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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Noor 4/20/2018, 10:56

PhoebeBuffay wrote:
Noor wrote:@violator...

obožavam tirkiz i nefrit...i imam ih par (pravih, ne bojanih kamenova)
kad ih stavim, osjećam se nekako kompletna, a pogled na njih me smiruje

baš jako ih volim...


Ja imam po stanu rasporedeno vulkansko kamenje...
Decko me sprda za to stalno
nek sprda, šta te briga :P

imam i jednu kristalnu kvrgu od cca 3 kg...nježno roza naranđaste je boje, složena kao svjetiljka, ne znam koji je kristal, poslikat ću pa pomagajte :D


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 11:10

još malo rock-ajmo


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 11:14

Metilda sto si popila jutros :D

Istarsku rakiju

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 11:23

PhoebeBuffay wrote:Metilda sto si popila jutros :D

Istarsku rakiju

zašto  insinuiraš da pijem rano ujutro..  :P
samo sam prešla na heavy metal rockanje... B-)
a ja taman preskočila jedan zgodan komentar na tvoj neki post - reko' neću se sad zamjeriti i fibici... :)

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 11:27

drago mi je da imamo stručnjaka za kristale na forumu i evo pitanja, da li kristale možemo čistiti orgonitom?

nameće mi se logičan odgovr da, ali ipak bih volio čuti mišljenje i iskustvo nekoga tko je duže u tim vodama.

Prihvačeno. I ja ču pisati o orgonitima na podforumu.

Nove kristale najpametnije je najprije oprati pod tekučom vodom, osušiti i izbrisati iz njih programe, koje su svijesno ili nesvljesno unijeli drugi ljudi. Najjednostavnije se to može napraviti radiestezijskim viskom ili Biorgonomijom- meditativnom tehnikom Merkabah.

Viskom idemo 15-20 cm iznad kristala, smirimo svoj um i pređemo u alfa stanje vibracije mozga. Ako nismo u alfa stanju, ne možemo korektno raditi radiesteziju- u rad se upliče volja, razum, razne smetnje i nepoželjni utijecaji....
Svom podsvesnom umu naredimo: čiščenje svih programa iz kristala!
Vizualizacijom pratimo proces,visak se vrti..., dok ne dobimo osiječaj, da je kristal čist. Visak se smiri.
Potrebno je puno vremena, strpljenja, koncentracije i napornog rada : ali isplati se. Na kraju uvijek dođe i rezultat. A rezultat je i potpuno osvajanje praktičnoga znanja o procesu.

Mekabah meditacija puno je jednostvavnija i lakša za ljude. Vizualiziramo tridimenzionalnu Davidovu zvijezdu na slijedeči način:
Ispred sebe stvorimo je iz čiste kozmičke svijetlosti plave boje. U duhovnom oku moramo zadržati tu sliku i predstavu, Davidovu zvijezdu stvorimo sami i sve, dok nam nestaje iz vidnoga polja, proces ostvarivanja nije završen. Slika treba postati i biti potpuna toliko vremena, koliko to mi želimo. Ostvarivanje takve zvijezde dovoljno je napraviti i završiti samo jedanput u životu! To znači, da svaki slijedeči put, ona se pojavi, kad nam zatreba mi je samo pozovemo.

Kada imamo u svom duhovnom oku sliku tridimenzionalne Davidove zvijezde, možemo sa njom očistiti bilo što, pa i kristale.
Kristal možemo staviti na stol ispred sebe, zatvoriti oči i stvoriti zvijezdu tako, da se kristal nalazi u centru Davidove zvijezde. Zamislimo bijelu kozmičku svijetlost, koja iz Univerzuma u obliku zraka ili trake uđe u zvijezdu i "čisti" kristal. Kad je kristal očiščen, traka nestaje, izgubi se.
Zahvalimo iz sveg srca Bogu, kozmičnoj inteligenciji.............. za pomoč!

Tek onda kristal postavimo u blizinu orgonita za 20-25 minuta.


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 11:30

S obzirom na količinu Metildine energije, imam osjećaj da joj kuća već blista :)
Još kuću nisam čistila uz metal. A, možda bih trebala probati, možda bih bila ubrzanija :)

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 11:54

metilda wrote:još malo rock-ajmo

Otkrivenje 21,5 I reče onaj, koji je sjedio na prijestolju: "Evo sve novo činim." I reče mi: "Napiši, jer su ove riječi vjerne i istinite."
Otkrivenje 21,6 I reče mi: "Svršilo se. Ja sam Alfa i Omega: "Početak i Svršetak. Ja ću žednome dati iz izvora vode života zabadava.
Otkrivenje 21,7 Tko pobijedi, ovo će baštiniti, i bit ću mu Bog, i on će biti moj sin.
Otkrivenje 21,8 A strašljivima, i nevjernima i nečistima, i ubojicama i bludnicima, i vračarima i idolopoklonicima i svima lašcima, njima je dio u jezeru, što gori ognjem i sumporom. To je smrt druga.
Otkrivenje 21,9 I dođe jedan od sedam anđela, koji su imali sedam časa punih sedam posljednjih zala, i reče mi s menom govoreći: "Dođi, pokazat ću ti zaručnicu, ženu Janjetovu."
Otkrivenje 21,10 I odvede me u duhu na goru veliku i visoku, i pokaza mi sveti grad Jerusalem, gdje silazi s neba od Boga,
Otkrivenje 21,11 U krasoti Božjoj. I svjetlost njegova bijaše kao dragi kamen, kao kamen jaspis, što sja kao kristal.
Otkrivenje 21,12 I imao je zid velik i visok, što je imao dvanaestora vrata; i na vratima dvanaest anđela, i imena napisana, i imena dvanaest plemena sinova Izraelovih.
Otkrivenje 21,13 Od istoka vrata troja, i od sjevera vrata troja, od juga vrata troja, i od zapada vrata troja.
Otkrivenje 21,14 I zid gradski imao je dvanaest temelja, i na njima dvanaest imena dvanaest apostola Janjetovih.
Otkrivenje 21,15 I onaj, koji je govorio s menom, imao je kao mjeru zlatnu trsku, da izmjeri grad i vrata njegova i zidove njegove.
Otkrivenje 21,16 I grad na četiri ugla stoji, i dužina je njegova, kolika i širina. I izmjeri grad trskom na dvanaest tisuća stadija. Dužina i širina i visina jednaka je.
Otkrivenje 21,17 I izmjeri zid njegov na sto i četrdeset i četiri lakta, po mjeri čovječjoj, koja je anđelova.
Otkrivenje 21,18 I bila je grada zida njegova jaspis, i grad zlato čisto kao čisto staklo.
Otkrivenje 21,19 Temelji zida gradskoga bili su ukrašeni svakim dragim kamenjem: prvi temelj bijaše jaspis, drugi safir, treći kalcedon, četvrti smaragd,
Otkrivenje 21,20 Peti sardoniks, šesti sard, sedmi krizolit, osmi beril, deveti topaz, deseti krizopras, jedanaesti hijacint, dvanaesti ametist.
Otkrivenje 21,21 I dvanaest vrata dvanaest bisera, svaka vrata bijahu od jednoga bisera; i ulica gradska bijaše zlato čisto, kao staklo prozirno.
Otkrivenje 21,22 I hrama ne vidjeh u njemu, jer je njegov hram Gospod Bog Svemoćni, i Janje.
Otkrivenje 21,23 I grad ne treba sunca ni mjeseca da svijetle u njemu; jer ga je slava Božja obasjala, i svjetiljka je njegova Janje.
Otkrivenje 21,24 I hodit će narodi u svijetlu njegovu, i kraljevi zemlje donijet će slavu i čast svoju u njega.
Otkrivenje 21,25 I vrata njegova neće se zatvarati danju, jer ondje noći neće biti.
Otkrivenje 21,26 I donijet će slavu i čast naroda u njega.
Otkrivenje 21,27 I neće u njega ući ništa nečisto, i koji čini, što je gad i laž, nego samo, koji su zapisani u knjizi života Janjeta.


Revelation 21:11-21 New International Version (NIV)
11 It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. 12 It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. 13 There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west. 14 The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

15 The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. 16 The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia[a] in length, and as wide and high as it is long. 17 The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144 cubits[b] thick.[c] 18 The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. 19 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.[d] 21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 12:08

mativka wrote:S obzirom na količinu Metildine energije, imam osjećaj da joj kuća već blista :)
Još kuću nisam čistila uz metal. A, možda bih trebala probati, možda bih bila ubrzanija :)

evo probaj.. ja sve nešto melankolično  pa počnem s čišćenjem u 9, a jutros bome  u pola  7 kad sam popila kavu.. međutim, nema muža doma pa ja mogu raspaliti..

evo još jedna pa ću pržiti ribu:


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 12:09


Svaki kristal živo je biče! Pa se treba tako i ponašati prema njemu..

NIJEDAN kristal neče nam dobro raditi, ako mu iz svega srca nedamo osijetiti topline naše duše i LJUBAVI prema njemu!!!

Naša je ljubav do kristala najbolja tehnika aktiviranja!!!

Najznaimnjivije ponaša se od svih kristala Smaragd: isti momenat, kad nismo u ljubavi iz bilokog razloga- on prestane raditi-prestane vibrirati sve, dok opet ne dođemo u ravnotežu i u polje ljubavi!


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 12:37

Catacomb saints

Catacomb saints were the bodies of ancient Christians that were carefully exhumed from the catacombs of Rome and sent abroad to serve as relics of certain saints from the 16th century to the 19th century. They were typically lavishly decorated with gold and precious stones.
During the Beeldenstorm of the 16th century and continued iconoclasm of the 17th century, Catholic churches throughout Europe were systematically stripped of their religious symbols, iconography and relics. In response, the Vatican ordered that thousands of skeletons be exhumed from the catacombs beneath the city and installed in towns throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Few, if any, of the corpses belonged to people of any religious significance though, given their burial, some may have been early Christian martyrs. Each was nonetheless painstakingly dressed and decorated as one of the various Catholic saints. One church spent 75 gulden dressing their saint.

Though selling the relics would have been considered simony, enterprising church officials still managed to raise funds while countering the iconoclasm by charging for transportation, decoration, induction and blessing. Historian and author Diarmaid MacCulloch compared the collection of catacomb saints by rich Bavarian families as being akin to the modern-day practice of purchasing personalised number plates, given that many of the saints shared the name of their patron. Church officials became adept at uncovering saints related to particular wealthy families.

By the 19th century, many of the fakes had been discovered. Some were stripped of their finery and destroyed while others were placed in storage.


Between the 16th and 19th century, by order of the Vatican thousands of ancient Roman corpses were exhumed from the catacombs of Rome.These skeletal remains were given fictitious names and were sent abroad as relics of saints.

Although it is unlikely that any of the corpses were of religious significance, the remains were decorated, bejewelled and dressed to represent a catholic saint.

Some of these adorned skeletons remained in churches others were purchased and even collected by wealthy families. Their collections were regarded as status symbol, in similar fashion to today’s purchases of personalised number plates!

Some “saints” were chosen as their name was that of their new owners. The skeletons were covered with precious jewels and finery dressed in expensive textiles, some were wigs, armour and crowns. The dressing and adorning was carried out by nuns, in the mid 1500’s such skeletons were transported across the Alps to be adorned by craftswomen such as Potentiana Harmmerl, a nun from Freising. Potentiana is known to have adorned the relic which was named as St Albertus.

The relics were used in their new locations as conduits of prayers, and an example of the riches awaiting the faithful.

The residents of Porrentury in Switzerland were so distraught by the sale of two relics in 1803, that they rallied and fund raised to buy them back 174 years later.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 12:44

Paul Koudounaris is an author and photographer from LA with a sly eye for the macabre and a PhD in Art History from UCLA. He has travelled extensively around Europe unearthing some of the most bizarre and ornate skeletons known to man. He has uncovered a hoard of 400-year-old jewel encrusted bodies across Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

So where did these incredible relics come from? Well, during the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s many churches were ransacked and relics destroyed because they were deemed to be non-Christian. These magnificently adorned bodies were distributed by the Catholic church in the aftermath to restore faith and pride in Catholicism.

Incredibly, Paul Koudounaris found some of these so-called ‘Catacomb Saints’ hidden away in containers and lock-ups, having been away from prying eyes for centuries. Many of the bodies were mistaken to be early martyrs, but the important thing for the locals who received these dramatic bodies at the time was their impressive richness. They were a symbol of the Catholic church’s money and power.

But where did they get so many saintly corpses? The truth is that the church had an abundance of 1st century skeletons within the Roman catacombs; many of these bodies were actually pagans and none of them had names or stories attached to them, they were effectively random bodies. This was a trivial matter for the Catholic church, the Pope simply declared them saints, gave them names, got the nuns to jazz them up with gold and jewels and sold them on to distant northern churches.


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 13:32

metilda wrote:
PhoebeBuffay wrote:Metilda sto si popila jutros :D

Istarsku rakiju

zašto  insinuiraš da pijem rano ujutro..  :P
samo sam prešla na heavy metal rockanje... B-)
a ja taman preskočila jedan zgodan komentar na tvoj neki post - reko' neću se sad zamjeriti i fibici... :)
Na koji?

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 13:35

Inace... tema je fakat necitljiva :D

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 14:48

metilda wrote:Svaki kristal živo je biče! Pa se treba tako i ponašati prema njemu..

NIJEDAN kristal neče nam dobro raditi, ako mu iz svega srca nedamo osijetiti topline naše duše i LJUBAVI prema njemu!!!

A posebno će dobro raditi ako ga doslovce obožavamo. Dapače!

The Stone Roses: I Wanna Be Adored


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 20:10

Svatko se na svoj način "puni".
I ja sam se danas punila u vrtu, sve dok mi komarci nisu pokušali isisati lijepo stečenu energiju :)

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 20:51

mativka wrote:Svatko se na svoj način "puni".
I ja sam se danas punila u vrtu, sve dok mi komarci nisu pokušali isisati lijepo stečenu energiju :)

znači i u tebe počeli radovi..
ja sam popodne provela okopavajući smilje, srećom došla kćer pa će nam i sutra pomoći.. :)
Ali zato  neću stići držati lekcije o kristalima... B-)

uz malo glazbice za uspavanku  ... :D


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 21:02

Počeli, počeli.
Okopala danas jagode i maline, posijala mrkvu, peršin, mahune, krastavce u posudice pa ću ih kasnije presaditi. Uz rubove posijala i Lijepe Kate jer me podsjećaju na djetinjstvo, a i lijepe su u vazi. Sutra ću luk saditi, posijati salate, meni omiljene rotkvice, a u ponedjeljak što sutra ne budem stigla.
Od jesenas imam salate, mladog luka, bijelog luka, a i graška. Koja je milina domaća salata, a i razlika od kupovne je nevjerojatna.
Dvorište sam završila (uređivanje), i rekla sam sebi: Neću više pretjerivati s cvijećem i ukrasnim, aromatičnim biljem, i dakako agrumima. Al sve me uvijek mami.
I da, nabrala sam si jorgovana, stavila u vazu, tako da mi jutro uz kavu bude ljepše :)
Proljeće je najljepše godišnje doba!

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 21:55

Postoji li tema koja bi većini bila zanimljiva?

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic 4/20/2018, 21:59

ovo je ljeto

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 22:01

kic wrote:
ovo je ljeto
Ovisi što radiš :)

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest 4/20/2018, 22:37

Jutros sam ovo pročitala u Jutarnjem, i moram reći da mi je ona oduvijek jedna od dražih osoba s naše "scene":


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

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