:59

Odlaze velikani...

Rip Kris Kristofferson 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by debotoijusto 30/9/2024, 20:12

rip , nije mi bio napet moram priznat

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 30/9/2024, 20:43

Nije bio onaj tip junaka kakav bi u stripu bili Zagor, tex viler.
Ono Ken Parker đir...

Rip Kris Kristofferson 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

Posts : 6344

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by vuksadinare 30/9/2024, 21:37

Najbolja uloga mu je bila u filmu billy the kid i pat garett.. a scena kad je pistoljem gađao glave zakopanih pjetlova

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 30/9/2024, 21:47

Rip Kris Kristofferson 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 30/9/2024, 22:01

Rip Kris Kristofferson 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 1/10/2024, 12:24

Otac mu je bio general i njemu je bila namijenjena jednaka sudbina i on ju je poslušno slijedio, premda je u mladosti uočen i njegov literarni i sportski talent. Završio je Oxford, a zatim se priključio američkim trupama, služio u tadašnjoj Zapadnoj Njemačkoj. Stekao je čin kapetana, prošao obuku za pilota helikoptera, predavao književnost na West Pointu, da bi iznenada odustao od svega, preselio u Tennessee i posvetio se muzici. Obitelj je bila ogorčena i nikad mu to nije oprostila, a možete i razumijeti zašto. Imao je lijep, ugodan život s redovnim prihodima, koji je odbacio da bi radio kao podvornik u zgradi Columbia Recordsa u Nashvilleu. 
Vrhunac je ludosti ipak da je netko s diplomom najboljeg sveučilišta na svijetu ribao podove.

Dio vremena Kristofferson je tada radio kao podvornik, a u drugome dijelu je helikopterom prevozio radnike naftne kompanije, ali jedino što je zaista želio je postati pjevač i skladatelj. Pamti kako je upravo na naftnoj platformi, čekajući da se muškarci u zamašćenim kombinezonima ukrcaju ili iskrcaju, u štropotu alata i zujanju cijevi koje su bušile dno Meksičkog zaljeva, napisao svoju najljepšu ljubavnu pjesmu, nježnu i ranjivu Help Me Make It Through The Night.

Druga priča opet kaže kako je jedno popodne, na Cashovom posjedu nedaleko Nashvillea, June Carter došla u dnevnu sobu i kazala suprugu: "Johnny, neki nam se idiot spustio helikopterom u dvorište." 

Rip Kris Kristofferson 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

Posts : 6344

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 1/10/2024, 12:26

I za film previše

Rip Kris Kristofferson 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by abraham 1/10/2024, 12:38

Pocivaj u miru.

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by abraham 1/10/2024, 12:40

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Hoholo Mudovski 1/10/2024, 13:38

Rip Kris Kristofferson 20240832
Hoholo Mudovski
Hoholo Mudovski

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Službenik 1/10/2024, 13:46

Umiru posljednji ostatci Amerike kakvu smo znali. Neki i voljeli.

Danas ... slava!

Rip Kris Kristofferson 390f3a10


Posts : 3053

Lokacija: : Služba državne sigurnosti SR Hrvatske

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Službenik 1/10/2024, 13:55

They’re killing babies in the name of Freedom
We’ve been down that sorry road before
They let us hang around a little longer than they should have
And it’s too late to fool us anymore

We’ve seen the ones who killed the ones with vision
Cold-blooded murder right before your eyes
Today they hold the power and the money and the guns
It’s getting hard to listen to their lies

And I’ve just got to wonder what my Daddy would’ve done
If he’d seen the way they turned his dream around
I’ve got to go by what he told me, try to tell the truth
And stand your ground
Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down

Mining roads
Killing farmers
Burning down schools full of children
Fighting communism

Ouch .... damn man!


Posts : 3053

Lokacija: : Služba državne sigurnosti SR Hrvatske

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

Post by Službenik 2/10/2024, 12:34

Službenik wrote:They’re killing babies in the name of Freedom
We’ve been down that sorry road before
They let us hang around a little longer than they should have
And it’s too late to fool us anymore

We’ve seen the ones who killed the ones with vision
Cold-blooded murder right before your eyes
Today they hold the power and the money and the guns
It’s getting hard to listen to their lies

And I’ve just got to wonder what my Daddy would’ve done
If he’d seen the way they turned his dream around
I’ve got to go by what he told me, try to tell the truth
And stand your ground
Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down

Mining roads
Killing farmers
Burning down schools full of children
Fighting communism

Ouch .... damn man!

I što sad? Libertarijanci/liberali ga slave ili će ga proglasti ''komunjarom'' zbog ovakvih stihova?


Posts : 3053

Lokacija: : Služba državne sigurnosti SR Hrvatske

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Rip Kris Kristofferson Empty Re: Rip Kris Kristofferson

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