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YU prica

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YU prica Empty YU prica

Post by Serbinho-3 24/8/2024, 10:45

YU prica Img_1217


Posts : 27450

Lokacija: : Italy

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YU prica Empty Re: YU prica

Post by Serbinho-3 24/8/2024, 10:50

Nikad cuo.

Hotel Nacional je na Autoputu a Starà Bezanija, Ledine

Ivana Ribara Blokovi, Novi Beograd sa druge strane.

Tesko da su odatle otisli do Nacionala, predaleko.

Tu je ta li ima za sletanje iz pravca Avale, preko Save,

onda krene spustanje ili sa Severa.

Ovaj ocigledno nije ni za bicikl bio a kamoli DC-9 da


Ispred imas brdo, gde su Ledine.

Mogao je u brdo da se zakuca.

Pista je na tom brdu.

Oni su dobro prosli a prica zataskana.

Motori su najbitniji, slika nema, tako da su resili problem.


Posts : 27450

Lokacija: : Italy

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YU prica Empty Re: YU prica

Post by Serbinho-3 24/8/2024, 10:54

Circumstances: On final approach to Belgrade-Surčin Airport, the crew encountered marginal weather conditions with patches of fog and a visibility limited to 2,500 meters with 7/8 of clouds at 1,500 meters. The pilot-in-command decided to continue the approach after he lost visual contact with the ground when the airplane struck the ground 2,570 meters short of runway threshold. On impact, the undercarriage were torn off and the airplane slid for several meters before coming to rest in flammes. All 50 occupants were able to evacuate the cabin and only four passengers were slightly injured while the aircraft was totally destroyed by a post crash fire.
Probable cause: Wrong approach configuration on part of the flying crew who decided to continue the approach below the minimum descent altitude in limited visibility after visual contact was lost with the ground.

Posts : 27450

Lokacija: : Italy

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YU prica Empty Re: YU prica

Post by Serbinho-3 24/8/2024, 10:56

Nikakvih podataka o posadi.

Podesio uredjaje ispod dozvoljene visine i pokupio


Sreca da se nije zakucao u brdo.

Preko veze i onda to tako ide.

Avion kompletno unisten.

Krilo se, prvi put cujem a fakticki moj kraj.


Posts : 27450

Lokacija: : Italy

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YU prica Empty Re: YU prica

Post by Serbinho-3 24/8/2024, 11:03

Slovenac, iako su JAT greskom okacili.

Slabo poznavao teren.

Ko je odatle, takvu gresku ne bi napravio.

YU prica Img_1218

Posts : 27450

Lokacija: : Italy

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